Days of Our Lives Wednesday June 8,2022


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Dec 2, 2020
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It’s a Leo day!

Sonny busts into the room saying "Will...." and catches him and Leo together in bed.

Abby telling Chad she has great news, but no it's not that she's pregnant. She finally has a solid lead about Sami's kidnapping.

Marlena on the phone leaving Belle a voicemail. They have to talk about this. Kate knocks. Kate wants to know if she knew Will was going home today. Kate and Roman are going to make him a going away breakfast and wanted Marlena and John there. John's working but Marlena will come. She tells Kate she's worried about Belle.

Belle wakes up in bed with EJ - he wants to know what she's thinking. She's thinking this is the best she's felt in a long time. For the first time since Shawn and her separated, as painful as it was, it happened for a reason. EJ says so you and I can be together. He didn't plan for her to wind up in his bed when he said she could stay last night. Neither did she, but she's glad she did.

Lucas at the bar in the Pub when Roman walks up and asks what happened to you. Lucas says "EJ Dimera"

Back to Belle and EJ - she just can't believe Sami let him get away. And then we hear an echoing EJ. OOOPs Ej was dreaming all of that - Belle is in his room fully clothed and she didn't mean to wake him but . EJ says he should have been up an hour ago so it's okay. He asks if she slept okay and she says yes and since she didn't make it home last night, she wonders if maybe Abigail would have some clothes for her. EJ has a better idea, He'll loan her his robe for breakfast and they'll send Harold after her things. Belle says No, she's already imposed enough. EJ says she'd never be an imposition.

Sonny is hollering about "You drugged him too" Leo says I didn't need to. He couldn't wait to get out of Sonny's bed and into Leo's. Theirs a disturbing share of calling each other Pookie and then Sonny wakes up from this horrible nightmare. Will wants to know what is wrong? Sonny tells him about his awful dream. Will says that qualifies as a nightmare, but that's all it was. It would never happen in real life. Sonny's trying to let what Leo did go. Will says it'll take time. Will says it didn't change them, as crappy as it was. Sonny doesn't think he's done getting revenge. Will says there's a long list of people Leo blames for losing Craig. They wonder who's next.

Leo's phone rings - It's Gwen from prison of course. Thanks to her directions he was able to traipse through the tunnels below Dimera Mansion. There's some great amenities and best of all her sister is right upstairs.

Abby thought it'd be hard to find the guy who got away, but he just got arrested elsewhere on unrelated charges. Chad wants to know how she found that out. She knew Salem PD wasn't looking after EJ's release but she got help and it was a total long shot that paid off. Abby says This is where you tell me Great work. Chad wants to know if it was worth it that she found this guy, does she really think he'll tell her a different story than the other guy. She says she'll find out, she's going to Milwaukee today. Chad says No you're not.

Kate and Marlena are discussing the Belle/Shawn situation. Marlena says no matter what Jan has done she deserves good mental healthcare. Kate says but does it have to be you? Marlena says she's uniquely qualified to help Jan and maybe if she does, she can end Jan's vendetta against Belle. Kate wishes her luck. Marlena gets a text from Belle - Kate says maybe she stayed with Shawn, but Marlena says she's with EJ. Kate wonders if something is going on between them.

Belle tells EJ she texted her mom and hopefully her parents don't' come storming the gates trying to rescue her. EJ says you're a grown woman you'd think they'd respect your wishes, Belle says you'd think but I've been a disappointment to them. Ej sings her praises. Belle says people look good on paper, but then you learn about their mistakes. EJ might be shocked if he knew it all. She brings up how she handled Claire's mental illness and Ej says she couldn't have handled it too bad, Claire's doing good now. Belle agrees but says it's not because of her - that she'd been in denial and that didn't help. she thinks Marlena holds that against her. She doesn't think Marlena thinks she is capable of making good decisions (I mean look at this latest one - Belle) Ej is going to ask Abigail to lend her some clothes. Ej wants to ask her something first - does she really want to go back to her parents?

Roman asks if his and EJ's fight was about Sami. Lucas says that EJ still insists that he was involved in the kidnapping. Roman's not sure it was EJ to start with. He has unanswered questions.

