Ellen's talk show


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2006
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I guess this is the correct spot to post this, if not, please move it. I know I only usually have scoop on Days, but, based on my educated guess of the episode #s of another show, this seems to be a pretty big scoop (since I haven't seen it reported anywhere else)...

I haven't seen the news of Ellen DeGeneres cutting down to an average of just 4 episodes a week posted anywhere, but based on yesterday's guest host episode #, that looks to be the case. Her guest host episodes are numbered separately from her regular episodes. Yesterday's guest host episode was numbered 17138G, which seems to suggest Ellen will only be hosting 137 episodes herself this season (down from the usual 170ish). With that being the case, it looks like her new 3-year contract will have her hosting on average just 4 episodes a week, with the other 33+ episodes being done with a guest host each season.

So, just thought that was a cool thing to spot based on the Episode #s. We'll find out if I'm right later in the season (or if Ellen eventually confirms she'll only be hosting 4 episodes a week from now on).
Thanks Jason. I am at work so always miss her show but it is very popular. So many people will be disappointed. It is a grueling schedule Ellen keeps so it is understandable she chooses to cut back a little.
Yeah, she now has that Game show she does (which I do not watch, the clips do not interest me at all). But I have enjoyed her talk show when I can watch (more in winter than warmer months, lol)