How about an intro from the


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Once upon a time, I had a big 6 ft. sattelite dish, and could get Days a day ahead as it was fed into Canada at 3:30 a.m. . Thus I was able to see Days, yes, a day ahead (I taped it) & always knew how the Friday cliffhanger t urned out, since I saw Monday's show on Friday. There was a trio who also had same ability , who posted summaries for Day Ahead. I would read them all the time, and when one was having some physical problems, unable to do the summary , I wrote, volunteering to do that ONE day a week summary. And so it began. After a few years, Canada lost that connection, we all no longer got Day Ahead, but we tried. One lived in CA, another in NY, and me in the midwest. Our times of watching differed, changed as stations changed airing times, eventually the other two opted to end it, retiring. But Wayne (who I posted with on a Days website) got after me, urging me to join him in hosting a site devoted to Days. I finally agreed, he created the site, and thus The Salem Spectator was born. At the time, Wayne worked from home, so was very active on the site, but when he became employed outside the home, he no longer could participate as he once did. Yes, here I am, I did the daily summaries until my life changed dramatically after hubby became ill, and then oldest son.
There are posters here who have posted with me since "way back when" and know all this. But newer members.....welcomed and enjoyed by us all, perhaps might be curious.
I know it is mentioned at times, but I live in northern Wisconsin, pretty close to Canada, which is on the other side of Lake Superior. Winters are frigid, snow filled, grey days. I lived on a lake for many years, rural, but a few years ago moved into town because of hubby's health problems, which have worsened. I have 4 children, 3 grand-daughters. My life has changed so much the last couple of years, as has my health. I cannot begin to express how grateful I am to those who have filled in on the summaries for me, and to Just Samantha who recently got her own set of time consuming responsibilities, but is still "on the job". And now that I have bored you enough.........take care, God Bless, thank you!
I started with Dustin's Day Ahead site, and when that closed down, followed here.
I too, appreciate all everyone does to keep the site going and who can contribute to summaries. I would love to be able to contribute more, however my work responsibilities do now allow for me to see the show on a regular basis, so I rely on this site and and all of you, to keep up to date.
Thanks to all!