How would you.........#6...John Black identity


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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John Black has been in Salem a lot of years, a great many adventures, plus a number of personalities, a few identities. Brainwashed by Stefano, with his real identity never revealed, he has been thought to be Roman Brady, Forest Alamain, John Black, and then supposedly Ryan, son of Colleen Brady, and finally the son of Yo Ling.

So, a series of different writers attempted to give John his own identity, and the next ones came along, changing it. Ryan had actually died....he was not that boy. Maybe Vivian only knows the truth about Forest. I did not like the ditzy mother that claimed him, and did like the military hero father idea, until that turned out to be another unhinged maniac.

So, how would you write John's real birthright? Would you use one of the many........or have something completely new?
John, to me, is the continuing hero. When Marlena was thought to be dead, he raised the children, (Carrie, Sami, Eric) on his own. He had a couple other loves, Diana Colville, Isabella (Brady's mom) but while wonderful, nothing compared to his love and connection to Marlena.

Currently, they are saying John was in some boarding school, was taken, and turned into an assassin, a bit different from Eduardo, as John was trained in other occupations as well, pilot, priest, art thief, etc. etc.

So, that still could jell with Forest having been sent to boarding school, taken by Stefano.

Thus, John should be that Forest Alamain, brought to her sister as a baby by Daphne DiMera. (he could have been given to her by that ditz mother who did not want to be encumbered by a baby). Daphne promised the ditz she would see that the baby was cared for, so thus, the Alamains adopted and raised him. At least until Lawrence tried to drown him, so he got sent away.

Actually, though, I really want John to be the son of Caroline Brady's sister, who died in childbirth. I just want him to be connected to the Bradys. So, when the ditz mother gave birth, her child died, and the nurses pretended Caroline's sister's baby was hers. (Shawn Sr. could have been the father, lol)
I kinda liked him being Forest Alamain and being related to Vivian. I like the the fact that he was related to the Bradys, but not Stefano, when he was "Ryan". He should have stayed Forest.This Yo daddy Ling, no words how terrible that story is/was.
Last fall when there was a big fuss about the Martin house, I wanted John to be Susan Martin's son Dickie, who (supposedly) died as an infant. The baby could have survived and ended up in that assassin school with Eduardo. It would give John a family with Salem roots, but not necessarily as a Horton or a Brady to tie him to people already in Salem.
I'm definitely not happy with parentage being with some woman who abandoned him and crazy Yo Ling. The writer's added the Alamains in as adoptive so it makes sense currently.

However yes, I would have kept John as Forest Alamain and stay a biological nephew to Vivian. John catching his "Aunt Vivian" in schemes was pretty funny.
Last fall when there was a big fuss about the Martin house, I wanted John to be Susan Martin's son Dickie, who (supposedly) died as an infant. The baby could have survived and ended up in that assassin school with Eduardo. It would give John a family with Salem roots, but not necessarily as a Horton or a Brady to tie him to people already in Salem.

Well. You totally took my answer. But hey, it's fine. NO worries. Nope. None at all.


No really - there was some speculation at the time about this scenario playing out -- I thought it could have been REALLY good & would have given John & Marlena and Julie & Doug some good stuff to work with as Julie filled in John (and the audience in turn) about who Dickie Martin was/is. Great non-biological ties to the canvas so there's no worries about incest or other ickiness, and a way to utilize some of the deeper history of the show. It was a real missed opportunity that they didn't do this.
I would have him be Shawn Brady's son by a woman with whom he had an affair during a solo trip home to Ireland to visit his family. The woman, who was later Abigail's nanny, never told him she got pregnant. She sent the child to live with her cousins in England; they later adopted the child and moved to the Midwestern part of America.

The father was an ISA agent and the mother (whose maiden name was Black), was a psychiatrist. They sent the child (who they had named John) to boarding school, where he was kidnapped. The crime was never solved and the child is still in the missing persons database; both parents died in 2000 without ever knowing what happened to John.

With new technology, the case is solved in 2017, and John once again becomes a Brady, half-brother to Roman, Kayla, Kim, and Bo; stepchild to Caroline. Caroline found out about Shawn's affair much later, after which she had an affair with Victor Kiriakis).
Last fall when there was a big fuss about the Martin house, I wanted John to be Susan Martin's son Dickie, who (supposedly) died as an infant. The baby could have survived and ended up in that assassin school with Eduardo. It would give John a family with Salem roots, but not necessarily as a Horton or a Brady to tie him to people already in Salem.
For me this idea is preferable to some of the others that are being offered. Instead of being the all-too-common supposedly dead person, though, how about John's mother being Susan, but conceived in the back seat seat of a Cadillac circa 1955 when Susan got too amorous with a college student who belonged to the elite van Hopper family. As was often done in those days, Susan gave birth to John at a home for "wayward" girls and he was then placed in an orphanage. That said, conjuring up a past for an iconic character like John is difficult, and previous scenarios just didn't get the job done. I don't much care for good-guy John being related in any way to the awful Alamain family. (Who wants Lawrence and Vivian as relatives?) Equally bad was crazy Colleen's tale that John was fathered by Santo DiMera. (Of course Colleen was crazy -- in her younger days she looked and sounded just like Sami.) The worst of course was the Yo-Daddy scenario, which made John's mother some hapless housewife and his father the utterly absurd and beyond crazy Yo-Daddy whose vaunted "Phantom Army" was easily taken down by group of Salem P.D. shooters whose ranks included such expert marksmen as JJ and Lani.
Susan being John's bio mother, would make him brother to EJ.....and honestly, that just would not set well with me at all, even if the Banks side.
My scenario was referring to Susan Martin, not Susan "Mean-Mean-Mean" Banks who, unless I'm mistaken, is not the same person. That said, a little research on Susan Martin showed that she too wasn't exactly as pure as the driven snow, but if John's mother is to be somebody with a Salem past a little dirt is unavoidable. What little I know about Susan came from the Days of Our Lives Wiki at
I've always preferred the idea that John's parents were Leopold Alamain and Daphne DiMera. This would make him Tony's brother (and only on-canvas bio relative) and connect him to the Alamains (whom I liked as a villain sequence).

Susan Hunter Martin's best match for a long lost child, in my opinion, would be Carly. But I wouldn't hate if she somehow was John's mother. (Heck, if Maggie can be Daniel's mother, anything's possible!!)
I also would have liked it if they kept John tied to the Bradys. It was a good fit for him and it would eliminate Brady and Jeannie T as a couple. I like Sher's idea that he is Shawn's kid via an affair. This way Belle and Shawn-Douglas aren't biologically related.

I also don't hate the Alamain or Martin ideas but I'd prefer him be a Brady.
:eek: You don't like John :sarcasm: :rotfl::rotfl: Not sure I would wish that on him