May sweeps


Days of our Lives May Sweeps

Days of our Lives head writer, Ron Carlivati, says that all of the stories being built now will come to a head. He says that Nicole's the love of Eric's life. He did fall in love with Sarah but it's not enough to keep him from being with Nicole.

John and Marlena are set to mark a romantic occasion.

Nicole is devastated by a tragedy when Holly goes missing.

When Holly is kidnapped, Eric and Nicole's reunion is cut short. The search for Holly has huge consequences for all characters and threatens the reunion of Ericole.

Rafe's job is compromised.

Lani grows more attached to baby David and bonds more with Rafe as she and Eli drift apart.

Maggie becomes haunted by old demons.

Haley has a shocking announcement.

Ben and Ciara go on a quest to find who set that cabin fire and they get very close to Claire, whose insecurities have manifested themselves in an unhealthy way. If she lashes out at Haley - what will it do to JJ and Tripp?

Will's health worsens and it turns out it's not just a regular tumor Will has. It's a side effect from Dr. Rolf's cure. John, Marlena, Sarah and Rex search through Dr. Rolf's research to find a cure but Rolf's research doesn't make a lot of sense, and some of it is unavailable to them.

Kristen DiMera is alive and out there.
Well to say these are sweeps stories.... I'm terribly underwhelmed..... but that's just me......

Who/how is Will paying for this hospital time? I know we are to suspend reality because it's just a soap..... but given Will's return from death just how does one get health insurance??? the cost of just the MRI's and specialists would put a real dent in most families.....

:angry: Where are Claire's parents????? why are they NOT part of this horrible story???:angry::angry:
No one in Salem has a real job, robinsnest! The Salem police try, but they sadly fail. Marlena has a nice office but no patients other than her family. Rex and Sarah are supposed to be doctors but they spend most of their time in Eric's apartment. The mayor spends most of his time in the Brady Pub. It seems that ordinary jobs are not soap-worthy. But one does wonder where all their money comes from.
Oh, that Salem Money tree, of course, right there in the middle of the square.

Makes me laugh how no one works at a bank! Ha. Can't do that from a living room, restaurant, or cell phone, can ya?
Not really much for me to be excited for during May Sweeps. I am happy that Rafe and Hope split but not happy with Lani moving in with him. I really like Lani and Eli as a couple and hope they stay together.
I like that Nicole is back but I am not a Nicole and Eric fan.
I'm with you Saminrafe. I really like Eli and Lani together. They've overcome and shared in their grief of the loss of their son and have been building as a couple, been shown to have gone on actual dates, Eli arranging special surprises for her (ie - turning Doug's Place into a beach setting for Lani. This coupling of these two has shown the development of a relationship so I also do not like where Lani seems to be going with Rafe
Lani is becoming obsessed with David, Eli is already worrying about that, thus she feels she is the only one who can care for him. Rafe is a big handicapped in that sling, so she "volunteers" to stay there. I sincerely hope Gabi has a major fit about it, but she is so wrapped up in her revenge plan currently, she even is ignoring Ari.
Who ended up with Dr. Rolf's secret notebook? Was that Eve or Xander? And it sure doesn't look like good times ahead for Rafe and Hope. They both lose their jobs?? Or just Hope and Rafe's is compromised, whatever that means.
Nicole is devastated by a tragedy when Holly goes missing. [It's bad enough that Nicole got involved with dreary sourpuss Eric, and now her daughter goes missing. Hasn't this woman suffered enough?]

Rafe's job is compromised. [Pity poor Rafe. He used to be a real FBI agent and now he's a Salem P.D. detective. Could there be a bigger law-enforcement come-down?]

Will's health worsens and it turns out it's not just a regular tumor Will has. It's a side effect from Dr. Rolf's cure. John, Marlena, Sarah and Rex search through Dr. Rolf's research to find a cure but Rolf's research doesn't make a lot of sense, and some of it is unavailable to them. [Poor Will needs real doctors, not some dime-store cheat and a woman who slept with Xander.]

Kristen DiMera is alive and out there. [Of course she is. Was there every any doubt?]
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[Poor Will needs real doctors, not some dime-store cheat and a woman who slept with Xander.]
Every time I see Sarah and Rex at the hospital I chuckle to myself. Do TPTB seriously think I can buy them being doctors just because they both have a stethoscope for a neck adornment. I don't think for one minute that if you put both their pea brains together you'd have a full brain.
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