Days of our Lives - Wednesday July 21, 2021


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Lots of short scenes and conversations

New Day in Salem

Eli in a towel walking through the house. Lani tells Eli to get dressed before, she points to a sleeping Chanel, Eli says it’s nothing she hasn’t seen before> Lani is exasperated. Chanel sits up with a sleeping mask in says I’ve taken care of it cuz.

Paulina stops by Julie’s, Julie slams the door in Paulina’s face.

Theo and Abe dressed to the nines Julie’s Place discuss how the stopping Paulina from tearing down the square legal goings on are going. Theo says if his dad needs to be at the hearing, he will understand Abe missing his (Theo’s) wedding. Abe replies If you are getting married today, Theo stops him and asks what do you mean IF? Abe replies he thinks Theo should stop the wedding.

Ben in bed remembering his wedding day, wakes up looks at the picture and there is a knock at the door. Ben thought it might be Ciara, it was Allie.

Ciara is at Shawn’s house getting ready for her wedding day. Claire walks in and asks what she’s doing there. Ciara is her witchy self.

Theo wants to know why his dad wants the wedding to be called off. Abe is concerned about Ciara hurting Theo. Theo asks is this about me and Ciara or about you and Paulina?

Furious pounding on the door at the Horton House, Julie opens and it is still Paulina, Julie says when she slammed the door on Paulina that means she doesn’t want to talk to her. Julie goes on and on. Paulina asks for a moment to apologize.

Allie tells Ben that Ciara is going to be Ciara’s Maid of Honor. Allie doesn’t think the wedding is going to be a good idea. Allie tries to explain her actions to Ben.

Ciara tells Claire she doesn’t need Claire’s permission. Ciara doesn’t want any of Claire’s help. Claire calls the wedding a farce which makes Ciara’s inner anger come out. Claire tries to reason with Ciara but to no avail. Ciara says she won’t listen to anything said to her by the person who tried to set me on fire twice. That stuns Claire, Ciara mocks her. Claire finding a spine tells Ciara she can not talk to her like that in her house. Ciara retaliates with a slap. Ciara is pleased with the slap

Back to the towel wearing Eli, Lani orders him to get dressed. Eli and Lani will meet up at the wedding. Chanel thanks her cousin for letting her stay there. Chanel is so over her mom.

Julie lets Paulina into her house. Paulina picks up a picture of Julie and Doug and complements, Julie on being able to make it through the years, Julie thinks the apology sounds like down home folksy horse pucky. Paulina apologizes it’s second nature. They spar and move the story nowhere. Julie’s phone rings Julie has to take the call, says OH MY GOD

Ben and Allie discuss the horrors of Ciara marrying Theo. Allie tells how she told Ciara about the wedding as a visitor. Allie thinks she might have gotten a spark of something from Ciara

Claire and cat fight, Shawn comes in the room. Shawn foolishly thought that letting Ciara get ready at the house would bring the two girls closer. Shawn tells Claire she’s the one that has to leave. Shocked face on Claire. Ciara asks where is her mother? You were supposed to pick her up at the airport, Shawn says he has some bad news.

Chanel is making breakfast, she offered Eli pancakes. Chanel tells of kissing Theo and how she was looking for comfort.

Ben and Allie discuss the brief spark that Ciara may or may not have had last night. Ben has to do something.

Hope’s plane had issues so Hope won’t be there. Claire thinks that the marriage should be off. The girls argue again. Shawn stands by without a spine. Ciara becomes cruel (shocking) Shawn asks his sister to calm down. Claire has the Salem spine and tells her father to stop defending her. Clair continues Everyone knows the only reason Ciara is marrying Theo today is to hurt Ben. Because you are afraid Ciara that you will remember how much you love Ben. Claire’s parting words to Ciara, Ben told me you were the strongest woman he ever knew, but all I see is a coward and she walks out of the room.

Abe and Theo have not made much progress on breakfast or their conversation. Paulina and Ciara are two totally different people. Lani, arrives and correctly assumes that Abe tries to talk Theo out of the wedding. Paulina walks in interrupting everything.

Eli figured out Allie was the girl Chanel had a crush on. This must be why he is a detective. Eli tells Chanel that he is sure that Chanel will find someone just for her and it will be Allie’s loss.

Ben and Allie continue to discuss how bad Ben fills as Claire walks in. Claire walks in and is upset at Allie for agreeing to be maid of honor. Now Claire and Ben talk about Ciara and the fight. And how horrible Ciara is acting today.

Ciara complains to her brother about how horrible Claire is. Ciara is happy that her brother is on her side. Shawn tells her that he isn’t on her side. He really thinks she needs to postpone the ceremony.

Abe tells Paulina that she has till the waiter comes to take their order. Paulina has called off all construction. Horton Town Square is here to stay.

Allie is walking through the square with a wedding bouquet and runs into Chanel. They discuss the major activities that went on at the apartment last night. Allie thinks that her Aunt Nicole and Uncle Eric are done. Allie wants to talk about feelings and Chanel, how they want to still be friends.

Paulina is going to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars for no Price Town, Paulina is going to go back to the original plan of an open market place with lots of diversity. Abe doesn’t know what to say. Lani tells her that this is Theo’s wedding day so good for you Paulina for doing the right thing. Lani didn’t believe a word of Paulina’s.

