family picture

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
Reaction score
Saw this online. Not sure when/where it was taken.

Edited to add: it was taken at a fan event in 2012.

I saw an interview with Kristian Alfonso (Hope) a while back. She mentioned the fact that Peter Reckell (Bo) kept changing his mind about leaving and it was very unclear what his plans were. She didn't seem too happy about it at the time. Maybe she likes the storyline with Aiden and doesn't really want Bo to interfere. Just my opinion.:)
Sorry but I disagree. I follow her on Instagram and Twitter and she looks very different in this photo than she does in other photos that she posts. To me, she looks like she is trying to force herself to smile. The fact that the majority of the photos she posts feature Daniel Cosgrove (Aiden) even though Peter Reckell (Bo) has been taping for several weeks is pretty telling.
This photo was taken at the Brady Soiree (fan lunch) held on June 1st 2012. You can find the video on youtube where they are dancing.

This is my first post, I meant to just put the link, but the video posted too. Not sure if that's allowed. As a side note, that's Peter's wife Kelly Moneymaker singing while they're dancing.
Wow I've never seen Kristian Alfonso (Hope) look so unhappy. She is usually beaming in photos with Lauren Boles (Ciara) and/or Daniel Cosgrove (Aiden).
I think you may be reading more into her smile then there is, because you like her with Aiden, which is fine. But she doesn't look unhappy and all, quite the contrary.

edited to fix quote - JS
Now I guess we will have to figure out why Kristian (Hope) was not smiling in the 2012 picture.
In addition to many of the other comments, I don't believe you can tell what a person is thinking and feeling by a snapshot that is a split second unless you have a personal insight into that person's life, situation events happening in that person's life and even then photos have a way of making you look bad because you weren't ready, had an itch, a twitch, whatever.

I have had, as I'm sure everyone on here has had, photos where you are happy and having fun in the situation, setting, or whatever, but the photo that was taken, makes you look grumpy, sad, and opposite of the reality or just had a few too many ........oh some of my photos, I MAY HAVE been but my point being, although a picture says a thousand words, ne really cannot say for sure what is truly going on behind the mind of the person in the photo. everything is just speculation.