Days of Our Lives - Wednesday, July 26, 2023


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Dec 30, 2012
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EJ walks up to Nicole, hears the news Sloan is carrying Eric's child. Awkward, but EJ congratulates them. Nicole does too, but doesn't look pleased while Sloan can't stop smiling. More awkward conversation before Sloan and Eric get going. At the mansion, EJ and Nicole argue over his reaction to Sloan's pregnancy news. EJ accuses Nicole of being mad that Sloan is giving Eric a baby, they need to talk about their feelings.

Nicole reassures EJ she's thrilled to have a baby with him, wants him, but something about Sloan's pregnancy seems off. At the hospital, Sloan and Eric discuss the weird interaction, Eric lets it slip that Nicole told him they're doing genetic testing on EJ to learn more about the baby. Sloan looks nervous, it doesn't make sense that they need genetic testing, Eric tells her about Nicole's past miscarriages.

Nicole loves EJ but will always care for Eric, he understands, Nicole goes through the past recent months of history, calls Sloan a tarantula and how she wanted to be pregnant with Eric's baby just so that he can be tied forever to her. However, Nicole's super committed to their life and family, her and EJ gush and start making out.

In the doctor's office, Eric goes to look for the physician while Sloan panics. Eric returns, doctor is on the way and he says they don't have to do genetic testing if it upsets her. Sloan says she just doesn't want Nicole or EJ to go through more pain after previous pregnancy complications.

Gwen and Dimitri are flirting and kissing, she just ordered her bouquet, they can't believe the marriage is tomorrow, she says it would be patriarchal to expect "happily ever after" just like the stories, thinks they can speed up the lovemaking to tonight. Dimitri pushes her off after a kiss, flashes back to being in bed with Leo, says he can't do this, Gwen is upset about how he swatted her away like a mosquito, doubts the wedding will happen and wants him to air any concerns of his now beforehand.

Dimitri says they're both just nervous, doesn't wanna fight the night before the wedding, she asks why he came if he is so busy with errands. He decides to run them and come back to talk with her later. Leo comes in talking about his gossip column and having trouble writing while he notices how upset Gwen is, Leo tries reassuring her before flashing back to bedtime with Dimitri.

Leo says she can call the wedding off if he isn't the right fit, Gwen is surprised, he says Dimitri is an alpha male with pre-wedding jitters, more flashbacks and dull conversation as Gwen drinks wine and decides to forget about tonight, is grateful her best friend can always set her straight.

Elsewhere, Chad returns from a run, kisses Stephanie, who wants them to have yet another night alone since the kids are with Julie. He goes to shower. Alex turns up shirtless, asks which shirt Stephanie prefers for his date, she asks if he ever wears clothes and he pulls one shirt up to his torso. Chad comes out after a very brief shower and can't believe this, says Alex must really have poor job skills if he always needs advice on getting dressed. But Chad gives him the advice before slamming the door in his face.

Chad keeps ranting about Alex, and Stephanie gets upset. She then decides to distract him by kissing him and suggesting another shower, when another knock sounds at the door. Chad expects Alex and rudely opens it to Dimitri, who invites them to the wedding tomorrow. Both of them decline, sarcastically point out how terrible Dimitri and Gwen are, but perfect for each other, Chad slams the door in his face. He and Stephanie discuss, think something is really off about the wedding.

At the hotel, Gwen is in the bathroom when Leo opens the door to Dimitri, Gwen comes out, they make nice and apologize, she tells him he has Leo to thank for talking him up, leaves, but outside remembers she forgot her phone. Leo starts making out with Dimitri and removing his jacket. Leo stops, can't betray Gwen, but Dimitri says Gwen will monetarily benefit and never find out, they can stop talking about her, resume their kissing.

Li and Trask start bickering after figuring out the matchmaker set them up again. However, it turns out that a woman named Connie Viniski is his actual date (looks like the wardrobe department tried making her look frumpy and awkward). Trask makes a few jokes at her expense, they go sit down as Alex, her date, walks in. Alex agrees with her that he doesn't need a matchmaker, but he wants a woman who isn't shallow. Li's date is made out to be boring and never left Salem, mentions a bunch of places we're familiar with on the show, says she was a hospital candy striper in the late '90s and made to watch a bunch of videos on the dangers of DNA testing (LOL).

Connie notes Li looking back at Trask after he mentions growing up in Hong Kong, thinks he is mad about the DA trying to lock him up for the Rolf-Harris fiasco. Trask and Alex have a dull conversation about his breakup with Stephanie, while Li denies to Connie that he did anything wrong. She claims to be into bad boys, always roots for the bad guy in true crime podcasts, and apparently Li is on one.

Meanwhile, Trask tells Alex they're never gonna be a thing because he loves Stephanie still and can't stop talking, plus, he has a tick about taking his glasses off and putting them back on, which bothers her (line of the day!:rotfl::rotfl:). Later, Trask and Li reconvene and discuss their awful dates, she talks about Alex taking off and on his non-prescription glasses because he thinks they make him look smart. Li will let her share the wine with him to make up for the other night. She asks if he wants to pat her down to see if she has a wire, Li says this sounds inviting, then claims he was referring to the wine.

Stephanie and Chad are heading to the Pub when Alex shows up, probably will order a pizza as his date didn't go well. He asks if it is annoying if he removes his glasses constantly, as he doesn't need them. Chad says he should not wear them if he doesn't need them, Alex agrees, Stephanie encourages Chad (via looks) to invite him to join. Alex initially refuses but quickly decides he wants chowder and heads to the elevator as Stephanie gives Chad a grateful kiss.

