Hortons: dead, alive or missing in action

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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Let's see if we can account for all of the Hortons.


Tom, Alice, Addie, Mickey, Janice (Mickey/Maggie's foster daughter), Zack, Nick, Will and David


Bill, Marie, Julie, Hope, Melissa, Sarah, Mike, Jennifer, Lucas, Jessica, Scotty (we know he's alive because he called Julie), Shawn-Douglas, Ciara, Nathan, Abby, JJ, Claire, Allie, Arianna and Thomas

Missing in action:

Tommy, Sandy, Steven, Spencer and Jeremy
Tom & Alice had 5 children. Tommy, Addie, Bill, Mickey, Marie. Addie & Mickey have passed away for sure. Marie is now in the convent. Bill is in Africa (is a doctor) and Tommy, well, tis anyone's guess about him. He came back from the war, and ...well, he may be upstairs in an attic somewhere as well.

So all the rest are the children, grandchildren, great, and great great.....etc.
She left the convent to become involved with Alex Marshall (Jessica's biological father). Later, she fell for and married Neil Curtis (it was a brief marriage). Liz Chandler became jealous. Marie went to visit Jessica and Joshua, came home unexpectedly and Liz (who was at the house, after having sex with Neil), shot Marie, thinking she was a burglar. Marie recovered, but her marriage did not and they divorced.

Then she gave up on finding love and moved to be close to Jessica and Joshua. Here's a picture of her wedding to Neil.

Missing in action:

Tommy, Sandy, Steven, Spencer and Jeremy

I just wrote a summary for the Christmas Day 1991 episode, and Julie mentions that Spencer will be moving to Salem to attend Salem University's law department. Perhaps they were thinking of bringing the character back in 1992 but with the change in head writers, that idea got scrapped.
I thought I knew all the past characters, but I can't place Spencer. Can somebody jog this old lady's memory?
Let's see if we can account for all of the Hortons.
In Hortonland, everyone is present and accounted for if their ornament is on the annual Christmas tree. There's no need for them to be present in person or be mentioned in somebody's conversation.
Really interesting that he was old enough to attend law school back in 1991. I was thinking he was still a little kid when Julie made the one reference to him.
There's nothing odd about this. The kid probably enrolled in Salem University School of Law's "Early Legal Education" program. All that's needed to be admitted are a few good report cards from St. Luke's Academy or Salem High. And thanks to a special exemption for Salem lawyers, they need not be age 21 to practice law. Who knows, perhaps in a few years, Parker, Tater Tot, Thomas, and Holly might form a law firm and represent Salem's dysfunctional adults in court.
I cannot find any reference to a character named Spencer.....except for Laura Spencer, who married both Mickey & Bill Horton, and is the mother of Jennifer & Mike.
Spencer is Steven Olson's son. Steven is Julie's full brother and Hope's half-brother.

Spencer has never been seen. He was only mentioned once, by Julie, in 1991. He didn't exist in Salem when Steven was in town. As Jason47 stated above, Julie said he was coming to Salem to attend law school. But that never happened and he was never mentioned again.

Can someone refresh my memory about who is Scotty's mother? Is it Trish? I recall she was a singer at Doug's club and was involved with David.
At least Cassie and Rex were actual characters who were on the show.

Spencer was literally only mentioned that one time. He was never in Salem. And I think that was the last time Steven Olson (Julie and Hope's brother) was mentioned.