Days Of Our Lives - Wednesday, May 3, 2023


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Dec 30, 2012
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Alex shows up late and Maggie assumes he was busy in bed with Gwen. He admits that he ended things with Gwen, explains his therapy with Marlena and how he's totally in at Titan. Maggie is skeptical due to what happened last time, Alex owns his mistakes but his family and Titan all matter more. Victor calls, he is headed to Greece and explains about Bo (we obviously don't see him, but Maggie updates Alex). Alex pleads with Maggie to go support Victor, he can hold down the fort.

Eventually she agrees, this is his last chance to prove his commitment. She leaves him the files for a crucial meeting, he just needs to close the deal because Maggie prepared everything. Alex promises not to let her down, sees her off, they continue to small-talk about sticking to what Maggie laid out in the folder, she thinks everything will be swell upon her return.

Talia kisses Chanel, who is super confused, Talia isn't lesbian or bisexual. Talia has a bunch of flashbacks to her conversation with Colin, admits she is interested now. They talk about Allie, Chanel thought they'd find their way back together, but explains what happened yesterday at the station with Rafe and Allie's photo with someone new she met.

Chanel tells her a bit more, yada yada. She decides she must move on as well, tries kissing Talia, who is feeling guilty and makes excuses about it being because Chanel is her boss. Chanel tells her that she doubts that'll work anymore because Sweet Bits is closing, let her worry about it, arranges a date at the bistro. Talia reluctantly agrees, steps aside to look at a text from Colin (see below).

Gwen learns from Leo all about Chloe and Xander, Leo mentions the two-bedrooms in the apartment, but he cracks jokes. Gwen lets it all out, frustrated and emotional. Leo thinks they need a spoiled night in to let everything out, he wants her to confide in him, they reiterate their close friendship. Gwen spills everything to Leo about why she is so sad about having used Alex and why she thought Xander was her soulmate.

He says he never felt this way about anyone, she hopes he finds that person someday. Gwen explains all about love, Leo and Gwen kiss each others' cheeks and cuddle, they feel that way about each other. Too bad Leo is gay. He wishes it had worked out with Xander for her, and that he's sorry she had to learn from him about Chloe and the apartment. Gwen needs to get air and think about some things.

Xander bumps into Colin, could've sworn he saw Talia coming here before. Colin says that he lives alone, would be concerned if a woman was coming in and out, but Xander insists. Colin is rude to him and tells him to butt out, small-talk, Colin goes inside and Xander leaves, ready to move already. Elsewhere, Chloe and Brady are talking. She says that Kristen succeeded in poisoning Rachel against her, but lost Brady.

Rachel's parents aren't together even if she stopped Chloe from reuniting with Brady. Brady tries to persuade Chloe to give them another chance, but she says he has to put his daughter first, she can't come between them. She sang this morning, reminded her of Brady, they start making out and tearfully saying goodbye as Xander walks in and sees.

Later Brady is gone, Xander talks about what he walked in on and understands if he must find another roommate because they reunited. Chloe tells him no, they broke up. They come back for their first meal, they got great Italian takeout from a nearby restaurant and talk about their preferences for food. They toast with beer, both agree they're better off without their past loves. They then decide to toast to their charming new roommate arrangement.

Elsewhere, Leo runs into Chanel and asks how the wedding planning is going, she reminds him that Johnny is her friend and says she has a date tonight with someone else. They small-talk, Leo asks who it is and goes down the whole LGBT alphabet soup, Chanel tells "Lady Whistleblowhard" that he will never know and leaves.

Brady is in the Pub, Gwen shows up talking about why they're both here and how they should jointly drown their sorrows (please, Good Lord, do NOT have Brady jump in bed with yet another desperate troublemaker and go down the bad path :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ). Brady tells her he is drinking club soda, she could use a good scotch, is sorry to hear about Chloe.

Brady jokes he thought she gave up scotch, she admits she did but went back for more, he says she is better off without his pig idiot cousin, she says the same about him and Chloe. Brady gets upset but Gwen calls him out on his hypocrisy, calls him an angry non-drinking drunk, Brady says her relationship with Xander can't compare to his with Chloe, blah blah. The waitress isn't showing up and they're upset, Gwen denies she is prying.

Rafe and Jada are discussing the case. He doubts that her sister was involved and still thinks Sloan was responsible, but Jada says she is just going off her training from the academy. She thinks Sloan is a possibility, recaps with Rafe about what Paulina said and more details about the case, this goes on for a long time. She remembers something about a hardware store with a key master. Someone could have temporarily taken Paulina's key and copied it before returning the key, and her and Rafe get going.

At the same time, Colin smiles at the news about Sweet Bits and texts Talia. Talia shows up, really not happy about this plot, Colin reminds her how important this is to him, what Chanel did to his family, she knows it is important. They kiss and are in love. Meanwhile, Rafe and Jada are in the Square talking to the key master, he is the only one, they small-talk about when Hope helped him years ago with a break-in. Rafe asks if Sloan came in to the store weeks ago, shows a photo. Nope, he would've remembered someone so pretty coming in. Jada pulls out a photo of her sister, he confirms she came in. He says she was in a big rush, remembers her really well.
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Not to mention outside of Salem! The amount of dolts and nudniks in the Greece storyline is astonishing.

