Gripe Fest....


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Wish I knew what was really going on at Days. The writing has been horrible, terrible storylines, and yet, it doesn't change. No new writers, story ideas, or comments from the show.

Major characters (actually, the actors) have left and no comments. Some of the recasts have not worked at all yet they were hired for the part. Favs brought back, given nothing to do. "Guest" appearances by well known names, but story is a bummer.

Belle & Shawn back at last, but show is stingy with their appearances. Sami is back, is she really? Just to sit at the visitor's table forever. And just WHY and HOW are the ones jailed able to sit there for such long periods?

Over abundance of kidnappings.....Ciara, the twins, Gwen, Sarah...give us a break.

Kristen & the impersonations........overkill.
May I add things that cause me to go WHAT???

Now I will admit to being a tad bit lax in the religion department. I was brought up Methodist, my ex Catholic, but I thought godparents were people who were to guide your child in the event you were no longer around. Perhaps take them into your family or at least be a constant in their lives.

So why did the writers think that great grandparents/grandparents were appropriate choices?

The terrible handling of rape.

The police commissioner actually being in charge of the investigation of cases including one that currently has him incarcerating his ex.

Ben not working yet making rent and apparently enough to continue to work out.
I've been watching Days since the early 80's and yes, I've suspended disbelief for many storylines, but the writers really need to get a friggin clue! This nonsense about people wearing masks of other Salemites and getting away with it, is without question, the worst storyline ever! Please STOP insulting the intelligence of your audience!

The entire "Kristen is Nicole" thing was bad enough, but this thing with Sarah is just the last straw! Do the DiMeras not have cameras all over their property? How did Kristen drag Sarah into the DiMansion unnoticed? How did she obtain a "Sarah mask" overnight? Does anyone consider the fact that it takes HOURS of makeup to transform actors? The idiotic writers want us to believe that someone than throw on any o'l mask and look, talk, feel, and react like an entirely different person and nobody will notice. Hello? As if nobody would notice they were kissing a mask??? AAAAAaggggh!! It's undeniably the worst writing ever. Just STOP! :whack::confused::rotfl::eek:
I honestly haven't watched for more than background noise since the last summary I posted. I can't bring myself to do it because it's screamingly obvious how lazy the writing is, most recently with Sarah being sacrificed to Kristen and her many faces.

I agree on the godparents thing. It's a lazy way to create "conflict" for Lani/Paulina/whoever else is involved, I don't even care enough to know at this point. I'm sure Kristen would have been nominated if "best friend" Lani had a clue she was roaming the streets.

Ciara's angle is useless except to give Ben something to do besides mope about her, but they were onto something having him bond with Claire and I'm sure that's all out the window again now. This is just mope fuel.

I am beyond disappointed in what they've done with Jack since his return and I know I'm not the only one here who feels this way. Abigail and Chad have also become trash. I'm tired of seeing Salem's resident cougar Kate be insecure over her partners. It wasn't THAT long ago she was in this same position with Rafe.

I feel like the writers only know the same handful of angles and just keep feeding them to us over and over again, only changing things slightly each time. I can think of 5 kidnappings in the last year and I am certain I am forgetting a couple.
I have been watching Days since it came on and boy this show really is horrible. I don't like to complain because I really hate to see this show go off the air. The show will go off the air if the writers don't get better storylines.

The story is so far fetched. I fast forward half of it anymore.

When they get a good storyline going they kill it with damaging the characters.

No one is happy any more!! People get married (if it ever takes place lol) and the marriage is damaged somehow right away.

Babies being born then kidnapped, plus amnesia , it's the same old, same old, just different characters.

I always loved this show and been a loyal watcher but come on, writers, start thinking of better storylines.
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I'm also a "Days Oner". Though there have been some storylines that I've absolutely hated throughout the years, this head writer keeps giving us pure junk. Yes, there are little glimmers of a good story thread here and there. However, the writers can never keep them going.

The powers that be have their favorite actress who is constantly pushed on us with repetitive scenes, dialogue, etc. Just swap out the character that hers is going after with any other. It is all the same, and lazy writing.

