Heads up, nationwide test Wednesday October 4th


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
I got that notice, still going to startle those without computers....many of my friends do not have one. A couple used to, but got rid of them as felt too much garbage. !!! Gonna have to call one of them, she would get totally u pset.
Thanks for the warning. I'll be getting when I listen to music on my TV.

I wonder if streaming channels will have this.
from what I read, the emergency alert will be on all cell phones,
I got the alert while watching the music on cable. I wonder if people who are streaming shows got the alert.
No phone call on my landline.
Well, it was cellphones, supposedly radio and TV. My cell went off at 1:20......(no longer have landline) radio was not on, nor TV.
Mine went two minutes early but this week I've had to deal with Amber alerts and one of the regular TV tests at the fine hour of 1:30 AM so I'm just getting used to it. Do they not know the number of us that sleep with the TV on? And I swear that late night thing happened a couple of weeks ago too.
This test wouldn't affect landlines. They wouldn't have the ability to make a landline beep. They also wouldn't have the ability to dial every landline in the country at once.
I know the test wouldn't do landlines. I found a tweet the other day that said all phones. I made
a comment about it. No one answered.

I'm assuming the cable channels put the test through. What if someone is watching on Roku
or another device?
What if someone is watching on Roku or another device?
Since I think Roku operates like a streaming device, I don't think it would've affected those folks.
I found a tweet the other day that said all phones.
They probably just meant all cell phones, since there's no way for every landline to be dialed at the same time.

But that's neither here nor there since it's over, and it only lasted about a minute.
I just read the funniest thing online about this. Apparently there are people who believe some conspiracy thing that said if you received a Covid vaccine, the beep from the nationwide test would activate something in the vaccine and turn you into a zombie. :rotfl:

I have 2 cell phones, one for work and my personal cell phone. Would that make me a double zombie?

What about a large family who happened to all be home during the test? Would they all become super zombies?? :rotfl:

And isn't this all basically the plot of the 1982 movie, Halloween III: Season of the Witch?? :rotfl:
Apparently there are people who believe some conspiracy thing that said if you received a Covid vaccine, the beep from the nationwide test would activate something in the vaccine and turn you into a zombie
Of course!! It is truly alarming, the things some people will believe! They walk among us.
I read a little more on this crazy conspiracy theory. It said to turn off your cell phone completely, wrap it in tinfoil, then put it inside the microwave or a Faraday cage during the test.

Apparently the people who started this conspiracy are unaware these tests must happen every few years and the last one was in 2021. To my knowledge, no zombies were created during the 2021 test. :rolleyes: