SPOILER !! Familiar name returns soon


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2006
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A very familiar name returns soon to "Days", with Jennifer becoming editor of The Spectator!

The news broke on an episode of the reality series "WAGS" last night, when a film crew followed one of the show's stars who was auditioning for the role of a waitress on "Days." The episode, # 13013, will air on January 30, 2017. Video is included below.

Act Seven-Scene A: Horton Town Square - Day
[Jennifer is now alone. She is sipping a cappuccino when a waitress (U/5) approaches.]

Hey, you run the Spectator, don't you?

[A little taken aback]
Yes, I'm the editor.

[Waitress takes a seat at table. Leans in confidentially]

Well, I have a scoop for you. My boyfriend works at the docks. Says there's some interesting stuff going on down there.

I've heard some rumors myself. So what exactly is going on?

I've got three words for you: shay-dee-ness.

Actress Barbie Blank (hired to play Horton Town Square Waitress) arrives at Burbank Studios, meets "Days" casting director Marnie Saitta, runs lines, and meets Co-Executive Producer Greg Meng (scene airs from 5:17-8:41); second scene continues from 9:11-10:33; third scene is meeting with stage manager Fran Bellini DeSimone, makeup head Nicky Schillace, and tapes "Days" scene with Melissa Reeves (scene runs from 36:57-41:47), which reveals where Jennifer is going to be working again soon!

No-show Jenny is moving to the Spectator? Imagine the conversations that might ensue.

At the hospital:

Employee No. 1: Hey, I hear that no-show Jenny Deveraux is leaving to become editor of the Spectator.
Employee No. 2; Who?
Employee No. 3: You know, the blonde ranter who loved/hated lover-boy Jonas.
Employee No. 2: Heard about her, but never actually saw her. Did she ever come to work?
Employee No. 1: Maybe a few times. Anyway, I'm cancelling my Spectator subscription. That worthless rag is about to become even more useless.

At the Spectator:
Employee No. 1: OMG, did you hear the bad news. Jenny Deveraux, a big Town Square ranter, is taking over as editor!
Employee No. 2: I am so out of here. I wonder if they're hiring at the Intruder or at the Chicago papers!
Employee No. 3: Relax. Based on Jenny's attendance record at the hospital, we won't see her much.
Employee No. 2: It's not seeing her that worries me, but having to listen to her.

At the D.A.'s Office
Aiden: Hmm, Jenny Deveraux is the new Spectator editor! I'll just use my irresistible charm to get her to print whatever story I want! I'm going to own this town.
I had considered that......but I have seen, on the show, the name on various tablets/computers as the characters sought information.

But, now that I think about it, I figure, that on THIS board, yep, that name WOULD be familiar, lol
That'd be great if Austin is the returning couple with Carrie and the writers land him in the same role in Jen's investigative reporting team. Would be a nice revival in the next year.
I really like the idea of a Jennifer I can like as a character, again! She seemed fairly useless around the hospital, and being on the newspaper could lead to some mysteries.
Austin was not part of a reporting team with Jennifer. He worked with her to discover who had been dumping waste illegally.........resulting in little Abby's anemia. They did, it was a company Jack did not even realize he owned (his father, Harper's doing) Jack ended up leaving town in embarrassment & guilt, Austin donated the bone marrow that helped little Abby.

But Jen always worked investigating with Jack. I truly wish the body identified as Jack in that elevator accident was misidentified, and he has been living under another name because of amnesia.