It also seems that someone in charge knows actors who are looking for short term little side jobs. Then brings them in with inane mini plots that aren't thought out and plain stupid.
Agree with just about everything posted here. I found myself multiple times over the past few days saying “how did she?” about pretty much every part of the Kristen storyline.

What was the point of bringing Philip back with no real storyline? The gambling and getting in with the mob bit was lame and there’s no reason Ava should be alive.

They lost an opportunity to do some real family drama dynamics in favor of crazy kidnapping and Anna whodunnit with Charlie. We could have had lots to unpack with Ava, Tripp, Charlie, Steve & Kayla, whoever Charlie’s father is, relationship dynamics with Claire. But instead we got another rape story.

Why couldn’t Allie just have had a one night stand when she was partying and never know who the father was? That would have been plenty to work with involving Sami, Lucas, Kate, Marlena, Will.

I’m also tired of the forgotten details of history. Gabi should be living in the DiMansion since she technically owns it. She didn’t grow up in Rafe’s house. The whole Gwen story was unnecessary. She didn’t need to be related to anyone. Could have had some tiff with Abigail back in London and been out for revenge.

Rolf needs to disappear. That stupid miracle drug is too convenient of an excuse to bring people back.

And can people please live in real homes and not hotel rooms?
Perhaps take them into your family or at least be a constant in their lives.
Yeah, most people I know don't have them, but I thought the job was to guide them spiritually or something, and/or act as guardians (though I can count on one hand the number of folks I know who have a godparent - I can remember asking this about my own family after hearing about them, I think, on Days of Our Lives, as a child) if the parents die or are unable to care for the kids.

Meanwhile let's all remember who Arianna Grace's godmother is. So let's see if that story goes anywhere.

What was the point of bringing Philip back with no real storyline?
I'm glad someone here mentioned this - I brought this up on twitter but always forget when commenting here. It makes no sense - the Titan story is dropped, he's not a suspect in Charlie's murder (could have played a corporate theft angle), his mob hit hit dumbbell Brady, but he's not directly connected to anything. And the story seems headed toward Brady/Chloe, but I honestly don't think the writers plan more than 2 episodes at a time. Which would be fine if they weren't 5 months ahead in filming.
Gabi should be living in the DiMansion since she technically owns it. She didn’t grow up in Rafe’s house. The whole Gwen story was unnecessary. She didn’t need to be related to anyone. Could have had some tiff with Abigail back in London and been out for revenge.
Hear, hear, on all counts. At least Gabi moved back to HER home today. I hope she's charging Kate, Jake, Chad and Abby and their spawn, and Lucas (I think he's still living there) hefty rent.

To add my own major complaint, nobody has characterisation anymore. Things happen. They don't make sense. Sarah is smart one day, dumb the next. (Replace Sarah with Xander, Victor, Chad, Abby, Philip, Gwen, Jack, etc.) Nobody has hobbies or things they like/dislike. And if they do, they don't as soon as DA PLOT calls for a character change.

Take today's mess. Xander's a dirty doer. He's held a mask in his hands. He knows how Kristen acts better than EVEN BRADY since they've been associates. And Linsey Godfrey was playing Kristen-as-Sarah well, so it's obvious it's not really Sarah. So even if we accept the sci-fi nonsense that magically un-tattoos skin & retattoos it, adds adjusts natural height, modulates the voice, and feels like real skin and doesn't wear or tear under the physical stress of Rex Brady's horniness, Kristen had enough tells that ...XANDER SHOULD BE ABLE TO FIGURE THIS OUT!!!

(Sorry for yelling, LOL.) And that's just ONE major character assassination in ONE of the stories. There are so many!
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I thought godparents are people who are supposed to help with spiritual education (hence, the god part). I think the idea that they agree to take care of the kids if something happens is a recent development.

The lack of consistent characterization is awful. They change character traits for convenience.

My biggest complaint right now is that there are a few storylines they've put effort into developing that have worked and created a sense of audience investment. They treat those investments like trash. Witness this situation with Xander and Sarah. The way they are now threatening to break up Ciara and Ben. They don't spend time on happiness. The situation with Lani and Eli is the first in a long time where a couple has been on the canvas and allowed to be happy and it's been maybe a month of happiness since the kidnapping?

