Days - Thurs. Jan 14 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, January 14, 2010
Director – Albert Alarr

It is the day of Mickey’s funeral, and…let’s just say the budget cuts are apparent. First, tho, Vivian sits at the laptop, doing some googling, still trying to find out just who is Carly’s daughter. Victor tries reading the paper, getting aggravated at Viv’s tirades against Carly. Suddenly, Viv remembers Gus sending her a picture of Carly embracing Mia, gets a brainstorm, figures she knows who the daughter is, and is gonna go find out.
Over at the hospital, Bo comes up to Carly, who is surprised to see him, thought he was at the service. He was, it is over, everyone went to Maggie’s, he is there to pick up a prescription for Mrs. H. Bill took her blood pressure, thinks it is too high. She tells him to go be with his family, he leaves. Carly presses the button for the elevator, flashes back to her last words with Viv before getting stranded in it, decides to take the stairs. Later Viv arrives, startling a seated Carly (this is so contrived) who says she is busy and takes off. In comes Melanie & Mia with flowers from Maggie’s house, Viv spots them, chats them both up. She mentions wedding plans to Melanie, who reminds her she & Philip want something simple and will do it all themselves. Viv zeroes in on Mia, asking her name, telling her she has good bones, did she get them from her mother? She finally takes off, both girls thinking she is strange, then both spot Carly looking over some files…”speaking of strange” sez Melanie. Carly acknowledges them, spots the rock on Melanie’s finger, thinks it is cuz of Dr. Horton, but learns it is really Philip. Both girls leave abruptly. Vivian returns to the K mansion, gleefully telling Victor she has met Carly’s daughter, is 99 and ¾% sure it is a blond, long haired moppet named Mia.

Maggie is in her living room, looking at a portrait of Mickey, which evidently was displayed at the funeral. Doug, Julie, Hope, Nathan, Stephanie are all coming in, talking of the beautiful service. Julie tells Hope that Gran is in the den, visiting with Bill & Marie (how convenient, huh?). Maggie wants to check on the food, Hope offers, no she wants to keep busy. Doorbell, and there is Melissa, hugs and tears. Melissa is upset that she missed the service, the plane kept getting delayed…….not important, she is there now. Melanie comes in with a plate of snacks, offering some to Melissa, mentioning she has not met her, did she used to work for Mickey…and here comes Nathan, greeting his mom, hugs and more hugs. Later he is trying to introduce Stephanie to Melissa, who says “you must be Melanie, heard so much about you”. Ooops, later, learning this is Stephanie Johnson, she is apologizing for the mixup.
Maggie gives Nathan a paper, telling him that Mickey was able to expunge his recent arrest, and he won’t have any record of being in jail. Melissa overhears, is shocked, Nathan tries to explain, Melissa figures it had something to do with Melanie, Nathan assures her Melanie is not in his life, is engaged to someone else, and he is staying away from her. Julie comes to get him, saying Sarah wants to talk with him.
Out in the kitchen, Brady, Doug, Julie & Hope sit with pictures, making a scrapbook, I guess, when EJ arrives. Brady tells him he is not welcome, send a card, but Doug says it is o.k., invites him in. EJ promises not to stay long, says a few words about how no one wanted to have anything to do with him when he first came to town, but Mickey did, gave him a job, etc. (what the heck, did the writers forget the “why” here?). He offers his condolences and leaves.

Later, Arianna is readying things to open the Pub as Rafe comes in, complaining of the cold, needing coffee. They chat a bit, with Rafe updating Arianna about the kidnapping. He explains that since Nicole felt she knew the kidnapper, and she is in the clear herself, and they have eliminated Stefano, he is going to start again, go back to the scene of the crime. He leaves. Troy is outside the Pub, phoning El Sleezo to say Arianna is alone inside, now is his chance. The killer arrives, but here comes Brady and El Sleezo ducks. Brady just spends a few minutes, Arianna doesn’t need any help, she has a lot to do tho, so he takes off. The hit man dons a ski mask, pulls his gun, quietly sneaks in, and is behind Arianna, telling her to put up her hands, empty the register. Arianna scurries back of the bar, puts money into a bag, telling the guy there is not much, they have not opened yet, and deposited yesterday’s income last night. He calls her a liar, she promises she is telling the truth…..and behind him. BATMAN…….LOL.. Brady has snuck in the door, comes up behind El Sleezo, grabs him, ZAP, POW! PUNCH! . The gun goes flying, Arianna races around the bar to pick it up, the masked man flies out the door with Brady in hot pursuit. And later, Arianna is tending to Brady’s face, he is bemoaning the car that got in front of him letting the guy get away. He hopes the cops catch the guy…Not hardly likely says Arianna, we never saw his face. Brady is happy he decided to come back. Hugs.

