Days of Our Lives - Wednesday, January 24, 2024


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May 27, 2009
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South Carolina
Caption under the episode: "Brady meets with Kristen and Rachel for a make-up date." So yeah, I'm really looking forward to clicking on that and watching it to write a summary. hahahaha. Ok, ok, here goes.

Show opens with Jada at the police station on the phone with Brady who is in the square outside the Salem Inn. Jada asks Brady if Theresa is ok, and he updates her that thanks to her, she is. He can't thank her enough. Brady sees Kristen and Rachel walking towards him, so he says he has to go and hangs up. He smiles really big and says "There's my princess!" and Rachel runs to him with a big hug. Kristen is standing there smiling and all happy. She is "happy he actually showed up this time". Brady talks to Rachel about understanding Tate needed him. Rachel says that her mommy told her Tate was in big trouble and asks if he is ok now? Brady says yes, he is ok and hugs her again.

At Alex's apartment, he walks in after a run/workout and finds Theresa packing. She thinks it's for the best, she needs to go back to California to spend time with her mom and get out of Salem. She booked a red eye ticket. She says she needs to tell him something before she goes.

At Eric and Sloan's, she is headed out to an appointment with clients and he is getting ready for a shoot. They'll make enough money to put Jude through college. She is still embarrassed about what happened the other night, and promises next time only water. Eric assures her that his parents understand and there will be a next time for her to make up for it. Sloan talks about Marlena telling her she lost her firstborn to SIDS and she can't imagine if that happened to their son. Eric assures her Jude is loved by all and will be ok. She feels they are so lucky.

At the station, Rafe, Harris and Jada talk about the drug case. Rafe is bringing Ava and Stefan down to the station to chat. He will find out the connection with the Bistro. Harris thinks they should also question Clyde Weston. He talks about his run-in with Clyde earlier. Rafe is concerned Clyde threatened Harris. Harris explains that he warned him that what happened to Lucas could happen to Harris if he "doesn't fall in line". Jada and Rafe discuss that it will be tough to bring him down.

Back at Alex's apartment, he of course interrupts Theresa, claiming he knows what she is going to say and insists he say something first. (the most predictable soap thing ever, someone is about to maybe tell the truth and is forever interrupted LOL)

Alex feels like it's his fault she is leaving. He keeps seeing her with Brady and he accused her of having feelings and he was wrong. He is so sorry.
She starts to accept apology, but Alex interrupts with rambling about his being wrong, or was he? Theresa says when she met him, everything changed. She and Brady may have a child together, but she doesn't want to be with Brady. She calls the kiss a drug-fueled mistake and that's why she has to get out of Salem. Alex says "wherever you go, there you are." He thinks running away to California is just going to put her 2,000 miles away from the problem, not fix it. He says she should stay and let him help her. They hug.

Back at the Brady, Kristen and Rachel date in the square, they are discussing movies and Leo walks up with his 2 cents about a movie. He describes a new movie, doesn't say the name, but sounds like he is describing Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Rachel wants to see it. Kristen has looked it up on her phone and there is a showing at the Drexel. Brady tells Leo to "oompa loompa his way out of here." Leo says he is so happy for him and Kristen. He wonders if they be a couple again? Rachel says no, and she doesn't want that. Leo is just happy to see them having family time, and he walks away.

At Eric and Sloan's, they are still talking sweet nothings and Eric brings up Leo Stark. Sloan looks pensive.

At the station, Rafe updates Jada and Harris that Lucas will make a full recovery. Harris leaves to take a phone call. Rafe and Jada discuss where she was last night. She had worked late and just went to her place to sleep. Rafe wants to know why she is lying to him?

At the square, Brady asks Rachel why she wouldn't want them together again? Rachel says its because they just fight all the time. Brady says that if her mommy and him were together, she'd see him all the time, wouldn't she want that? Rachel says no, it's better this way. Rachel asks to go buy candy for the movie theater since they never have the kinds of candy she likes. Kristen gives her some money to go buy candy. Brady says to be careful and hurry. Brady and Kristen discuss what Rachel said. He accuses Kristen of turning Rachel against him.