I think how cheaply they treat story and character is starting to kill the show because the actors aren't interested in sticking around, which means you have to stop stories midstream.

And my ongoing complaint, not seeing people's houses. The complete collapse of Salem's setting and locations. Everyone living at the hotel or in one of the two mansions. And now everyone being in jail! It's never winter or summer. There's no setting.

I fear they are in a downward budget spiral where they can't afford sets and actors, so they shortchange things, which impacts the product and drives down viewership, which reduces the budget, etc. etc.
And let’s not forget all the consent issues they step around trying to portray as not bad/wrong.

Kristen wearing a mask to seduce someone, sorry folks but that’s not just “part of the story”.

If Theo actually pursues amnesiac Ciara, that’s problematic as well. Because current Ciara would never consent to that relationship. It’s a cop out to say she’s “not in her right mind”.

Not to mention all the past times they tip-toed around with this.
The godparent is never meant to be the person who takes the child in if the parents die etc. The godparent is to see that the child receives some type of religious training. It is an honor not meant to be an obligation. You have a will for who will care for your child(ren) in the event of your death. I believe that grandparents - particularly Catholic ones - would never be approved by the priest for godparent. Susan Seaforth Hayes (Julie) is 77 or 78 years old. They already gave the child the name "Jules" for Julie. Godparents Julie OR Valerie is not a good idea. It should be a younger adult.

All that said, the parents might select the godparents to be the person you ask to rear your children if you are unable or not around.

It is tiresome to have writers not pay attention to some of the details of particular religions. If it were a non Christian religion there would be so much outrage that they did not tell the story correctly. Why not tell it right in this instance as well. The Bradys - being Irish - have been long portrayed as Irish Catholics not from Northern Ireland and from the Protestant line. Just my opinion.
I don't think Eli and Lani are Catholic even though the church has mostly been presented as such in the past because of the Bradys. I'm not sure we're supposed to take that so seriously. Just like we accept super serum and mind control chips or the fact that inmates have free movement all around the prison to make phone calls and meet with visitors or that doctors regularly give medical information to anyone who wanders by.
And you are right, Moira.......the problem tho, is that while Days have parents always eager to have their child christened, they do NOT follow thru. Except for Caroline Brady, no one goes to church, sends their children for any sort of religious training thereafter. There are priests in the Catholic religion, also other religions as well. I guess, because it is a christening, the baby is given their name. A baptism would signify the religion.

In my life, I guess I have been fortunate to have friends, neighbors, (and relatives) in all different religions, backgrounds, ethnic origins, thus experienced a lot. Doesn't matter to me, we are all God's children. We pray, we grieve, we celebrate.

But I do agree that the writers seem to ignore or are unable to even google info on whatever they are writing about.
I am so annoyed with the latest stories for Xander and Sarah, and Ben and Ciara. Neither couple were my favorites, but they were the very few couples, aside from Eli and Lani (also not a favorite of mine) that were not troubled with a third party interfering in their romance and for the most part were happy together.

I would rather they had let them have a happy wedding, then had Sarah go off to see Maggie for an emergency. They also could have recast the role and had Sarah off until they found a replacement for Linsey Godfrey (Sarah). Or even had the original actress come back after a rest.

I also hate the Ciara amnesia story. I hate the fact that Kayla does not want anyone telling Ciara about the four years she's missed. Um, not only does this include her love and marriage to Ben, but also her rivalry with Claire which I think most of us were relieved was over. Also, this was during the time she was interested in Theo and now he's back in town and appears to be showing interest in her as well. Also, how is she going to react to all of the new kids? Thomas, Charlotte, and Holly are a lot bigger than she remembers, and her cousin Allie now has a baby, Henry? And Lani's twins? Although wasn't Lani pregnant with David at this time so she thinks the twins are the result of that pregnancy. She's also not wondering where her mother is?
Jen, you are not alone, for sure! I do not understand why Kayla would not want anyone telling Ciara she has amnesia. She has gone thru it herself, dealt with Steve, etc. And then, she has NO conversations with Ben? Ciara herself?