Stefano is looking at what appears to be financial reports of some kind, then calls Mr. Davis. While he waits, he mutters about EJ thinking he can put one over on the man who taught him everything. Now he will learn from the master. Later, EJ arrives, Stefano wants to know why EJ has been selling DiMera holdings at bargain basement prices. Rafe walks in (says the door was open) wanting to know the same, why the need for so much cash. EJ claims he wants to divest himself of tainted DiMera holdings, make a new and respectable name for himself (what a laugh!). One can see grain of salt time. Ha. Rafe goes to talk to Harold & Mary, but first gives EJ a sketch of how Sydney may look now, babies change so much this young. Stefano is lamenting Sydney being gone, he loves her so much. EJ yells that when he gets Sydney back, Stefano will have to love her from afar, because he is never going to be near her again….ever! Rafe is leaving, EJ gone, Stefano warns Rafe that EJ can be rather duplicitous, to watch his back, as EJ & Sami seem to getting closer.

Anna is not pleased that EJ has not been returning her calls, and he has better not cross Anna. She starts packing a bag, is gonna shake things up a bit, and be able to spend even more time with adorable Sydney. Later, EJ is there, having told Anna about Rafe & his questions about the money, but assures her Rafe doesn’t suspect a thing. He is holding Sydney, telling Anna the ransom drop with be soon, and promising Sydney he will have back with him before she knows it.

Back at Maggie’s, Bo has come in with the prescription, is going to leave, Hope asks him to stay. Doug & Julie look at each other and soon the kitchen is empty. Hope is pretty calm, Bo is sorry he hurt her, she says she is taking part of the blame. She knows she sounds so self righteous at times, tho not intending to, that some of this is her fault, that it seems there is now no going back. She turns away, talking of the last funeral she went to, when Bo was not at her side, it was Zack’s. She is crying over losing people she loves, how hard it is. Bo holds her, she cries on his shoulder as Justin walks in. (they are in the kitchen). Bo see him, Hope thanks him for coming, he apologizes for missing the service, Bo leaves them to have privacy. He offers his condolences.
And next, everyone is gathered in the living room, Melanie & Mia have returned from taking the extra flowers to the hospital, Maggie sits in the wing chair next to Mickey’s portrait, as Julie, Hope, Nathan, Melissa, Melanie, all eulogize Mickey, talking of how he affected their lives. Then Maggie talks of how she lost her family when she was very young, was living alone on the farm when this handsome stranger arrived…and we see a flashback of that time…..the young Maggie sitting on the ground, crutches by her side, telling the handsome vagrant that if he wants, he can sleep in the barn. Maggie, back in the present talks of loving and marrying that man…as Doug gets up, glass in hand, raises it, goes to stand by Mickey’s painting….and says “To Mickey”. Everyone, including Maggie, raises theirs, and takes a sip.
Later, Melanie is looking at the photos in the scrapbook, and she smiles as we see different photos of Mickey & Maggie thru the years, their wedding, various spontaneous photos.

Bo has come to Carly’s room to find her packing. She is leaving town, her daughter hates her. Bo tries to calm her down, but Carly is insistent. “My daughter hates me, Melanie hates me”.

The folks at Maggie’s are all leaving to go to Chez Rouge for the luncheon. Hope offers to drive Maggie, but she says Sarah is bringing the car around. Doug & Julie will see her there, Nathan & Stephanie go out, and finally Melissa, but Maggie says she will meet her at the car, she forgot her purse. She returns to the living room, stands in front of Mickey’s painting, and we see scene after scene of Mickey & Maggie thru the years, even one at the Horton Christmas tree. She shakes her head, looks at the painting, brings her fingers to her lips, kisses them and places her fingers on Mickey’s painting. She holds there for a few seconds….and walks away, pulling her coat closer around her as she goes out, closes the door. The camera pans to the portrait.
(Good-bye Mickey, it has been a long journey, you were a good friend, we loved you and will miss you)

Looks like another day of :cry2: Especially with all the flash backs.
I think my husband thinks I am crazy for crying over a soap opera....but y'all know how it is....someone pass a tissue please.
Thanks for the great write up Barb!!

Here are the two things that have really bothered me lately.

