Departing...arriving part 17


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Chelsea is coming for Victor's funeral

Very interesting that Chelsea will be back. I am curious who she will interact with. She has her brother Shawn that is trying to cope with shooting their father by turning to alcohol to numb his pain. So that may be something cool to see her help her brother. Otherwise, her mother, Billie, is not in Salem. She has her Grandma Kate. I am having trouble recalling the interactions she had with Victor, but I am sure she had some.
She and Victor grew close after it was revealed she was Bo's daughter. Victor cleaned up the mess and made it go away when Chelsea and her college friends drugged Ford Decker, which led him to fall down the stairs at the sorority house and die.

Wonder if they're going to remember she's pregnant (which was stated on 4/28/23) or if she's already had the baby?
Not only did she have no story, her character was poorly written overall, even the few scenes she was given just did not click. A shame when a writer gets an idea for a new character, but doesn't flesh out the personality, storyline, etc. (in their mind) BEFORE bringing the character on to the canvas.

Won't completely blame writer, am sure producer was not on the ball as well.
I liked Aketra Sevillian (Talia) as an actor. Really wish they'd have written her a better story line so she could stay. I like that Jada had family in Salem.

PS: I am loving Jada and Rafe together. A love for him is way past due and Jada seems like a great fit.
Talia started out interesting: a spicy doctor who’s a little wilder and bolder than Jada to expand a family with links to Days’ past. Then they turned her into a simpering toy for a psycho, and it’s hard to get that back on the rails. I hate when one-note writing, especially for the female characters, ruins a perfectly good idea and actor.
Talia's "story" also had no repercussions anywhere. If this is true and takes effect soon, she'll be forgotten more quickly than Stephanie's friend Ian, Ryan Brady, and Jamie Caldwell.

Johnny proposed to Chanel while drugged up - so what, could have happened on any day ending in a -y.

Nicole boinked Eric while drugged up - so what, would have happened by the next sweeps at the latest.

Gabi and Li made out, Melinda and Stefan made out - big deal, this was forgotten within a few scenes (in fact I had to look it up and I wrote the summary that day). Even Li's growth was reversed in his next appearance.

Rafe hallucinated Duke the Bear and passed out - forgotten within nanoseconds of its on-screen occurrence.

In the end - she was a tool to serve up some quadrangular angst. She'll join the ranks of Carly's polka-dot bra, Bo's Russian accent, and Princess Gina's tacky throne as a subject of mockery.

This is not the fault of the actress.
They didn’t even have the decency to wrap up the Colin storyline on screen after dedicating weeks to it. He just went away off screen with his own sister barely acknowledging him before getting back to her life.
At the very least, it would have been nice to get to see Talia really rip into Colin for all of his abuse. She's a (supposedly) smart, talented young doctor, but yet she fell victim to being manipulated by Colin's charms, and promises of love.

I get it, he was very manipulative of her feelings, although I do have a hard time believing that someone who has been through the rigors of medical school (she seems barely 21, you kind of have sustain disbelief for that in and of itself), let herself become so easily influenced by the likes of that slime.

I know this is easier to say as an older, somewhat wiser, woman, who's gone through her share of hard knocks in life, but I don't care how great the guy seems, and what he promises. I would not have given up my whole medical career for something so simple as revenge, and not even her own, but with regards to someone she had never even met, and didn't even know.

I would have liked to have seen her face him down before he left, and have her tell him that he no longer has any power over her, before very ungraciously slugging him in the jaw, and telling him to get his lying, sleazy self out of there. I don't think anyone would have blamed her, or even pressed any charges.
I get it, he was very manipulative of her feelings, although I do have a hard time believing that someone who has been through the rigors of medical school (she seems barely 21, you kind of have sustain disbelief for that in and of itself), let herself become so easily influenced by the likes of that slime.
This is exactly what I thought as the storyline first started.

Side note: I was in a very manipulative relationship when I was younger and thought it was because I wasn't that intelligent that I allowed it to happen to me. At least this storyline shows me that I might not be as dumb as I thought if a well-educated woman can fall prey to a manipulating butthead.
Soapkitty, I’m so sorry you found yourself in that situation, and so happy that you found your way out it. You’re a strong, beautiful, intelligent amazing person.
Rex will be leaving Salem alone, I guess, since Sarah (Linsey Godfrey) is now on contract...........and Kyle Lowder has a new job as news anchor for a station in Santa Barbara, CA. He has been there over a couple months now, so......can't be long before he exits Salem.

Jen Lilley (Theresa) is also short term, so probably won't be staying around much longer either.