Anyways, I thought the show was decent...was it the most thrilling episode ever? No, but Jada putting the pieces together and working with Rafe, along with Leo's friendship with Gwen, definitely made the show.

I agree with the above comment about how silly it is to always have kids avenging their parents. Colin is a moron and a manipulator. I don't like this storyline, and he can leave any day now.

I enjoyed the Alex & Maggie scenes, and really hope he does Titan right this time. He's more bearable when he's not being a silly playboy. I also enjoyed Chloe's scenes today, whether with Xander or with Brady. I do want her and Brady to end up together again one day, but the idea of her with Xander is intriguing. And while I do want Xander with Gwen in the end, I can't say I want a Gwen-Brady pairing. It'd just be an absolute disaster. For Brady (and us viewers), it's "Been there, done that"--no thank you!
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Thank you, DaysD!

Agree about NO Gwen/Brady. Had he still been drinking, I am sure they would have ended up together, and in the morning in complete shock, as these types of scenarios play out. She will probably get blotto all on her own.

I did enjoy Leo and Gwen's conversation. Leo can be a good friend when he want to be, but he is still a royal pain to everyone else in Salem.

That was a sad scene between Chloe and Brady. She told it like it is, no holds barred. If he even attempts to find someone else, which I doubt right now, I am sure that Rachel will drive a wedge between that pairing, as well. She does not want anyone with her father except her mother. Ugh!

I hope Xander figures out what is going on with Colin and Talia without getting hurt. I bet Colin has a pair of brass knuckles in his room. He was despicable the moment we first saw him. Convinced his parents were saints. Wonder what he might have in store for Paulina to get back at her for covering up the "murder"?

Alex can't wait to take the reins at Titan. Whoa, boy!
There were some positive developments today.

Talia the tool sank further into deception and depravity just as the local locksmith busted her to Rafe and Jenna.

Colin the toad has offended Xander raising the possibility that the mighty X-Man will soon help to roughly bring him down.

Nosy Brady, the father of the brat, did his best to trash Xander to the diva, but got nowhere, leaving open the chance of true love with Chloe.

Gwen found soda-drinking Brady at the Pub. Could she be the one to tame the awful Rachel?

Finally, Gwen thinks Chloe is boring? She ought to try listening to herself go on endlessly about her wretched love life.
Thanks, DaysD.

Another sad day in Salem.

I found another word for Colin, scum.

Will Xander tell someone about Talia being in Colin's room?

I hope Brady decides he'll keep doing cold showers instead of going back with Kristen or doing it with Gwen.

Maggie left with Victor to be with Bo. Will Alex follow her instructions for the deal or will he do something
stupid again?

Chloe told Brady that she was lonely and why she decided to move in with Xander. I'm lonely too, can
Xander move in with me?

So, Jada has another clue her sister is involved with what's going on with Paulina and Chanel. Hopefully, we can wrap up
this silly storyline before the end of May.
Yeah, I did the same at first. Very odd to use the same name. Hopefully this Colin will be short stay.

Well, this episode was better that the first two this week, for me. Leo was not annoying, was good to see him being a helpful, comforting friend to Gwen.

Chloe so emotional as she explained to Brady they could no longer be together and why. (am glad we did not see Rachel today, but hope that Rachel is going to find out just what kind of person Kristen is, and realize how self centered, not caring of her child's welfare at all she really is.

It's truly a shame Talia has fallen for the blarney coming from Colin.......also that she only seems to have one expression. Odd. Colin seems to be more revenge seeking than even Sloan, it possible that for some reason, he really wants to see his sister hurt? He knows she is being blamed for all happening to Chanel (who he said MURDERED his parents in cold blood) & Sloan doesn't even know he is in town, let alone plotting like this. One would think he would be joining her in the revenge seeking, but no, he has seduced someone else to do his dirty work.

Do hope Alex is sincere about staying on the good track, tending to Titan properly, no mistakes, etc.

Very happy that Salem has at least one cop with a brain. Go Jada!

Hoping this story is nearing it's end. It has gone on too long, and become boring. (The death of Sloan's parents, & refusal to accept it was accident)
Oh, I’m sure Brady and Gwen will start some silly boinkfest or team up to cause trouble for Xander and Chloe or both. Gwen is exactly the kind of hot mess who makes Brady happy. Chloe is too sane. I only want to see her and Xander be a couple if they’re going to be written to stay together. Otherwise, I like their friendship energy.

I’m so so so glad Jada is quick on the uptake with this. Maybe the story will be over soon. Colin is abhorrent. He makes me long for scenes with Sloan. I couldn’t hate the pair of them more. I’m begging the writers not to have Talia and Chanel actually have sex. It’s coercive and icky and I really don’t want to see that. But I have a feeling they will and Talia will fall for Chanel just as the truth comes out. It’s all disgusting. Poor Chanel. Why do the writers keep kicking her in the teeth?

I do wonder why the police haven’t at least asked if Sloan had other siblings or family who might have a similar ax to grind. Wouldn’t a sibling have been mentioned in the police reports or legal documents surrounding the woman’s death? A son wasn’t mentioned in an obituary?