Find the Daytime Emmy in each episode from now through 50th anniversary


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2006
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Was just informed of this, sorry for the late notice: The Daytime Emmy Award is being hidden on one set per episode from Thursday, October 15 through the 50th anniversary in November. Did you spot it in Thursday or Friday's episode?? Be on the lookout for it in the coming episodes! See if you can spot which set it appears in.
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I checked Friday's show a couple of times, but couldn't the Emmy. I wonder
if it's not on everyday. Jason47 will have to let us know.

Someone at Daytime Royalty said they saw in the townhouse on Tues.
So here is picture of it on Tues show. I rechecked case on Friday's show.
There is a blank space.

Oct 13 statue.jpg
that was easy, scene at beginning of show :)
LOL... it took me 14 minutes to spot it in that bag. That person sure was standing around for a long time! I actually saw it again around the 29 minute mark. Not in the same place, but still in the bag on the arm of the same person in the square, near Eve. At least they seem to give us several opportunities!
Last night, after I watched the show. I watched it again on internet looking for it.
I didn't see it. Did anyone see it Monday or today's show?
Thanks for finding it.

I rechecked last week's Friday's show too. I wonder if it's only on Tues
and Thurs shows.