Kill me NOW!


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2010
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Rhode Island
Maybe a bit of a dramatic title, but is anyone else finding this show painful to watch right now?!

Nothing is interesting to me right now. I find that the only thing I am watching is the train wreck happening to Will's character, and that is not saying I am enjoying it, but can't believe how much I am NOT enjoying what they did to his character. Every storyline is flat for me.
I suppose you have to consider that at this point the writers knew they were not going to be at Days much longer, so perhaps just did not put much thought into what they wrote, as they knew whatever it was, would get either ended or changed?? Just a thought.

However, I do want to see Xander get what is coming to him, and more of the Stefano/Victor collaboration in re: Clyde. There really is nothing else that has me glued to the set....except......the WHY REALLY is Stefano so intent on Chad hooking up with Abby, what is that file on her all about.
No story has been really good for a long time. I am only trying to hold on until the new writers take over. Everytime any story put out by the fired writers showed a glimmer of interest, the story fizzled out to nothing or was cringe-worthy.

I suppose you have to consider that at this point the writers knew they were not going to be at Days much longer, so perhapsjust did not put much thought into what they wrote, as they knew whatever it was, would get either ended or changed?? Just a thought.

That sounds good, but what was their excuse with the lame stories this time last year? (Sami's revenge plot, Kristen's failed return, Eric hating on Nicole).
I find it mostly frustrating to watch. I like scenes here and there but I don't like any of the stories and I am not really enjoying the characters. It does seem like the writers knew they were almost gone so they just threw stuff together and put everything in repeat mode. They clearly are not even trying with Paigey.

I wonder how much of their stories were dictated by network execs. I just find it a little hard to believe that seasoned writers can be so bad. Did they just not care after the first year? I hope TPTB realize that they can't just change writers and expect better outcome.
First off, I'm fully convinced the show is already being influenced by the new writers. If not the writers directly, then Corday put his foot down and started dictating some changes. The past 2-3 weeks have had a different tone than what we are used to seeing.

As for me, I'm primarily interested in the Chad/Abby/Ben triangle and Stefano being involved and Eric and Nicole finding their way back to one another. I do enjoy Hope and Aiden as well as the other vets as well (except Kate!) but none of them really have a storyline right now.
I agree. It is painful to watch at times. Particularly the destruction of Will/Sonny, the ONLY thing this team did more or less right.

I'll be honest and say if it were still on the air, and I weren't on the Spectator/twitter to interact with other Days fans, I'd be watching OLTL now instead of Days. (Easier to watch a show you love less even when it's bad. LOL)

I agree Heather about the subtle/not-so-subtle changes in recent weeks. I would guess this would have indicated to the fired head writers that they were about to be fired when their contract (as referenced by Ken Corday in his SOD interview) was up. I mean, it's not generally a good sign when your hands-off boss starts putting his hands-on, even if Tomlin/Whitesell (the ousted writers) didn't know he was talking to others.
Maybe a bit of a dramatic title, but is anyone else finding this show painful to watch right now?!
OMG, is it ever. There have been far too many times when after watching an episode my reaction has been that it's been a total snoozer or the events portrayed were remarkably dumb. The only redeeming factor has been that the Days events have lent themselves to threads like the faux spoilers, facebook posts and tweets, letters to Salemites and Ruffles McRed, and the society page, in which posters can reject the writers' awful reality and create their own. Usually, I'm not a fan of the dog days of August, but this year it's a case of bring 'em on.