Jennifer is doing the wrong thing.

I can't help but think when Jen asked Chad to take Thomas for "a couple of hours" when he was so distraught, if the whole mess could have been avoided.

Why were pills in the nursery? A forgotten stash ? Bad Jen. :angry:Very bad.
Ciara is not just helping out with Thomas, she has been his sole caretaker.
I don't get everyone's comments about Ciara as the babysitter. I babysat a lot as a teenager! Sometimes as many as six children in a family at once. A baby like Thomas being taken care of by a teenager is NOT wrong, especially since the father IS at home much of the time and has not left that baby without Ciara there--at least not that I've seen.
She's not just any teenage babysitter. She's Hope's daughter. Jennifer and Hope are cousins or best friends or whatever it is. Jennifer should not be throwing her under the bus for her own benefit.

Jennifer doesn't need a man. What she needs is a slap in the face. Get a flippin' grip, lady! It's not like Ciara is 13. She's more like 18 or 19 right? Some women HAVE children by then. She seems to be doing just fine caring for Thomas. And she no longer lacks experience, thanks to Thomas.
You go DaysLady, I love your comments indeed! So true. I do agree about Ciara as well, she isn't a child watching a child, she's a woman! Take Sami for example. Will was probably about 1 or 2 years old when Sami was Ciara's age and no one complained that Sami was to young too take care of Will alone at times. Sami had hardly any experience but babysitting Brady a few times whom was a child when Sami was a teen and not a newborn baby.

I know it's not the same as Sami is Will's mother but Ciara as well is cousins to Thomas so she also has much more of a investment in Thomas' upbringing and care then any normal other babysitter out there would have, period.
I guess the difference is that we saw Sami as a teenager, taking care of baby Brady and Belle for a few years before Will was born. (setting aside the fact that she kidnapped Belle)

Ciara went from a little girl to a teen who was raped, lashed out in her trauma, drinking, partying, making bad decisions, etc. all within a few months. While Thomas is her cousin, we've never seen her with little kids or babies, especially since she WAS a little kid not too many months ago.
Ciara is not watching Thomas for a few hours. She is a Nanny, living there (or she was) & taking care of him all day & evening. She never ever changed a diaper, fed a baby, gave one a bath. Oh, she learned, quickly.

LOL, Just watched 3 Men and a Baby the other day. Very realistic as to how someone completely inexperienced, fumbles, bumble, but learns. But, at the time, it was surprising Abby hired her
I agree, Poirot. If Ciara was only coming over to watch Thomas for a few hours in the afternoon after school (she was still in school when she first started watching him), I would have had no problem with her babysitting him. My problem was she was living there and watching him day and night, while Chad was around the house and not shown to be working at the time on either finding Abby or running DiMera Enterprises. I am glad that Ciara has now returned home to Hope.

:back:I did like it when Lucas suggested on Friday that instead of fighting Chad for custody of Thomas, Jennifer should have been offering to help Chad out with the care for Thomas at DiMera mansion instead of trying to take the baby to her house.
Jen seems to be using Thomas as a pawn to punish Chad for Abby disappearing. Both Jen & JJ refuse to admit that, being not thinking normally because of her illness, her running off was because of her own twisted idea about something. Wasn't Chad's fault, Jen's.

Chad was not leaving the house because he was hoping she would come home, he would be there for her.

The fact she MAY have managed to slip in and out is questionable, being the person who saw her was Andre. If so, why did he not detain her? Hold her physically, if he had to, he is much bigger and stronger, knew she had run away from the hospital, was still wearing the hospital clothes, probably snuck in to get regular clothes. Not only did Andre not raise the alarm, but he later pretended to have just "found" her letter behind the drapes. ??? Huh? Not on a desk, on the bed where Chad sleeps, not in Thomas's room? Give me a huge, huge break!
I agree with most of your points, except I don't think that Andre could have detained her. He should have at least tried. But I'm not sure if he would have been able to, in her current mental state. Abby likely would have been what my husband refers to as "crazy strong."

When he was a cop, one of the calls he got fairly regularly was to a house where the wife had suffered a traumatic brain injury and had became very temperamental and violent. The husband stayed because he knew the brain injury was the reason she was that way, and he took his vows seriously.

Anyway, my husband would get to the house and she'd usually attack him. It was all he could do to restrain her. He's a big guy, 6'2", at the time he was about 250 lbs., in good physical shape. She's a tiny thing, 5' and about 110 lbs. But she'd worked herself into a rage and was crazy strong.

He tells of one time, she was trying to burn him with a cigarette. He's got her half pinned across the kitchen counter, pushing down, and she kept raising her hand to burn him, and he'd slam it back against the edge of the counter - over and over again - until the husband got the cigarette out of her hand.

Here he is, over a foot taller than her and more than twice her weight, and he was becoming concerned about his ability to keep her from hurting him. - and it was a heck of a struggle to get her under control enough to cuff her and put her in the patrol car!

When folks are in a state like that, adrenaline is running high, they are incredibly strong, and really don't feel pain. Instead of rage, Abby's would be a fear response, but her mental condition would ramp up the response intensity, making her nearly impossible to detain.
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Yes, I understand what you are saying. But Andre could have called out, yelled, but especially he could have given that note to Chad, told him immediately. He did not. Abby was not angry, or mad, or anything like that, but.......if she wanted to just leave, sure, I could understand the fear. After all, look what she did to Ben. But Andre still could have notified Chad immediately.

And, Chad should be very angry that he did not.
I don't think that Andre could have detained her. He should have at least tried. But I'm not sure if he would have been able to, in her current mental state. Abby likely would have been what my husband refers to as "crazy strong."

I don't think it matters. Knowing these writers, they'll likely have it end up that Andre has been holding her somewhere all along.
I certainly hope not, but yep, he could have actually told her he has the perfect place for her to hide out. Would be just like him.
Ciara went from a little girl to a teen who was raped, lashed out in her trauma, drinking, partying, making bad decisions, etc. all within a few months. While Thomas is her cousin, we've never seen her with little kids or babies, especially since she WAS a little kid not too many months ago.

We're supposed to forget that fact, JS!:)
I just read that the custody case is over this week. I hope that doesn't mean Chad is giving Thomas over to Jen Jen, If so, he will regret it. That witch will never give that baby back.
Well, after Jen's yesterday's activities and Belle finding her passed out in the seedy hotel, it's easy to see how and why the custody case is finalized.

Glad to see that Belle took the high road and did not add more pics to the phone. But if Jen fights her, Belle still does have the other ammo against her.
Maybe that was rewritten and she did take pictures. If so, glad they changed it.
I was so angry with Jen Jen with the way she talked to Belle. She was trying to help that witch and she dared to tell her she wasn't going anywhere. If I was Belle, I'd slap her. I hope she still has those pictures.