How about a Huge Ball/Party?


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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It has been ages/years since Days did anything on a grand scale. The costume balls, Halloween parties, big weddings, are a thing of the past. Even the large, back yard BBQs for July 4th no longer exist, Days rarely even remembers a holiday.We were even deprived of the big fund raising gala, being shoved into a small little room where Aiden & Hope had to waltz in a 2x2 ft space.
While we could have had some cute Halloween costume clad kids doing Trick or Treatin at a couple of homes, or the mall....we instead had all the giddyness of Sami deciding to go to L.A. and endless family visits to say goodbye.
So..... if we could have our druthers, and try to confine ourselves to what sets Days would let us use, what kind of big party/ball could we have, what kind of FREE music could we have, and what would be theme, clothing, etc. WHAT can we come up with that would work within their budget limits?
Right now, the only space large enough, would seem to be that overused Horton Square. Is there any music besides Christmas hymns that might be in public domain now? Classical? Country? Those tables, chairs, benches, etc. can be removed, a large space for circulating. What say you?
How about using the Kiriakis living room set as a ballroom? Take out the furniture temporarily and you've got a dance floor. They could even say its the Salem Inn ballroom. If Maggie wants to host a huge Thanksgiving gala, it would be okay even if recognizable as the mansion since she lives there.

Music is tricky. There's some artists who sell the rights to their music at low cost for podcasts, but I don't know if those rights extend to TV broadcast. With so many musicians working on the show, I wonder if some would be willing/able to perform their own music as publicity for their bands.

What I'd love to see is some kind of Thanksgiving party with dancing so people can share their gratitude for their partner and those that are single can come with friends and maybe leave with the possibility of a date. Or maybe that would be better for valentines day. Either way is fine; I just want to get some romance back in the show.
I would love a big party with everyone there and no cut scenes to someone else's house romping, conniving etc. Do it all at the party...wait that may not have come out right lol. You know what I mean.

Music.. Fisher is easy to work with. Y&R, OLTL and GH has used them. I don't think OLTL budget was any bigger than Days though I could be wrong. LOL (like Days is really listening to me)
How about a big Christmas brunch at the Brady Pub, either before or after the Horton tree trimming? The set is already decorated and is also large enough for sub-plots.

Main Guest List: Caroline, Roman, John, Marlena, Hope, Aiden, Ciara, Chase, Kayla, Joey, Abe, Theo, Maxine, Jeannie Theresa, Eve, Paige, Shane, Kimberly, Eric, Nicole, Victor, Maggie, Brady, Lucas, Allie, Will, Sonny

Rotating Guests: Anne(as Jeannie T's guest and to learn about Christmas), Giselle (to bother Roman), Kate (for Roman, Lucas and Allie), Andrew Donovan (to surprise his family), Daniel, Jennifer, JJ, Abigail, Adrienne, Justin, Tad, Ben, Doug, Julie

And Steve Johnson entering the room as the cliffhanger!

Note that I would prefer Belle, Shawn and Claire or Carrie, Austin and Baby No-Name to walk in but I think Andrew Donovan and Steve Johnson are more cost effective :)

For music, they can play songs from the Days Christmas CD as well as have Doug and JJ sing.
Love the idea........but we right now have to be thinking next May or beyond?? With filming 5 months ahead..

HOnestly, the show is truly beyond time for something sentimental, romantic, happy, fun. Do you think perhaps Days just MIGHT consider something on this order in the fall of next year? 50th?

Or, a summer fundraiser.....a July 4th. ....a FLAG DAY....a VJ day in August, Anniversary of the Horton Square dedication.......just something...
I was complaining about this yesterday or the day before in one of the other threads...even just a few years ago, DOOL used to invest in things like the Square New Years Eve party (before the set was overuse), the Halloween party before that (where Jennifer was stalked), New Years Eve party on the pier, special 4th of July episodes...other than Christmas, there's not much holiday cheer on the show.

Perhaps because of so many doom and gloom storylines. I'd love to see a Thanksgiving banquet (like they do on B&B) where people all come together, even if they didn't/don't get along much of the time, and just celebrate this particular day to give thanks, eat, spend time together, maybe some romance.

