I would NOT miss...


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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The disappearance of the much overused town square, which no longer is the tribute intended by Alice Horton

The stupid "private park area"

Victor's new club...useless

The communal "office" that serves entirely too many Salemites in very different categories

And definitely the communal hotel room/hallway
Dumb plots that are never really finished or resolved. Dragging out stories for so long, with constant repetition, that they begin to mean nothing. The current writers. The horrible way women are portrayed, as well as men. The ongoing ridiculous stereotypes that continue to be the norm.
Victor's Club

The communal hospital room/ER/supporting office

Eve, Paige, Cole, Navidad, Serena, Clyde, Kate, Daniel, Paul, Jeremiah

The entire egg family storyline

Dresses that are too short and show too much cleavage

Stefano's limbo sets

The college set
Calling Nicole a "porn star".

The constant dumping on Nicole.

Jennifer and Eve constantly fighting and yelling over the same darn thing.

Jennifer and Eve, period.

Paige and JJ.

Kate Roberts.

Will Horton.

Theresa Donnovan, Brady and Tater Tot. This story can turn out to be a nightmare. I don't care, just make it disappear. And make these three disappear also.

Superhero Dan. He can stay on as a doctor, but that's it. No more. He must be equal to the rest of the cast, not be seen as the Wonderful One ! (Can you imagine how other actors feel about him, behind the scenes ? I mean, it must get frustrating)

Encounters of any kind between Jennifer and Daniel.

Stefano Dimera. Sorry, to me, he's overstayed his welcome, even as a villain.

Sami Brady. May she never, ever come back.

Stupid, stupid, repetitive storylines, all gloom and doom and no fun, where all the characters are out of character.

Storylines that are written by writers who have no idea how it will turn out. It's obvious, for instance in the case of Fred the Elephant, that they had no idea what to do once they started.

Stupid, desperate women who can't seem to put one foot in front of the other without a man.
Stefano. Played out in the mid-1990s.

Kate. Let's have her end up a victim of Clyde's or ship her off to be with Stefano. JUST OFF MY SCREEN.

Daniel - I'd be OK if he were a General Practitioner/MD, but he's a SURGEON. He should not be treating every hospital patient NOR solving crimes. And he's been too overused. He, Maggie, and Melanie can all be forgotten in my opinion.

Sex as the entry to "love" stories. Melanie/Brady, Adrienne/Lucas, Sami/EJ, and now very nearly Chad/Abby and Ben/Abby. I don't mind sex stories (like EJ/Abby where there was no promise of romance and it was just a hot mess of a mistake, ditto Paul/Will) or affair stories, but don't sell it as love when the characters have barely spoken five words to each other prior to doffing their dainties. PLEASE. (And I don't count the six months of bickering Hope/Aiden did as a love story, either.)

To wit...Forced Couples. It's pretty obvious when a new pairing is being pushed.

People eating lunch and dinner in night clubs and coffee shops. How about eating at HOME?

The town square. Good idea...used beyond its natural death.

(Off-screen) The Tape Schedule. It's ruining the show. Seriously. They have NO TIME to react to audience like/dislike when six months are in the can already. That's more advance taping than most night-time dramas and prime-time shows. ENOUGH ALREADY!!
Xander, Abigail, JJ, Jennifer, Daniel, Serena, Ben, Maggie, Eric, Paige

Sets that need to go away: town square, park with the bench, office with grayish paint, Salem Inn. Give characters real homes/apartments. No wonder secrets are leaks so often, if they say them in private, most likely their deeds are kept safe.