Shawn picks up flower petals. Ciara tries to explain to Shawn why she loves Theo. Ciara convinces Shawn that this is the best thing since sliced bread. Julie walks in she has more bad news.

Ben and Claire continue to talk about Ciara and how bad she is treating them. Ben is determined to stop Ciara from getting married.

Lani, Abe, Theo continue to discuss Paulina’s motive.

Paulina tracks down Chanel and Allie and lets them know that Sweet Bits will be open in no time.

Julie tells Ciara and Shawn that It’s most likely a torn rotator cup, it’s happened before, Grandpa plays racket ball twice a week. Doug is in the ER in pain. Julie can’t make the wedding. Ciara thinks the family is planning to drop out of her wedding one by one. Till no one is there. Julie hands over Doug and her gift and leaves.

Ben has plans to stop the wedding but they are extreme

Allie tells Chanel that she would really like to work with Chanel on Sweet Bits…. They are going to do it

Lani has a beef with Paulina lying to them, she won’t trust her. Abe tells Lani that it’s Theo’s wedding so they are going to do that.

Ben tells Claire about his plan, remember the kidnapping plan from before?? Well, it’s back on.

Ciara is whining because people are dropping out. Shawn says maybe the universe is trying to tell you something. The new Ciara doesn’t believe in that sort of thing.

Claire tells Ben the story of Bo kidnapping Hope, it’s a family tradition!
Thank you, robinsnest.

I'm ready to hit Ciara over the head myself. Hopefully that would restore her memories .

Paulina - I still don't trust her.

I laughed out loud when I read about Chanel having the sleeping mask. However, Eli needs to wear more than a towel. It just seems like he wants Chanel to see him strutting around or he would've at least put on a pair of pants or a robe after it happened the first time. There never should've been a second time or possibly a third. She shouldn't have had to get the sleep mask.
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I don't trust Paulina at all - she just wants Abe. Also, no matter how much these writers want to recreate Bo and Hope and the motorcycle hero, this is NOT that story. This is out and out criminal kidnapping a woman against her wishes. Period. Not romantic or heroic. Just criminal and stupid and a slap to anyone who remembers Bo and Hope. Sorry, Claire, it's NOT tradition.
Ben: He thinks kidnapping Ciara from the church is radical. By Salem standards, it's only mildly extreme. Radical would include shooting Theo off the altar or blowing up the church. That said, it would be a nice bow to family tradition if Ben wore a lifelike Bo mask while snatching Ciara.

Claire: She missed her chance today. After Ciara slapped her she should have struck back with something more subtantial than a bouquet (maybe her frying pan) that would knock Ciara's memory loose.

Theo: So Ciara says that Mr. Man-Bun is "honorable and wonderful." This is rich. Even Vivian wasn't praising Stefan Zero to the sky while he was bedding Abigail's alter, Gabby.

Abe: He badly needs a new city legal department if only Paulina's change of heart saved the beloved Town Square from obliteration.
Thanks, robin.

YIppee, the Horton Square is saved. Today there weren't any construction or barriers around it.

Paulina said she had to take call from her investor. Is it someone who invested in Price Town?
Will person be upset it's cancelled?

Shawn is right. The universe is trying to tell Ciara something with Hope, Doug and Julie not
being there for the wedding.

What a surprise to hear Doug plays racquet ball at his age.

I thought it was funny when Chanel woke up with her mask on. It's past time though for Eli to realize
he shouldn't wear a towel in the morning like he does all the time.

Interesting to hear Ciara never told Ben the story her dad kidnapped Hope during a wedding.
Not one for violence.... but.....
Claire: She missed her chance today. After Ciara slapped her she should have struck back with something more subtantial than a bouquet (maybe her frying pan) that would knock Ciara's memory loose.
:love: :love: :love: :love:
The wisest thing Claire has ever said was telling Ben that Ciara is being so ridiculous that he deserves better and should move on.

Or...he can commit a felony. We know which direction this is going.
A shame after 2 days of good show finally, this one was a dud, at least to me.
For some reason, the powers that be seem to be catering more to the actress playing her than they are to the character of Ciara. I feel sure that young actresses who could capably play the part are the proverbial "dime a dozen."

Also, the Hope I have known and loved all these years would move Heaven and Earth to be reconciled with her daughter. Either recast Hope or stop feeding us these unbelievable reasons why she isn't in Salem.
I agree KL. Ciara could be a hot role for a dozen young actresses eager to make their mark. (That said, I think the current actress is a strong one, but I wouldn't keep an actress around who doesn't really want the job.)

Again I'll blame the filming delay - think of how long we were stuck with the less-than-stellar first young adult Ciara which frankly didn't work. If they stick with the filming delay (which they are), they should rethink recasting. In fact they should have a new actress playing Ciara from the first day she was found. I've said the same about Greg Vaughn (Eric) so I won't repeat myself.

But you're so right that it's ruining Ciara, just like Hope, and just like Eric, not to be recasting these roles.
I agree, Jason. I don't take readily to change so it used to bother me when they'd recast somebody but the stories are in such a mess now, and if part of the reason revolves around all the changes in the country over the past year or so, as well as trying to accommodate actors who are unable or unwilling to commit to their roles, I'm ready to move on with new actors.

Right now I can't think of any way to keep a Ben and Ciara story the least bit interesting, if she's going to have to leave for several months every time we turn around.