Days of our Lives - Wednesday, August 30, 2023


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Stephanie comes out of the bedroom. Chad has prepared breakfast for her. She needs help working up an appetite. They kiss and the doorbell rings (my dog goes nuts); Chad is going to get rid of whoever that is. Hey, it’s Alex.

Kristen is on the phone with Mr. Roth. Roth wants to finish up with Dimitri. Kristen wants to meet with Roth.

Stefan and Gabi are kissy kissy, but sadly they have to scheme elsewhere than the bedroom. This scheming is turning them both on.

Dimitri and Gwen have returned from Iceland. They tell Kristen about Leo turning up to interrupt their honeymoon. Kristen digs at them. Gwen tells Kristen she knows darn well why they returned early. Soap stares between Dimitri and Kristen.

Leo is dragging a bag through the town square complaining about having to return alone to the Salem Inn and runs into Sonny. Leo asks why Sonny is back in town? Sonny explains about Uncle Vic.

Dimitri explains about a meeting before the DiMera board meeting. It makes no sense, but then it’s Days. Kristen wants to know why Leo went to Iceland?

Rachel comes into Stefan’s room, it’s creepy. He is trying to get a secret from Rachel. Rachel feels creepy and leaves.

Gabi interrupts Roth’s breakfast, promising to do something special for him. Roth has a flashback of Kristen’s warning about Gabi. Gabi blah blahs about her daughter.

Stefan stops Rachel from leaving. He wants to keep playing the guess-the-secret game with Rachel, who asks are all married people as weird as you? The game starts, if it wasn’t so creepy it, would be a great scene.

Kristen and Dimitri talk of convincing Mr. Roth about how the marriage is valid when Gwen doesn’t know about the fortune and she has to meet with Roth today.

Alex needs Stephanie’s help; he needs her to meet with Yuri. Chad and Alex are yadda yadda-ing. Alex has lost his drive, his vim, his vigor. Alex acted like a child when he last saw his Uncle Victor. Chad confronts him on his wallowing in guilt.

Sonny doesn’t have the time to deal with Leo. Leo is in therapy, who knew? Sonny has Leo’s number. Leo works now as a volunteer as a dog walker. Leo tells Sonny that he’s in love with Matthew Perry. Sonny doesn’t believe him.

Kristen and Dimitri continue whatever it is they are doing. Dimitri has to figure out how to keep Gwen out of this.

Roth tells Gabi that her daughter, or son, would have the same chance at the school. But Gabi drops the bomb that Martin Prep is an all-girls' school so her son wouldn’t be welcome, so just who are you, Mr. Roth??

Stefan has gotten down to 9 questions in this stupid game and has figured out that Dimitri has had a sleepover with someone and Gwen doesn’t know anything about it. Kristen walks in and ends the game. Kristen bribes Rachel with chocolate chip cookies.

Gabi finds out that Roth is an attorney and he is here to validate the Von Leuschner codicil.

Sonny and Leo continue to talk about how Leo ruined their friendship.

Dimitri, this man who ruled the world without blinking an eye, is now a bowl of goo and can’t figure out his way from the room. What happened to Dimitri? His own mother wouldn’t recognize this waste of skin.

Stephanie jumps on Chad for asking Alex if he is going to wallow in self-pity. Chad will explain himself. Chad explains he knows about wanting to shut oneself off from the world when grieving. Chad offers somewhat sane advice. Alex leaves, Stephanie kisses Chad and tells him that he’s a good man.

Leo struggles to get into his room, dreaming about Dimitri and chatting.

Alex appears at the house, as Sonny walks in. Hugs for folks who hate the Auntie Mag calling, get ready.

Dimitri has something to tell Gwen. He gets a text from Leo telling him to fake it till he makes it. Dimitri needs to run an errand.

Gabi comes in, she knows the secret.

Alex has told Sonny the backstory off-screen. They find a photo album of Victor. We get so see the pictures. Victor and Shaggy Phil. Victor and Maggie, great pictures.

Stephanie and Chad talk while eating breakfast. Stephanie is proud of Chad. They badmouth the DiMeras.

Gabi and Stefan just have to figure out who Dimitri’s sidepiece is and they will be in the driver’s seat for this fast-devolving scheme.

Dimitri arrives at Leo’s, if he can’t figure out everything. Leo explains that Gwen won’t take the news well. The plan is to have someone pose as Gwen to meet with the lawyer.

