It really came to this?


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2012
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I just saw the Days Winter promo, and am super confused and frustrated mainly because of the way Nicole and her storyline has gone down. I mean, we saw her abandoned by Eric last year and she cheated with Xander, ending their marriage. Then she tried moving on with EJ, to no avail, and ended up ruining her friendship with Ava by taking Rafe from her (which I rooted for because I've always wanted them together and Ava was doing some shady things).

Now they bring back Eric after a nice swan song to their relationship, and have him free from the priesthood, dating Jada, knocking her up, but stealing Nicole from Rafe, even though it was clear for almost a year that Nicole and Rafe wanted each other so badly?!?! What kind of writing is this!? Now they are going to divorce, only for Eric to choose Jada and his baby, and Nicole to go back to EJ's bed?

I always enjoy Nicole and EJ together, always have and always will. But I really feel like the writers had been building a decent love story for Nicole & Rafe, two best friends for over a decade who'd tried and failed to make it work with others. I was really rooting for them! Now the writers cheapened and backburnered their love story to put her back with Eric (and simultaneously shafted Eric & Jada before anyone could really get a chance to root for them or not), only to have him choose Jada and the new family, so Nicole's marriage is ruined for no reason?!?!

And then what, put her back with EJ? I mean, then what was the point of having her and EJ break up last year in the first place? Why put EJ with Belle or Sami if that wasn't going to be long term? Why not just have him and Nicole move forward, and bring Jada on for Rafe without involving her in any of this? Why did Eric have to return at all? If he was going to come back, why not keep him as a priest? This has to be collectively the most confusing, unnecessary, cliche, and uninteresting romance storyline that the soap has ever had, and that's saying a lot after the EJ-Taylor fiasco 11 years ago.
My working hypothesis is that Re-Ron and his team of acolytes and hangers-on were planning things about five weeks at a time, because they were expecting cancellation as those episodes were being cast and/or written.

I mean, it has to be pretty hard...writing a story requires actors to be available. The writing/sketching is done 9+ months in advance, in order to be ready to be filmed 5-7 months in advance.

So they must have started writing some of the stories you mentioned thinking an actor would/not be available, only to have their availability change.
Are they really planning to put Nicole back with EJ????

Well, I mean, I'm at a loss of words. This dumpster fire needs to just be put out of its misery. Time to cancel the show. There's really nothing to look forward to on this show anymore. The writers have ruined every character and every great love story.
I'm sure she'll just be with Eeeej long enough for Eric to smolder and grimace and scowl over Jada's shoulder.

Then Jada will miscarry, and eventually the "true loves" will reunite.

I mean they (Eric/Nicole) haven't even been back on-screen together long enough for the writing to react to the audience, and not even long for them to be reacting to the minute-and-a-half that Eeej and Nicole were dating again (although that one's marginal).
Are they really planning to put Nicole back with EJ????

Well, I mean, I'm at a loss of words. This dumpster fire needs to just be put out of its misery. Time to cancel the show. There's really nothing to look forward to on this show anymore. The writers have ruined every character and every great love story.
I strongly disagree! I don't like all the stories but I sure don't want them to cancel the show. The remedy for those who hate it is to not watch.
I don't really want them to cancel the show, I just feel like the show is getting worse and worse. There's just not much to look forward to.

I think maybe, if written well (key words there), I could really love the pairing of Rafe and Jada. Working together at the station, they'd be like the new "Bo and Hope". I really like the character of Jada, I hate they put her with Eric and I hate that she is pregnant. I hope she keeps the baby and lets Eric have weekend visits or something, I'd like to see some happiness, some things work out for the good of the children involved.
The way I understand it, ReRon writes the plot, the idea for the scenes. Script writers do dialogue, the actors then do their take on how they should portray their character in a particular scene. Since Days no longer allows retakes or rehearsal time, not much for a Director to do, except maybe say, that is not supposed to be funny, or you are supposed to be very angry, etc. etc.

That said, I just watched Wed. show, and thought it well done. All the dialogue was right on the money, and the actors did very well with their scenes.
I might be in the minority, but I am liking Days on Peacock. I don't mind a lot of changes even if they happen fast and move on. I still find it entertaining.

I would totally love to see Rafe & Jada together.

Maybe he could be stepdad to Jada's baby and Jada and Rafe could eventually have one of their own.

I would so love to see Rafe with his own child.

As far as Nicole and Eric, I couldn't care less anymore. Nicole used to be one of my favorites. She currently off the list!

I am really warming up to Jada and Stephanie as new characters go. I like Jada being strong.

I just hope they keep her that way and don't Salemize (dumb as goat, cowering, totally submissive, etc.) her like they've done with most of the women.

While I am on the subject of submissive and cowering, how did any one like the way Ava talked to EJ?

I love that she is not afraid of him. She might have more guts than brains though!
How odd.........Can you replay it?
I just checked Peacock. Johnny and Wendy are last before the credits.

This morning, Peacock started Days an hour later than usual for some reason.
Well, I watched Monday's show first, wanted to see Rafe confront sobbing Nicole.....both did well.....then watched just a tiny bit of Tuesday, but was bored, so I was late getting to today's show, & had no troubles. may have something there. With NBC dragging it's feet, they were probably figuring they were nearing the end of the line, so were just writing filler stuff, when NBC suddenly decided to shuffle them off to Peacock ville.
I've been disappointed in the storylines also. I thought maybe they were trying to "correct" some of the pairings but, NOPE, just shuffled some more, added new characters, etc. However, they HAVE to bring in new characters! Everyone has slept with everyone else now! I really resent the generation gap ones they attempt, like Ava and whoever it was. Johnny?