Days of our Lives - Wednesday, January 17, 2024


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
34 minutes of conversation and setting up “fun” things for future viewing.

Xander enters his apartment with boxes asking Sarah where she wants them? Her bedroom. They are heavy boxes and Xander wants to know what’s inside? Stuff for Victoria, including shoes. Sarah has a gnome collection. They will have to unpack tonight if they want a place to sit.

Johnson apartment: they are having roast chicken, a family tradition, until Joey puts ketchup on it. Steve is happy both of his kids are in town. The hospital is busy but both Doctors Johnson are home not working for the night.

Stefan is chatting with Gabi. The leg is still healing. (It was broken around Thanksgiving so it is taking a really long time to heal). Stefan yada yadas for a bit.

Outside in the snow, Ava wants to know why Harris texted with an unknown number? Harris wants to know why she came out if it was an unknown number? Harris begs for the truth.

Sarah goes to check on Victoria, to make sure she’s still sleeping. Xander mutters to himself and flashes back to asking Sarah to move in. Sarah wants to heat up the leftover haggis, but there are too many boxes to get to the kitchen, so pizza it is.

Back to Stefan chatting with Gabi, he misses her face, and those two and especially that. The operator cuts the call. Stefan calls out for Ava after the call is abruptly ended.

Ava tosses stories at Harris, they bounce off him. He is a super hero. Harris again begs to help.

Kayla asks Wendy to call her Kayla in as there are two Dr. Johnsons in the room. Tripp says you can still call me Dr. Johnson, it feeds my ego. Stephanie’s phone rings, it’s Everett. She invites Everett to join her with her family, BEFORE asking her mom.

Ava might be crumbling, but its cold out. Harris takes off his coat and gives it to her. Ava asks why did you raid my place? She begs him to stop doing that. Harris gives her his badge. He’s not a cop just a man who cares deeply for you.

Sarah is going to reheat the haggis, neeps and tatties together in a whiskey sauce tomorrow. Xander is pleased. Now to the unpacking of boxes. But first Xander wants them to both be comfortable, perhaps do we need a sewing machine? Xander wants to condense a bit. Sarah wants to get rid of the kilt trunk, where Xander keeps his kilt and ghillie brogues. Xander kept the trunk in a closet. Perhaps the gnomes would like to be in a garden shed? Sarah is going to ask Maggie if she can store stuff at the house until it’s needed. Then Xander can move all the not needed stuff at this moment back tomorrow.

Everett not surprisingly makes it to Steve and Kayla’s before they sit down to eat. Steve asks Tripp if he knows this dude? Tripp answers yes, I met him in Seattle when I was living there with Stephanie and Joey. (You know when he was a doctor in Seattle and would have known an unconscious John Doe brought into the hospital) Steve demands to know why Tripp didn’t tell him about Stephanie’s boyfriend? Tripp responds with I wasn’t aware I was to feed you information on Stephanie’s boyfriends. Stephanie introduces Everett to the group; Everett has brought flowers and a bottle of white and a bottle of red for dinner. Everett will have a glass of red. Steve starts grilling Everett.

More unpacking boxes joy. Xander opens a box to see if it stays or goes. It’s Sarah’s Xander box. Xander is amazed that Sarah has a Xander box. He insists on looking inside. Inside is his favorite beach hat, he puts it on and looks dorky, if possible.

Harris continues to try to get Ava to help. Something about a feeling in his soul. Just as he is about to kiss Ava, Stefan wanders out.

Steve wants to know how Everett and Stephanie met? There is a muffin story. It isn’t all that interesting. Steve is annoying in the TV Dad sort of way, asking all sorts of questions about when, they first met and such?

Xander is shocked to see a Quaich whiskey cup. It’s known as loving cup because of the two handles. It is used at weddings. The happy couple have their first drink together from the cup. But Xander couldn’t find it for his and Sarah’s wedding. Maggie found it the other day and it was put in the Xander box and not returned to Xander. It’s also used for Burns night, the great Scottish poet. She also kept the wedding picture.

Stefan grabs Ava and literally drags her back inside the shop.

Steve continues the overbearing dad-grilling. Tripp wants to change the subject of Stephanie’s long-lost love.

Xander has pulled his shoulder. Sarah massages his shoulder. They divvy up the household chores. Xander has evolved, he now puts the toilet seat down. They kiss.

