SPOILER !! From TV Guide

LisaK in AZ

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2012
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A notice from Thursday, August 13 says "Happily ever after doesn't seem to be in the cards for young newlyweds Ciara and Ben Weston since the allegedly reformed "necktie killer" is suddenly having mysterious nightmares about strangling his new wife!"

I really hate that they are doing this. There are so many people out there who hate this couple and hate Ben that this is not going to help. On the other hand, the people who are going along with the "but, he's all better now," are not going to be able to keep that going. I wonder if it is the result of his kidnapping and not being on his meds?
I've read RUMORS that Eve's plan is to drug Ben so he starts hallucinating like Abby did (and that Eve was the one who injected Abby to see how well the drug would work) and everyone thinks Ben has gone off the rails again and is locked up in Bayview again. Also, that she somehow drugged him before the wedding. Remember when he was hallucinating Jordan the morning of the wedding, after he was awake?

It would make sense if it plays out that way, as her revenge for him killing Paige. Also read RUMORS that Eduardo is helping her.
Perhaps Ben asks her to go away for her own safety??? He is worried about himself?

And no, don't like this at all.......if this is coming storyline, shame on them all. (writers & producers)
If what JS has heard is true, it sounds like Ben will be going back to Bayview. But, if the drug that Abby got is the same thing, supposedly, her brain was damaged and won't be able to be fixed (until she turns into Marci Miller). I don't think they can go that route with Ben. Marlena, Super Doc, will get him back! I don't think this was a story they had planned for Ciara to exit, but I don't know. I don't know how long ago she told them she was leaving.
Well, as far as we know........Days filmed 7-8 months in advance. Meaning what we are currently seeing was filmed last November, maybe Dec. at the latest. However, the show took that long hiatus at end of Nov., returning end of Jan/Feb. Victoria Konefal (Ciara) had to let them know by then.......so they only filmed a month or so, and bingo......shut down for the pandemic. And since all the actors have been not working, no filming being done. anything can be changed, altered,moved around......who knows? Days was much too far ahead, And it was not just viewers who realized this, so did the cast & crew. Personally, I think perhaps the headwriter was .....oh, let's just say called in to confer on story direction. Maybe not. But there has to be a reason for the exodus, whether fired or by choice.
I've read RUMORS that Eve's plan is to drug Ben so he starts hallucinating like Abby did (and that Eve was the one who injected Abby to see how well the drug would work) and everyone thinks Ben has gone off the rails again and is locked up in Bayview again. Also, that she somehow drugged him before the wedding. Remember when he was hallucinating Jordan the morning of the wedding, after he was awake?

It would make sense if it plays out that way, as her revenge for him killing Paige. Also read RUMORS that Eduardo is helping her.
I had not seen any rumors but I think Eve and Eduardo are working together as I stated on another thread
A notice from Thursday, August 13 says "Happily ever after doesn't seem to be in the cards for young newlyweds Ciara and Ben Weston since the allegedly reformed "necktie killer" is suddenly having mysterious nightmares about strangling his new wife!"

I really hate that they are doing this. There are so many people out there who hate this couple and hate Ben that this is not going to help. On the other hand, the people who are going along with the "but, he's all better now," are not going to be able to keep that going. I wonder if it is the result of his kidnapping and not being on his meds?
If true, this is truly sick stuff. What makes the writers think that the current viewers want this rubbish??? Why couldn't they have had post-wedding story lines in which Ben and Jake overcome obstacles to make their repair shop a big success, while Ciara battles the usual dysfunction at Titan in an effort to restore the company to its former glory. Would the writers have dared to have had Mickey and Alice or Bo and Hope have hallucinations and nightmares about turning into homicidal maniacx? Of course not, so why do it to any current couple who've had a romantic story line?
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I think it is only natural (for a soap opera) to go this direction. I never fell for the idea that a serial killer could be reformed. I still can’t believe a serial killer can be released from Bayview 2 years after murdering 3 people (4 if you count Will who was resurrected from the dead by Dr. Rolf).

Maybe medications and therapy can help someone who has murderous behavior. Maybe. But I would never warm up to him or trust him. If Bo were alive he would not allowed this wedding to happen.

So yes, I think it would be good soap opera drama for Ciara to be the next victim of Ben’s murderous rage when he is off his medication. She will likely survive but I think she will be in danger soon.

And I think if I were Eve and Eduardo I would want revenge on the person who killed my daughter. So I’m not surprised if they are the ones behind kidnapping Ben. The only thing I have a problem with is if they are the ones who put the bomb in the church, that could have killed a lot of innocent people.
I agree. In the world of soaps, many of us like Ben and have enjoyed the change of direction in his character.

But in real life, there's no way I'd want someone I loved to be with a "reformed" serial killer, not even through the whole "he was mentally ill, but is OK as long as he takes his meds" routine. Nope.

And in Eve and Eduardo's place, I can't say I'd blame them for wanting revenge.
Call me a hypocrite, but I love Ben & Ciara on Days.

Yes JS, do not pair him with one of my friends or relatives in real life. I don't quite think recovery would go as well as it's played out here or better yet I just would not want to take the chance.

That is what is so great about soaps, I can feel how I want about a character with no repercussions!