Leo wants to know if she can hear his stomach growling in Statesville - he needs breakfast. He's not sure how long he'll be there, but when he's through Chad will know what he felt losing the love of this life.

Abby wants Chad to tell her that he isn't trying to tell her not to do her job. That came out the wrong way, Chad just wants to talk, he's worried about her. He just got her back from Kristen and now she wants to track down a kidnapper. No one really cares who kidnapped Sami, Lucas found her months ago and nothing has happened since. Abby is going to a supervised visitation at a jail, doesn't Chad want to clear EJ's name. He wont' talk her out of this, she's going to Milwaukee, she's going today and she's going to find the truth. Chad says she doesn't have to go anywhere to find out the truth, he knows. It was Lucas.

We know Leo will go after Brady and Chloe and who knows who else. Will thinks the more people he goes after the easier he'll get caught. Sonny isn't so sure. Will says that Sonny freed Craig. Now Sonny needs to free himself. Will can help.

Leo doesn't think Door dark delivers to dungeons, he'll have to hunt down his own breakfast and he opens a door to find none other than Thomas who wants to know who he is and what he's doing in his house.

Kate doesn't know, isn't it telling that of all the people Belle knows in Salem, that she went to EJ's. Marlena says no because they work together. Kate says oh a business sleepover. Marlena insists that No they are just friends. Belle isn't looking for any advice from her parents. Kate says it'd be simple if kids listened to their parents. Marlena can't imagine what would happen if Sami thought EJ was going after her sister. Kate wonders why she'd even care, she's with Lucas now and they are happy. Marlena says she knows that but it would still drive her over the edge to think EJ was pursuing her sister, even though EJ had kidnapped her and she was afraid for her life. Indeed Kate says. Marlena will be eternally grateful Lucas rescued her and for their long friendship. They decide its time to head to the pub.

Belle doesn't want to go back to her parents but she also doesn't want to hurt them. right now she needs to take care of herself and preserve her sanity. Ej says that's the right way to go. Belle thinks she'll go get a room at the Salem Inn, like everyone else does in Salem when their lives fall apart. They have a great rate for losers. EJ tells her she's not a loser and she's stronger than she thinks. Belle doesn't think he needs a random heartbroken woman on his doorstep. She's not a random woman - she's his friend. He can't put the lunatic in the asylum, but he can give her a spare bedroom and privacy. She accepts and says thank you. This is the first time EJ has every thought that this madhouse could be someone's oasis of calm.

Roman says usually innocent people get framed. The cop part of him says nothing is adding up about this case. Lucas reminds him that the guy said EJ hired him, so that's enough for him. Lucas is going to make sure EJ stays away from Sami for good. roman says he'll help with that. Sami and He over the years through all the weddings and divorces - he wants to be sure he gets things right this time, so he's asking Roman's permission to marry Sami.

Abby doesn't believe Lucas kidnapped Sami - Dimera's kidnap people, not Horton's. She asks if he is sure, and Chad admits that he caught Lucas planting the reports and that Lucas asked him to keep quiet and let EJ take the blame. Abby says but wait you've known all this time, and the devils trick at the courthouse comes up and Chad explains everything else and telling the truth won't help anyone but would mess up his relationship with EJ. Abby can't believe this - chad wants her to keep it between them.

EJ and Belle in matching robes enter the room and Ej wants to know what Chad wants to keep between them.
Roman wants to know if Lucas is really asking if he can marry Sami, Roman says like Sami wouldn't do what she wanted anyways. But Lucas says Roman's opinion matters to him and wants to know Roman thinks he's good enough for her. Roman says he's screwed up a lot but he's also been a great dad to Allie and a good friend to Sami. Lucas understands her in a way no one else does, so he has his blessing. Keep her safe and visit often.

Kate wonders if her and Marlena are interrupting something.

Sonny tells Will he's expected at the pub by his family so they need to get out of bed. Will says it can wait.

Leo says Who am I? the question is who are you. "I'm Thomas Dimera" Leo wants to know what young Thomas is doing down there alone, he says his sister and he are playing hide and seek. Leo says I guess your found now.