Ava and Stefan blah blah, Harris enters more annoying yada yada. That ends in a Oh yeah, how bout this, as Stefan grabs Ava and dips her into a kiss.

The big news from Tripp and Wendy is a stupid game app for the phone. Geocache-based game sort of a scavenger hunt. Wendy did it in Hong Kong. Steve wants to know why? (As will most of the fans.) Because it’s fun. Stephanie wants to plan one as a benefit. She will talk to Mayor Price. The paper will sponsor it. The hospital will get the money, Everett will provide publicity, Wendy will handle the tech and Steve will hide the goodies as he knows Salem’s insides and outsides.

Since February is heart month (gag me) they will plan this for Valentine’s Day. Steve and Kayla’s anniversary. So what kind of goodies are we going to hide? Tripp has a list of things to hide. Steve goes through the lists everyone provided. Wendy and Tripp have to leave as Tripp has the early shift. Steve makes a doggie bag for Wendy. Kayla talks to Tripp about patients. Steve talks to Wendy is his overbearing dad way. Everett has to leave he needs to grab some sleep. Old Everett had insomnia and new Everett doesn’t.

Sarah and Xander break off the kiss. They aren’t going to do this. Sarah and Xander are going to do what’s best for Victoria. They say goodnight and Xander heads off to bed. Sarah goes to fondle the Xander box, then she too goes to bed.

Harris gets it, Stefan is a married man who is cheating on his incarcerated woman. Harris leaves. Ava freaks out about the kiss. Stefan says Harris is NOT your friend. Ava starts drinking from the bottle.
Since February is heart month (gag me)

Actually, February is Heart Disease/Defect Awareness month. It helps bring awareness of/to those of us with heart issues. I think that was more of a short PSA than an annoying over-the-top Valentine's Day reference.
Xander looks good in any hat.

Funny story, I was telling my husband about Bill Hayes' (Doug) death and then we started talking about John Aniston's (Victor) and Joe Mascolo's (Stefano) death. He was asking who was in whose family, like which family is Brady? Chad?, etc. Then he says: Which family is the guy, you know the one you like? And without missing a beat, I said 'Oh Xander'. He laughed that all he had to say was "the one you like" and I knew it was Xander.

Right now Xander is the only thing I like about this show
Have not watched yet, but sure sounds like a dud of an episode. Wonder if the fired guy was purposely trying to sink Days?
Dud it was — boring chat at Steve’s place, Harris pleading with Ava, Ava and Zero squawking at each other, and love in the air in Xander and Sarah’s box-cluttered apartment. It was a regular thrill a minute. Perhaps, the most exciting revelation was that Sarah has a “Xander box.” These boxes might be a hit at Salem’s better stores if they all included a full-color, glossy photo of a shirtless X-Man.
Thanks, robin.

I decided to put the Johnson family tweet here since the stuff with Everett doesn't make sense at all when you look at the dates.

So, the Johnson family and friends want to do a scavenger hunt on Valentine's Day. Do they still do the geo tag stuff with phones?
I know they did before the pandemic.

Why didn't Stephanie mention Everett was in a coma?

How much did Everett hear about Paulina? Tripp and Kayla weren't smart to talk about getting her report the next day.

I can't believe Sarah brought so much stuff to the small apartment. A sewing machine. So, it's a family heirloom? It doesn't
mean you should keep it. Well, maybe I shouldn't say anything about that. I still have my mom's sewing machine in my car.
I took it out of my brother's storage unit in June. It's too heavy for me for me to take out of the car.

A box of gnomes. Anyone else wonder how that started and they're all over nowadays? A Xander box. I can understand why
she has that. But where was the towel that Xander is famous for?

Oh yeah, there were three other people that were on. Who cares what's going on with them?
Finally watched this episode, Dr. B said it all.........Dud is even being polite..........

Yes the fired guy was exec producer, and if this is how he was doing the job...........glad he is gone.

Sarah is not stupid. She would not have packed all that stuff to move into Xander's place, knowing how small it was. The writers and prop people need to get a clue, perhaps communicate somewhat better than they are.
P.S. Sarah could have packed up Victoria's things, and her own clothes, and then had everything else put in storage. An antique sewing maching, she doesn't know how to sew, but was planning to learn............yep, for the past several years, but hasn't gotten around to it. Give me a BREAK!
Did I miss something either in today's episode, the write up or an earlier one? Where did Sarah have all of this stuff? I thought she was living at the K-mansion? It didn't all have to be moved at once, did it? I'm confused.