At Alex's, Theresa breaks away from the hug, insists she is leaving, already booked her flight. Alex argues with her, pleading his case. He is questioning everything in his life right now. Theresa has a flashback to making the change from Xander to Alex on Victor's paperwork. Back to present, she again tells Alex there is something he should know.

At Eric and Sloan's, Sloan tries to head out the door and Leo is standing there when she opens the door to leave. Leo shakes Eric's hand and asks if Eric can take a photo of him that makes him look taller and thinner? He tells Eric how much he appreciates Sloan's skills and generosity. He turns and gives Sloan a cheesy smile.

After a commercial break, we see Eric setting up the camera to get the photo of Leo. Eric steps out of the room and Sloan demands to know what Leo wants? Leo reminds her that he holds all the cards and plans to drag her down.

At Alex's, Theresa rambles about her life troubles, she is a horrible mother. She goes to leave, Alex stops her. They go back and forth who has the worst life. Alex begs her to stay so they can work on these things together. He wants to show her how much she means to him.

At the square, Kristen points out getting back together is the last thing that Brady wants, so why does he care? He just cares that Rachel is being made to think he is a bad person. They argue about how they are both terrible influences on Rachel. Brady tells Kristen not to blame all of it on him.

At the station, Rafe calls Jada out on searching Theresa Donovan's credit card records. Jada confesses to helping Brady off the record to help Theresa. Theresa is ok, and Rafe understands. Harris walks in, he has some news about Lucas. Lucas is being moved to a new location for safety. He can't tell them, as it's top secret. Rafe seems perplexed.

At the square, Brady and Kristen continue to argue about who is turning Rachel against the other. They finally stop and Kristen says she feels for him about what's going on with Tate, she feels for Theresa too and asks how she is? Brady says not good. Brady won't go further, Kristen says that's fine. She tries to pry to see if Brady and Theresa are getting closer? Brady asks why she cares? Is she jealous? He says no, he is not with Theresa and won't be ever. Just like he and Kristen, it's over forever.
At Alex's apartment, Alex and Theresa have kissed. He is trying to convince her to stay, bribes her with a warm comforter. She responds saying she could certainly keep him warm too. She is feeling kindly and gently persuaded. They are forehead to forehead in a bird-like mating dance. They start to kiss and it leads to other things. Alex's shirt comes off.

At Eric and Sloan's, Eric rushes out and has to run to his car for something. Sloan and Leo continue the same conversation they have had for weeks now. Leo is furious she is doing this to a wonderful person like Nicole. So that's why he is being so hard on her. He tells her to figure it out.
Sloan threatens him, but then Eric walks in and Leo gets ready for his photo. Sloan goes to leave, signals for Leo to keep quiet. Leo loudly says "Nice talk" and mentions that sweet baby boy. Eric takes Leo's photos.

At the station, Harris explains that due to the intense details of the case, it's important to keep Lucas' location known by only a few. Rafe understands, but he stares out the window at two of his cops talking over a case file.

At the square, Brady and Kristen continue the same backhanded compliments and insults they have been doing for the last 2 years. She reminds him that they used to be crazy about each other. He will have to realize that no one will love him as much as she once did.

At Alex's apartment, Alex and Theresa have completed the mating part of their bird dance and are just cuddling under a blanket in their underwear. Alex says "I guess you better catch that flight." and Theresa says "Yeah, yeah, I don't think that's happening." She says she will stay if he'll help her unpack. They kiss again. He also adds that he is really starting to fall for her. She says, 'starting to?' and he laughs, he's been falling for her since he first saw her. He feels like he really knows her, and she's been honest with him since the beginning. Theresa says she is an open book, what he sees is what he gets. He kisses her neck and she looks off, clearly upset about him believing she is so honest.

Back at the square, Brady tells Kristen there is no future for them, but she is the mother of his little girl. But he will find someone to grow old with. Rachel walks up and he says they should go so they will be on time. Rachel cheers when Brady says she can have whatever she wants. Kristen says to Brady she hopes they can start to see the best in each other. He thinks that is a worthy goal. They all 3 together head off to the movies.