1. I thought Philip's pilot was bringing her? It sounds as if she had multiple delays, ( I know that the one was due to weather, but come on) Why did Philip just not call the pilot and they delay the funeral till Melissa got there.
2. Why was the funeral so rushed???
3. It should be easy for Vivian to figure out which one is really Carly's daughter. How about just looking at the DOB? Clearly there is a good 3 years age difference. I mean Mia is suppose to be 16 and in school. Melanie is over 18. Hello, anyone out there with a BRAIN!!!
Thanks for the write up Poirot. I was wondering if the drink that Maggie had was wine when they made the toast to Mickey. As Maggie is leaving you see a wine bottle and glasses on the counter. I am hoping not as I really don't want Maggie drinking again. She has been so strong it would ruin her for me if she did. So Melanie is Carly's daughter. Sure hope Victor is not the Dad. Guess Max and Melanie are not brother and sister after all.
Thanks for another great write-up, Barb.

As Maggie is leaving you see a wine bottle and glasses on the counter. I am hoping not as I really don't want Maggie drinking again. She has been so strong it would ruin her for me if she did.

I think they're going to have her have a brief relapse.
It could be instructional to some in the audience, showing that no matter how long someone is sober, they have to stay vigilant. (Remember AA says one day at a time.)

So Melanie is Carly's daughter. Sure hope Victor is not the Dad. Guess Max and Melanie are not brother and sister after all.

I don't believe that Victor is the Dad. It was probably a one nite stand, and we don't know yet who it was. (?)
This is an excellent writeup. Thank you so much, Barb. It is so nice for the people who are unable to watch the show, to be able to see it in their minds through your descriptions. And it is nice for me just because I really enjoy reading ahead, even though I will watch the show. Your comments help me to notice things I might otherwise miss.

I wonder what Anna is up to. Also, I would like to see Stefano take EJ down a notch or two.
It should be easy for Vivian to figure out which one is really Carly's daughter. How about just looking at the DOB? Clearly there is a good 3 years age difference. I mean Mia is suppose to be 16 and in school. Melanie is over 18. Hello, anyone out there with a BRAIN!!!

Vivian doesn´t know when the child was born. She and Lawrence weren´t very close so she has no idea when Carly was pregnant and the DOB certificate at the hospital was destroyed by fire. She didn´t even know Carly had a second child till she found that unsend letter from Lawrence. Gus eventually discovered Carly spend some time in the Schwitzerland hospital but most of the datas had been destroyed by fire so he wasn´t able to tell when or why.

In reality Carly left Salem in 1993 so she would have to be pregnant with Mel even before she met Bo, but we all know Salem´s time is different so Mel was probably conceived sometime in 00´s and aged offscreen.
Looks like another day of :cry2: Especially with all the flash backs.
I think my husband thinks I am crazy for crying over a soap opera....but y'all know how it is....someone pass a tissue please.

Here ya go Jammers - a whole box just for you.

Here are the two things that have really bothered me lately.

1. I thought Philip's pilot was bringing her? It sounds as if she had multiple delays, ( I know that the one was due to weather, but come on) Why did Philip just not call the pilot and they delay the funeral till Melissa got there.
2. Why was the funeral so rushed???
3. It should be easy for Vivian to figure out which one is really Carly's daughter. How about just looking at the DOB? Clearly there is a good 3 years age difference. I mean Mia is supposed to be 16 and in school. Melanie is over 18. Hello, anyone out there with a BRAIN!!!

Two things huh? :)
1. As far as I know, Philip said he'd see what he could do. And weather can cause a plane to be delayed multiple times, pushing back the take off time a little further each time. I know that in my area, a couple of years ago, we had really heavy fog that was expected to burn off early. It stuck around until mid morning, causing multiple delays at the airport.
2. Budget cuts.
3. Depends on the person. There are some teenagers out there that look like they are 20 something. There are 20 somethings out there who look like they should still be in high school, or maybe even junior high. Last week, I saw a young man in an Air Force uniform, and my husband I were both checking to see if he was in Junior ROTC (offered in high school). He wasn't. The young man looked like he was maybe as old as my oldest daughter, who is 15. He's at least a few years older than that.
I think when Rafe thinks about what Stefano said about EJ and how Rafe should watch him, Rafe will start to figure out that EJ already has knowledge of where Sydney is. He'll realize that's why assets are being sold. I hope Stefano and Rafe more or less help each other figure out what EJ's been doing and why he needs the money
It's a Horton family gathering, and they make the effort to explain the unavailable like Alice, Bill, Marie, and Sarah - but Lucas, who is actually available, isn't there?

It's a Horton family gathering, and they make the effort to explain the unavailable like Alice, Bill, Marie, and Sarah - but Lucas, who is actually available, isn't there?


Has Mike been mentioned? Didn't Mickey raise him as his son for years? Did things end badly with them? I don't remember.