Chad wants to know What Belle is doing there? EJ invited her to stay in the guest room of course. Chad says its hospitable of him. EJ says its the least he could do since Belle helped get charges dropped. Then wants to know what Chad wanted kept secret. Chad says it was a private conversation. Abby thinks they should tell him. Chad gives her a look.

Roman says you're not interrupting anything, just guy talk. He's glad Marlena could come. Roman was hoping John and Belle would come too. But they couldn't. Roman says if Lucas and Sami could get through all they have, then there's hope for everyone. Kate and Lucas discuss that he needs to tell the truth to Sami. He asks if she's nuts, and it doesn't matter because she'll never find out.

Sonny wishes Will didn't have to leave. But they'll be back as soon as Ari finishes school.

Leo talks to himself and says "I could lock you up down here and your parents wouldn't notice for months or years for all the attention they pay." ( I mean he's not wrong) But he's a good person and couldn't do that, could he. Thomas wants to know why he's talking to himself and who is he. Leo says the tooth fairy. Thomas says he didn't lose a tooth. Leo says give me a pair of pliers and we can take care of that. Thomas says What?! Leo says just kidding, I must have the wrong house. Thomas says Fairies are girls. Leo says he has a lot to learn but he's special that he can see him but he can't tell anyone about him, especially not his parents.

Abby says "Chad and I have decided to try for another baby, but he wants to keep it between us." EJ and Belle are pleased by the baby news. These days Abby and Chad share everything. EJ is thrilled for the both of them.

Belle is surprised Harold got her stuff there so quickly. EJ figured she'd want to unpack so he is having breakfast sent up too. Belle says its so different than how she grew up. They talk about Sami hating both her and Carrie. EJ says that's what it means to be a sibling, Chad and He wanted to kill each other a few months ago, but now they are like brothers. EJ's gonna make sure he doesn't screw things up with him anymore.

Abby felt like she had to say something to keep EJ from being suspicious. She hates lying but she thinks Chad's right. chad should have known she'd understand, she loves him. they are a team.

Leo says if you say anything that means no more tooth fairy money for the rest of his life. But he has two loose teeth. Leo says so you better keep your trap shut. Thomas says okay. Leo knows he comes from a family full of liars, creeps and sneaks so he hopes he can trust his word. Thomas seems shocked about the liars creeps and sneaks comment as he says WHAT. Thomas doesn't want to lose his fifty bucks per tooth. Leo's gonna be watching him. IF Thomas wants the magic of Santa/Easter Bunny/etc to continue he's gonna need to bring breakfast to Leo. Head up to the kitchen to get him a tray. Thomas is surprised the Easter bunny eats people food.

Sonny and Will finally arrive. Everyone's happy to see him. They'll hold him to being back soon. Kate gets a text - she has to go. She hopes everything is okay. Will promises he'll be back soon. Marlena thanks him for talking to Allie. They hug. Sonny hates to cut the reunion short, but they need to get going. Hugs all around. Roman says they'll have to have a big party when Will comes back, doesn't Lucas agree.

Chad tells Kate he told Abigail the truth about Lucas.

Abby's in the room when she sees Thomas come up from the Tunnels. Abby wants him to promise not to go down there because its dangerous. Thomas says why nobody's down there except then stops himself. Abby says except who - did you see someone down there? He promised not to tell. Abby says promised who, its okay to tell me. Thomas says it was the tooth fairy.

Leo's got his breakfast and a mimosa. He can't drink too much he has a big day ahead of him.

Belle knocks on EJs door to return his robe and catches him coming out of the shower of course.
Thanks, Kris, great summary!

I hope EJ has his own towel and didn't borrow Xander's. NO ONE in Salem locks their door!

Of course, Abby will go downstairs to investigate the tooth fairy and be clobbered over the head by Leo. Ya think?
Thank you Kris..... I found the music terribly distracting in today's show.... but then again.... most of the show was filler.... I'd forgotten Kate and Marlena were buddies.... you almost never see them together..... Lucas' fall is going to be terrible now that the entire town knows his super secret secret......but then he isn't someone Ron like so he can be sent a way again and only fans of Lucas will be not looking forward to Sami's return.....
Thank you, Kris10.

