Message from Poirot for all


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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So, at times I get a bit maudlin,,,,,,,but...once upon a time, several years back, I had this impossible dream......of some sort of getogether of the posters here, somewhere or other. Yes, a fantasy, we all live all over, impossible to choose a central place. Do you know we have readers of this site in the military, stationed all over, unable to watch at all, our summaries are so important to them. Then those in other countries, and yes, I have heard at times from them all. (Especially when I was able to get day ahead, lol) It astonished me at first, but I became very aware of how, to so many, we were/are a lifeline of sorts.
And thus, a huge THANK YOU to all of you who post whatever here. And to those who find info, pics, spoilers, tweets, and bring them here for us all to enjoy. Know you are appreciated, that there are those who look forward to reading here each day, that for whatever reason, some are unable to post/reply, but sure do love to read. We praise, we complain, we critique, we pray, we care..........about the show, about each other. You all, whether just reading, posting, are the absolute BEST. Thank you so much, God Bless!
And thank you, @Poirot for keeping this site going and to all of those members who make sure to post the summaries every day. Some days, we know it is painful, but please know that we appreciate all of your time and efforts to keep us in the know!
Poirot - What a beautiful sentiment. I very much appreciate all the time and effort you put into this site. This is a forum comprised of people from all over the country, coming together to share their thoughts about Days (and other topics) in a forum comprised of interesting, funny, intelligent, and caring people who feel free to voice their opinions in a safe space. You are very much appreciated, never forget it!

I agree with all of you. This is a SAFE place to vent, express, cry, laugh, get on your soap box for a minute.......whatever and people don't judge you. To all of you in the military...THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE.....and for all of you. You are DEAR friends I am blessed to have in my life. May your days with DAYS continue to keep you here in this fabulous place.