Sloan is walking through park, stops to text Leo to keep his mouth shut or he is screwed in "every way possible."

Back at Eric's apartment, he is still taking photos of Leo. Eric says that Leo is photogenic. Then Leo checks his phone and sees the text.
Leo just smiles at the text; he doesn't appear worried at all. Eric is looking at his camera and saying to Leo that his fans will be excited to have him back as Lady Whistleblower. Leo is sure they are, it's Salem which is full of scandals waiting to be exposed. Leo says "ta-ta" and leaves.
I hate Kristen. Hate that she and Brady were ever together. Hate that they had a child only because he thought he was sleeping with Nicole. She is the most horrible human and does not deserve a child, let alone primary custody.

Theresa is getting a little old. She needs to confess all her sins. Especially the kidnapping of Victoria. That would get Konstantin away from Maggie.

Does Leo have a heart? How can he not tell Nicole? Does he realize how mad everyone will be at him?
I hope they are NOT going to put Brady and Kreepy Kristen back as a couple.

I want to see Kristen incapacitated in some way with either illness or an accident that is HER OWN fault. This would cause Rachel to be placed with Brady.

Perhaps after learning that Tate is not at fault and Clyde is behind the drugs, she goes after him and either gets drugged with a "hot shot" or gets attacked in the nefarious park.

She may still have feelings for Tate.
She [Kristen] may still have feelings for Tate.
Kristen greeted him nicely and was very kind to him when he first came back to Salem as a teen and went to the DiMansion to see Rachel. She called him Christopher (which was the name she originally gave him) and he corrected her that it was Tate. He really didn't want to bother with her, he only wanted to see Rachel.
Thank you for the summary, DaysLady. You deserve a medal for staying awake for this snooze fest.
Snoozefest it was, featuring Alex wasting his luv skills on the woebegone Gwennie T., hapless Brady dealing with the endless perils of Kritter-love, shyster Sloan swapping threats with photogenic Leo, and Harris’s bold quest to identify the dirty cop. Watching Steve and John thinking of new ways to threaten Konstantin, Zero combing his mustache, or Xander doing anything, even taking out the garbage, would have been more interesting than this.
Thanks, DaysLady.

Interesting Rachel doesn't want her parents together now. Maybe because she gets extra gifts from both of them.

Alex told Theresa he's questioning who he is. Is he having memories of being Ben?

Harris didn't want to tell Rafe or Jada where Lucas is going because of the dirty cop. Hopefully, the cops outside
the room don't read lips since the blinds were open.

Why was Leo wanting a picture done for his Lady Whistleblower column? Why call it Lady Whistleblower if people
know it's Leo?

So, Kristen still thinks Tate is hers since she carried him. She's a strange one.
Does Leo have a heart? How can he not tell Nicole? Does he realize how mad everyone will be at him?

I feel like this was a huge missed opportunity. Instead of dragging this out, Leo and Nicole should have teamed up in some way. He's super funny and she'd be the perfect gal pal for him. They could have dragged the story in some way while these two figured out how to prove the baby was hers or something. That is if they had good writers. And these two as friends for the duration would have been pretty funny and less doom and constant gloom for Nicole.

Now Leo is just as awful as he was when he cheated with Gwen's husband that she fell in love with in record time. Betrayed his best friend for heaven's sake. Why do they want us to dislike everyone?
I feel like this was a huge missed opportunity. Instead of dragging this out, Leo and Nicole should have teamed up in some way. He's super funny and she'd be the perfect gal pal for him. They could have dragged the story in some way while these two figured out how to prove the baby was hers or something. That is if they had good writers. And these two as friends for the duration would have been pretty funny and less doom and constant gloom for Nicole.

Now Leo is just as awful as he was when he cheated with Gwen's husband that she fell in love with in record time. Betrayed his best friend for heaven's sake. Why do they want us to dislike everyone?
I was starting to like Leo a lot but what he is doing to Nicole is beyond cruel. He cannot have a heart. He's just another rotten Salem villain now.