Well, the EJ / Belle thing is progressing.

Anybody know how much longer Leo will be on? I think the actor is great, but the character gets on my nerves with the way he is written. I'm also sick of the constant revenge plots of different characters that ReRon keeps throwing at us.
Who knew? There's phone service available in the DiMera tunnels.

Is Leo in the basement the equivalent to a child's fears of a bogeyman under the bed?

Lucas ought to keep his mouth shut around Roman since the ex-commissioner has an advanced b/s antenna.

EJ should quit parading around in a towel. Nobody in Salem can measure up to the high standards set by Xander.
Personally I believe it is time the men in Salem STOP parading around their living quarters in towels. And definitely STOP answering the door in one. People do NOT do that! (would you not love to see some thugs at the door when some guy, wearing only a towel, answers the door, tries to defend himself, towel falls off, and........go with your imagination! Or some delivery person reports the guy for indecent exposure?
And then, the females in Salem have to start calling before they arrive at some guy's place, unless they are looking forward to towel clad and the nearby sofa or bed. LOL
Finally.....most folks shower in a.m. when getting up, but Salemites seem to take 2 or 3 showers a day, lol. Do they understand/remember that there is a water shortage in many places, a lack of rain, or that perhaps they have a shower fetish and really need therapy to overcome it? :)
well, in EJ's defense..... Belle did knock and then walk into his bedroom assuming it was empty.... EJ was in the shower....

Xander on the other hand answers the door wrapped in his towel way to frequently... I'm betting folks fight over who gets to bring up his room service meals.....

Eli walked around the house in a towel while he had a young woman sleeping on the couch.... that was always creepy even if Eli has a towel worthy body.....
Belle had no business just walking into EJ's bedroom. If she thought it empty,..... then look for him elsewhere. (as I noted, unless they are looking for someone towel clad with a sofa or bed nearby.)
MOST men are already in a pair of shorts, & maybe a pair of pants as well when exiting the the bathroom after a shower. Many even already have a T-shirt on, having brought the items into the bathroom with them. Soapland is very different
Thanks, Kris..

It's a new day in Salem after some disturbing dreams two people died.

Nice to see Thomas today. Did anyone else wonder how Thomas carried Leo's breakfast
to the tunnels?

Interesting Chad told Abby Lucas kidnapped Sami. Then he told Kate he told Abby. How
long will it take before EJ and the rest of the town to find out.

Who knew Harold was magical getting Abby's clothes to the DiMera mansion so fast.

Abby wasn't using her brain when she went downstairs with EJ wearing a matching bathrobe.

I hope Will will be back soon.. and soon won't be six months from now.
Belle: "I think I'll just do what everyone else in Salem does when their life falls apart and I'll go get a room at the Salem Inn."
It's somewhat refreshing to see the show is being self-aware. They need to go next level though. I want the next coma victim to wake up and ask why does everyone always wake up in the same room in the hospital.

Leo: "I could lock you up down here and your parents wouldn't notice for months or years for all the attention they pay." But he's a good person and couldn't do that, could he?
Leo wants to know what young Thomas is doing down there alone, he says his sister and he are playing hide and seek.
Rule #2 of parenting in the DiMera mansion: tell the youngsters to ALWAYS ALWAYS tell if someone is hiding in the dungeon & tunnels.
Rule #1 of parenting in the DiMera mansion: tell the youngsters to NEVER EVER play in the dungeon & tunnels. Oh wait they did, and the kid didn't listen? Well, I guess that's something.

Belle knocks on EJs door to return his robe and catches him coming out of the shower of course.
Really hoping that last scene was just another something out of either Belle or EJ's imagination.
This Leo thing is both boring and ridiculous. Can he please just leave town? I can't think of anyone who is enjoying his presence on the show.

Abby is annoying me again, to no ends. I'll be fine if she joins Leo and goes away for awhile.

EJ & Belle, along with Lucas and Kate, are currently the most entertaining things in the episode.