Gwen's in the DiMera drinking room/living room, has a hissy fit. Kristen runs in and says "ahhh yes, I assume Dimitri has explained everything. Gwen says "everything??"
Deleted unnecessary quote - no need to quote the post directly above your own post. You've been told several times to stop doing this. JS

I think it might have came off creepy because it was in the bedroom.
Just a side note, but at times, while replying right under a post, someone else posts something, and of course, am unaware until I post then, too late to quote the post which now is 2 or 3 posts above mine. Happens.....
I really think Dimitri should just cut Gwen in! I'm sure she'd be ok with 10 mil.

I love Gabi and Stefan. 20 questions is cute but Gabi got the dish. She was good with Mr. Roth.

The pictures of John Aniston (Victor) bring a tear to my eye. Was cool there was one with the current Philip.

And I really loved at end of mine it said "up next, The Dick Van Dyke Show" My absolute all time favorite show! Didn't know it was on Peacock. Thought I do have the series on DVD.
Oh boy, seems I missed a ton of stuff due to surgeries and moving.

Tell me, is Rachel still a little brat?

When did Gabi have a son? I’m really lost. Ugh, it’ll take me forever to catch up.
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When did Gabi have a son?
She doesn't. From how I took it in the summary, Mr. Roth pretended he was there about Martin Prep, a school, and said that Gabi's son or daughter could get in. She said her "son" couldn't get in, because it's an all-girls school, letting him know she realized he was there under false pretenses. And he clearly didn't know Gabi only has a daughter.
lol, she first asked (she was pretending since he was pretending to be the head of that school) about enrolling her daughter, & when he gave her a song and dance about it taking time, & how she had to talk to someone else at the school, puting her off, so she said she bet if she was enrolling her son there would be no delay. He assured her that even her son would be subject to this delay.......and Gabi gleefully reminded him the school was an all girls' school. Twas silly, but funny.

And yes, Rachel still somewhat of a brat, but she is very bright as well. The game of 20 questions also was really silly and rather stupid in my opinion, but Stefan did learn one new fact. there was a sleepover no one knew about. LOL
Thanks, robin.

It's a new day in Salem.

I'm surprised Chad and Stephanie didn't guess who was at the door. And where are the kids? Shouldn't they
be eating breakfast too?

Nice to see Sonny in Salem for Victor's death.

Will Gabi and Stefan ever guess the sleepover was with a male and not a female?

What will Kristen tell Gwen since she thinks she knows everything?
Not the most exciting show today. Way too much Kritter and her bratty daughter. Then there were the less-than-exciting adventures of Alex and Dimitri. Speaking of Dimitri, he is one poor schemer. By the time he gets done, he just might have to cut so many people in on the Von Leuschner fortune that it will be hardly worth having. The photos of Victor were very nice. In fact, the writers would have done better if they’d quadrupled the Vic content and eliminated all the filler.
It's a shame writers have to think up "filler" for daily soaps, it all cannot be "must watch" every day. Personally, I think would be a good idea for 2 different soaps be scheduled at same time. 1 for Mon., Wed., Fri. and the other for Tues. & Thurs. LOL, yeah, would never work, I know.

Daytime doesn't have the luxury that prime time does, 1 day a week, thus the writers don't have to think up inane boring conversations, doings, etc.
By the way, writers are supposedly not allowed to read message boards, fan sites, etc. so the ideas & suggestions from fans don't reach them.

Please note I said "supposedly" as no idea if they all follow that or perhaps have others do so, and report back???
It would be amazing if they writers could come up with two different stories that used all of the characters. So Kate could be talking with Roman about A and then cross over to the town square and talk to Maggie about B, but nope we have one story with 2 maybe 3 people dominate for weeks with filler scenes in between then a let down period. As sad it is that John Aniston/Victor passed, can you imagine how boring August would have been without the wonderful episodes/segments dealing with memories and such?
I think would be a good idea for 2 different soaps be scheduled at same time. 1 for Mon., Wed., Fri. and the other for Tues. & Thurs.
That's what they used to do, almost. Viewers could pretty much count on one storyline [group of characters] on M,W,F, and the other story line [group of characters] on T,Th. I don't know if that was better or not, just more predictable. I prefer that they try to mix the characters up a bit, but not too forced.