Days summaries

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Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Am sure you all know I am having problems with reception of the feed, and today, Monday, I did not even get the garbled digital stuff. If the problem is solar flares, it will clear up......if not......I am truly in trouble, trying to find a tech person who can deal with "big dish".

Anyway....was just wondering.....I have no way any more of seeing even present day shows ahead of many of any of you be interested in me writing up a short summary of the show after I see it along with everyone else. I did that in the winter when cold temps called a halt to the feed....but, at the time, was able to get a download from one of our posters, who no longer does it.

Not sure of how to deal with this right now.
Barb - I sure miss your write-ups and would love to see a summary after the show has aired if you are willing to do that! I think most of us feel like something is missing without our daily fix!

I am really grateful for all you do for us on here, even though I rarely say so! Thank you!
I agree with the "other Lois". I love your summaries. Today there was a great line that I really wanted to try to remember. By the end of the show it was gone out of my head, and I thought to myself "darn! If Barb was able to do the Day Ahead I bet she would have included that line and I could refresh my memory!!"
Barb... I follow the show 99% based on your summary... I did watch the Mrs Horton special episodes, but I don't have the time or bandwidth to follow any other way. I'll take whatever you have time to offer....

Thank you so much for thinking of us... I am also not a techy person so I can't offer a word of wisdom, just a barrel of thanks.
Barb-that would be fantastic if you could do any sort of a write-up! My work schedule does not allow me to watch the shows on tv. This is the ony place I go on the internet to keep up with Days. Anything you have time to do, even a very short write-up, would be much appreciated. Thank you so much for all that you do!!!
I would be thrilled with any summary that you are willing to supply. My school schedule has me a bit too crazy to watch anything right now, but I can always sneak a couple of minutes in the evening while I'm grading papers to read your terrific write-ups! So...yes, please! :)
I love reading your summaries and often do not have time to watch all of the shows with all of my traveling but also want to be respectful of your time as I know it must take a lot of time to monitor the board and spoil your loyal followers. Thank you so much for all of your dedication.

Hopefully I will be able to catch up with the shows soon. Still on the episodes where EJ is shot.
Since you asked, the answer is yes! Even if it's not a day ahead, you will probably see it and post it before I have watched that day's episode. I love your summaries no matter when you post them. Thanks a billion Barb!
I would like to see a short summary of the show. I read them to see who is and isn't on the show, so I know wether or not to record it. Thanks for your write-ups, they are very helpful.
Yes, thank you. Last winter you often got the summary written before I was able to watch. I record and watch later in the day. I appreciate whatever you can do.
Summaries would be great, I like to see someone else's perception of the daily happenings, it will sometimes mention something I missed or misinterpreted...
Anytime would be great Poirot. I just love reading your summaries. They are so well written and I love the comments that you add. Sorry the sun is giving you so much trouble. I can't get some of my stations as well.
Barb, I am with the rest of your loyal followers. I would love to read whenever you have a chance to post. I know it is tiring to keep up with and write summaries, but I am grateful for what you do. My show comes on at 2pm central and you usually have the post up before I watch the show. Thanks again. (By the way I was watching yesterday and my station went to no signal as well, so maybe it is not just you.) God Bless You!
Poirot- I would love to see your same day write ups.. I have been on this site for years and would rather read it from you than other sites
Barb your summaries are awesome! No other day ahead site compairs to what Salem Spectator does in terms of day ahead summaries. YOU are tha bomb!
I will take your write ups any way I can get them!!!

And thank you for still offering!!! You are wonderful!
Oh yes please!!! I dont always have time to watch what I DVR and your summaries help me decide if I should try to watch that day or not. I appreciate all that you do and really enjoy your summaries (sometimes more than the show).
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