HELP Needed!


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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I will be leaving this coming weekend for a much needed vacation. Only going to Illinois, will be staying with my best friend from childhood. Tis a 7 1/2 hr drive, makes for a long day, for sure.

So, I need some help to do summaries next week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday. (God Bless Jason who does Thursdays for me!) Please, if you can, even a short summary is helpful.

I may have computer access at times (going to take my laptop with me, but I hate typing on it, so mostly read. I don't even know if I will get to see the show at all. She hasn't been too well herself.

Some of you may recall me mentioning (I think in donuts thread) about my friend losing her husband, daughter, sister-in-law, & sister within a 2 yr. period.

Anyway, we are needing some assistance next week, so please let me know if you can possibly help out, and which day. God Bless. Thank you!
I could take a crack at doing a summary on Monday. It would be posted a little later then usual since the show airs at 1:00 Pacific time in my neck of the woods. But I can do it if nobody else is available.
I follow someone on Tumblr who does recaps of Days episodes. She usually posts them at around 12:45 pm my time. (I live in Utah where Days airs at 1:00 AM, so I just read recaps and watch on So, I can copy and paraphrase the recap I read on Tumblr if you guys want.
No, we don't allow recaps from other sites to be copied/pasted here.
I have a call at 1pm tomorrow but can watch on DVR right after so it may be a little late.

So looks like we have a schedule. If anyone else wants to pick up a day, just let us know beforehand.

Mon, Tues: Heather

Wed: Troy

Thurs: Jason

Fri: Troy

Keep in kind these summaries may be up a bit later in the day than usual as well.
I can't commit to a particular day because I never know from day to day (or even hour to hour) if I can watch Days and type the summary. I can have a quiet morning, then get slammed in the afternoon, or be pulled into a conference call, or a long-winded client call.