SPOILER !! From the soap mags..coming up in April


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Well, this should be fun. Stefan & Gabby plan to leave town together, Vivian finds out, and Kate sees Gabby, so Stefan locks those two in with Marlena!

Claire talks Wyatt into "fixing" the contest, so she wins, by one vote. And it turns out Tripp decided to cast a vote, and did so for Claire. This does not set well with Ciara (that Tripp voted for Claire) & so Steve has a talk with Tripp, telling him to "fight" for Ciara if that is who he wants.

Marlena has warned Stefan that he won't get away with this, John will move heaven & earth to find her. So...John comes to DiMansion, is questioning Gabby (probably thinking it is Abby), Stefan comes along to rescue her from John's interrogation.

Vivian reveals something rather shocking to her fellow prisoners (Marlena, Kate). [hmmm, can't be the alters, Marlena already knows that, unless it is that Stefan plans to leave town with Gabby???]
Well, this should be fun
Or not.

I'm not sure because this is the only board that I go to, but is ANYONE enjoying the new highly over used character of Stefan??? And why hasn't he slept with Kate yet??? Oh yea, because he's lusting after a mentally ill woman.

But Kate, Vivian and Marlena locked up. Yes, this could be good. The big secret. Stefan isn't Vivian's son.

As for the teens, I honestly don't care.
Well, this should be fun. Stefan & Gabby plan to leave town together, Vivian finds out, and Kate sees Gabby, so Stefan locks those two in with Marlena!

Claire talks Wyatt into "fixing" the contest, so she wins, by one vote. And it turns out Tripp decided to cast a vote, and did so for Claire. This does not set well with Ciara (that Tripp voted for Claire) & so Steve has a talk with Tripp, telling him to "fight" for Ciara if that is who he wants.

Marlena has warned Stefan that he won't get away with this, John will move heaven & earth to find her. So...John comes to DiMansion, is questioning Gabby (probably thinking it is Abby), Stefan comes along to rescue her from John's interrogation.

Vivian reveals something rather shocking to her fellow prisoners (Marlena, Kate). [hmmm, can't be the alters, Marlena already knows that, unless it is that Stefan plans to leave town with Gabby???]
The repulsive sleaze has to absolutely be the dumbest DiMera ever. Wherever they are Santo, Stefano, Andre, and EJ must be shaking their heads over the inept antics of this moron. Over the years, Stefano was involved with a small army of women, but all of them had their head on relatively straight, and he never would have been foolish enough to put Kate, Marlena, and Vivian in one room. EJ did fall for screechy Sami, but at her worst, Roman's darling daughter was never certifiably schizophrenic. As for Andre, up to now, he was the wackiest DiMera of them all, but Vivian's slimy son now wins that title hands down.

As for the teens and the dumb contest, does anyone really care? And I still think that the little beagle below would be a far better face for Bella magazine than either of Little Trippy's roommates.
My take on the big secret: Stefan isn't Stefano's son. Or Vivian's. But I'll bet he's related to *someone* already on the canvas.

Besides, with Marlena down in one of the cells, she's probably the best bet for getting out of there. She's been there enough that she should know all the pathways. The only person who would probably know it better is John. Watch, someone will make a comment that Marlena should know her way around the dungeons, she'll comment that there are so many she doesn't know which way they should go, and when John rescues them he makes a comment about having been down in those tunnels enough times that he'd never forget his way. I can *totally* see this happening.
Is Chad still too wrapped up in Gabi's turmoil and not noticing the 3 of them missing? Especially since he lives with 2 of them! Not to mention Abby isn't herself and he has already said that. Wake up Chad!
And it turns out Tripp decided to cast a vote, and did so for Claire.
Didn't that happen in today's (4/11) show, and he told Ciara he did it?

...the various cells she has been held in at the DiMansion.
Marlena has also been held in a trunk, a cage, and a pit.
I think most of what I gleaned from the mags is next week. I truly have been hoping (and noting here) that Stefan is NOT the son of Stefano. He possibly could be the son of Vivian. However, Viv is very good at finding and hiring stooges. And obviously, their plans (hers & Stefan's) were meticulously laid out, executed, all areas covered.

DNA tests, being made CEO of the company, the house, the entrance into Salem's community, all of it. Tracks covered, etc. And while Stefan has claimed his former name was Sam Maitland, that could be false, as well. Heck, maybe Stefan is a split personality himself!!! LOL.

No, Vivian planned it all very well, getting Andre to give her info, springing this new "son" on everyone, so, am looking forward to whatever secret she is going to reveal to the other 2 ladies. But more, am sure looking forward to the snark. Gonna be delish!
I thought Stefan himself said it.....said he changed it legally in court. Then someone there looked that name up, and learned what a shark Maitland was...buisness-wise
I'm glad to see there will be something for me to look forward to. I've been getting pretty put out with what I've seen the past few days. I'm wondering how Vivian is going to react to her precious son throwing her away.