I'd like to see a lot of romance on Valentine's Day too, but who will we see? Probably just Hope & Aiden and Maggie & Victor, since even Will-Sonny are having issues, and every other "couple" on the soap is just about climbing into bed. I'd love to see a double date between Maggie & Victor and Hope & Aiden, Daniel and Nicole perhaps will have gotten closer at that point and should reunite. Maybe Will & Sonny will resolve their issues. I miss the days of being giddy over my favorite couples being all romantic together.
[W]at kind of FREE music could we have, and what would be theme, clothing, etc.
Anything published before 1923 is in the public domain and wouldn't cost the Days producers a cent. Daniel and Nicole, Marlena and John, and Maggie and Victor, dressed in period clothing, could be cutting the rug to the tunes of such old-time favorites as Alexander's Ragtime Band, Tiger Rag, I Ain't Got Nobody, and Gasoline Gus and His Jitney Bus. The highlight of the event could be the miraculously-returned Jack, cleverly disguised as Theodore Roosevelt, falling into a cake.
I'd like to see 3 big events every year - a 4th of July BBQ where all the characters are dressed in casual clothes, there's a barbecue, frisbees, a couple of dogs (cast members can bring in their own critters), picnic tables set out, etc - and just let them have FUN for a change.

Maybe someone starts a squirt gun fight, there's a kiddie pool full of ice with beer in it & another with pop & water...people eating burgers or hot dogs, piles of food...and a fireworks display with ooh's & aahs. Maybe have one BBQ for the Horton/Black/Brady families & another for the Kiriakis/DiMera families & a few couples attend both.

Thanksgiving - the AWKWARD occasion where they have to sit at the same table because it's too cold out. TONS of food, lots of talk & chatter, the guys are in a kitchen with a football game on & talking trash while the ladies are in the living room sucking down wine. Eventually everyone eats too much & drift into near-food-comas and begin to talk & forgive past transgressions, etc.

Christmas - because it's tradition. We get to see the Horton house tree-trimming, John & Marlena in their townhouse with Belle, Shawn D & Claire on skype (or whatever), Victor & Maggie along with Sonny & Will with Ari, Justin & Adrienne etc in the K-Mansion. Will & Sonny go to visit John & Marlena. Belle & Shawn go to the Pub where we see Caroline, Roman, Kayla, etc.

Show us the hospital with Doug reading the Christmas Story surrounded by cast & crew & their kids as usual - - young & old as well, it would be fun to see flashbacks of Deidre Hall's (Marlena) kids then & now - have them dressed up in scrubs as "doctors" - same with Kristian Alfonso (Hope), etc & her kids. Give us FAMILY scenes and some serious mistletoe kisses for our couples along with them unwrapping presents, talking, laughing, etc & sinking into some nice romantic scenes by fireplaces or under the Christmas tree.

The show ignoring holidays or giving us 1-2 episodes that are so clearly shoestring budgets is wearing very's depressing, in my opinion - they need to connect with the audience some more & these would be a good way to start.

edited to write out word....JS
The HTS is the only set suitable for a big party. Music by JJ (guitar/voice,) Paige(piano,) Eve (Bonnie Raitt homage,) Doug (for the vets,) and it's a safe bet that other cast members are musically talented.

They could make it a pot-luck. Since Sami is out of town, we won't have to worry about her bringing fruit cups...

Marlena has proven MC abilities.
Saw a clip once of the Day of Days from a few years ago. Justin & brady both Sing, Justin plays (in real life has a band), the actress who played Melanie sang, I know Eve does, as does Doug & Julie. Craig Wesley sings beautifully. And of course, those background music makers that we hear throughout the year could easily put music in. Oh, yes, Chloe & previous Brady sang beautifully, too.
So yes, we have talent, but we really need a big dress up party. Costumes, etc.
And yes, the big BBQ for the 4th. The NBC studio has a huge park right across the street. They took cast pictures there one year. They had a big room for that St. Lukes school cookie sale, and fund raiser. It was really big, and the characters present could not even fill the space. No idea what that was.....but, it WAS useful. LOL
I remember reading an article in SOD several years ago about a woman who worked in the music department of a soap (not Days). She said she'd search through MySpace (which was popular at the time) to look for independent artists who uploaded their (original) music. If she found music/songs that fit storylines, she'd contact the artists to work out a deal to use the songs in exchange for the publicity.

It was a win/win situation for both. The soap got cheap or free music and the artist could say their music was featured on the soap.
Remember when we knew the gala was coming up and we were all excited about the possibilities.

Will and Sonny's wedding was done well but it was nothing like the old school weddings (I'll never forget Shawn crashing through the window on his motorbike at Belle and Philip's wedding). I mean even Martha (Calliope's dog) and Reggie's wedding was more elaborate.

edited to add info....JS