I will say, we had some funny lines today, but overall it was another filler episode. I can't complain too much, there was decent entertainment and I chuckled quite a few times. I just hope some of these storylines quickly get wrapped up, namely, Gwen/Dimitri/Leo and whatever this stuff is with Alex, Chad, and Stephanie.
Thank you, DaysD.

LOVE the glasses conversations with Melinda and then Chad. FINALLY, it is being brought up. Alex was even more annoying with them today.

Come on, Alex, you can't decide which shirt to wear? After he was literally told to not bother them again, he knocks on Stephanie and Chad's door and bothers them! Personally, I chose the blue shirt.

WHY did Chad invite Alex to dinner? Is Alex that much of a sad puppy? Was not expecting that at all.

Enjoyed the furtive glances Li and Melinda gave each other.

Maybe Alex and Connie should hook up.

Wonder if Connie watches Peacock's "Based on a True Story"? Good product placement, a show about a serial killer, her interest in them/bad boys.

Glad Li agreed to join Melinda to drink "their" wine. This could be something. We just need to forget all the transgressions.

The honesty between Nicole and EJ was refreshing. Will they stay this way, on such good terms? Those good terms will go away fast if the baby turns out to be Eric's.

If Dimitri and Leo continue to "play nice," they won't hear the key in the lock when Gwen returns for her phone. Can they stop the action fast enough? Will they be in a state of undress, raising her suspicions? I don't want this wedding to happen!

Anyone thinking that Sloan got a false positive on the pregnancy test?
Question, is this the same night? Or is Melinda wearing the same dress the next night?? Don't get me wrong she looks great in it, or did the date fail and she called for date number two same night?

Thanks DaysD for writing this up. I love how we get a second day of Stephanie/Chad/Alex and their inability to cope as adults while most folks want to know what is happening with Abe and crew. Did the US Marshal get sucked into the Salem Vortex to never be seen or heard of again? Will Lani need to return to prison to finish out her term or did her "heroics" get that time wiped off her account? Will Eli be the next commissioner?

Silly me, I thought I remembered Alex saying he needed glasses to read when he first made an appearance in Salem. But then again why would him saying something earlier in the show mean anything later in the show? Continuity is just a word in a dictionary in Salem.
Counldn't believe Sloan said "with Eric's baby" Well duh!! It's Salem so I am absolutely expecting Sloan to have Nicole's doctor, even though she's a specialist and she will have EJ's DNA sample with her, so Sloan gets her hands on it. The sample Sloan gave for Eric, wouldn't they be able to tell it came from a woman? Sloan doesn't know for sure that Eric is father of Nicole's baby and now she's knocked up, so what does it matter? At least she might be. Please don't let Nicole's baby be Eric's. If I hear one more "I know you've always wanted to be a father Eric" I am going to scream!

Alex, seriously, what shirt? Then insecure Chad goes off the rails and keeps yammering about Alex. When will Stephanie realize Chad is a jerk and your cousin's widower? Don't like them together. I honestly never paid much attention to Alex and his glasses but guess they are gone now so he looks exactly like Ben who I miss.

Pretty funny when Gwen said to Leo and Dimitri you 2 play nice. If she only knew. Of course she might find out but she'll probably make enough noise that they separate.

Melinda asked Li if he'd sit so she could make up for their date "the other night"? Wasn't it tonight?
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Didn't Melinda have a different dress on during the first date? I got the impression this was supposed to be the next day because she was meeting Sloan for a drink after Colin's hearing.

The making fun of Alex was on point today. Everything we've been saying on this board was brought up at some point by someone. "Don't you ever wear clothes?" "No wonder Maggie didn't trust your leadership skills." "Do you even need those glasses?"

Hysterical that the hospital made the candy stripers watch a video on DNA testing security. Connie certainly checked all of the "you might be from Salem if..." boxes. Salem High, Salem University, worked at the Cheatin' Heart and University Hospital.

Leo's line about Salem was on point, too. "You know, in a town where there is serial demonic possession, multitudinal dead people coming back to life, and every wedding, both literally and figuratively, ends with an explosion, you would think it would be easy to write a gossip column. The problem is, the bar is set so high, simple adultery seems boring." (yes I went back and turned on the closed captioning to get it right!)
This wasn’t exactly the most exciting episode considering that its “highlights” included:

Alex admitting his glasses are a prop;

More typical, contrived Salem baby follies;

Chad practicing slamming doors in people’s faces;

Leo once again vigorously smooching Dimitri and then proclaiming his undying devotion to Gwen.

Eric as usual looking less than excited regardless of the situation.
Thanks, DaysD.

robin, today's show the same night as yesterday's show.

Li and Melinda's official date was another night.

No mention of Abe or his rescue. Are the people on today's show living in an alternate universe?

Today we find out Alex only used his glasses as a prop and he won't wear them anymore. This means
he'll be now Alex who looks like Ben :)

Connie, Li's date, was fun. I enjoyed her line that hospital employees had to watch a video about DNA
testing. Is this how people know how to switch or fix DNA tests? If all hospital employees see video
why are so many DNA tests wrong? It's Salem.

Will Gwen find Leo and Dimitri together? I hope so.

The OB doctors in Salem must be busy to have appointments at night.
I know this has been said but writers, how can Alex be a "match" for DA Trask??? Come on.

Even Li Shin is ewww. Unless she's known to be a cougar???
In real life, Robert Scott Wilson (Alex) is 35 years old. Tina Huang (Melinda) is 41 years old. The first actress who played Melinda Trask (Laura Kai Chen) is about 45 years old, so Melinda was slightly de-aged when they recast her with Tina Huang.