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Nov 23, 2006
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Episode: 9274
Directed by: Roger W.Inman
Tape Date: Various

Jack, Jen, Brandon & Nicole
Jen is in her room getting ready, when Brandon shows up, needing help. She helps him fix his tie and they almost kiss, but she pulls away. She goes to return to her room, but is locked out without her key. He has a spare (says the desk clerk thought they were together). They end up thisclose and kiss.
Out in the hallway, Jack gets off the elevator and literally runs into Nicole (they seem to do that a lot, huh?) They are oh-so thrilled to see each other and begin to argue and talk about how each of them is so annoying. Both ask why the other is there and banter back and forth. Nicole shoves him out of her way as Brandon and Jennifer hear the scuffle in the hallway and go to investigate. Jack is shocked to see Jen in Brandon's room, wearing only her bathrobe as Nicole makes cracks about the lipstick on Brandon's face. Jen heads to her own room as Nicole rubs it in and snickers to Brandon.
Brandon and Nicole go into his room and Brandon asks what is wrong with her. She goes on to talk about the Amazing Sami. She asks if he is jealous over Sami marrying Austin and he tells her that he is with Jennifer now. She tells him about Victor proposing to her. Brandon catches on and asks if she is in love with someone else. She tries to justify marrying Victor, but he tells her not to sell out… if she loves Austin, to go for it. But she says there is nothing else she can do. He tells her not to settle for less than true love. She acts tough, like it doesn't bother her, Austin is marrying Sami and there is nothing she can do about it.
Jack follows Jennifer to her room as she tries to get rid of him. He asks how she can kiss one man and love another. She has flashbacks of her and Colin in Africa and then of him kissing Liz. Jack tells her to stay true to her dreams. She tries to slam the door in his face, but he barges on in and asks if she is still in love with him. He wants to know what is going on with her and tells her not to expect him to give up without a fight. On his way out the door, he says that he KNOWS she still loves him. As Jennifer gets ready, she can't understand why Colin's wedding is getting to her so much. She says that Jack can never know that she has feelings for Colin. In the hall, Jack is sure that there is something else going on here…and he vows to uncover the truth.
Dr. Murphy's Dark Side
Colin is on the phone with someone (we never find out who) and his side of the conversation is lots of "uh-huh's". He tells the other person that once he and Liz are Dr. & Mrs. Murphy, the plan will be in motion and that she doesn't suspect a thing. Well, she has walked up behind him and heard it all as he talks about sealing the deal. She rushes off and when he turns around, she is gone. He goes up to their room, looking for her, but she is gone and so are all of her things. He tears up the room (not sure what he is looking for) and then finds a note on the mirror. It says that she heard everything and knows that he doesn't love her. She says she is glad she found out and for him not to look for her. He crumples the note and then goes ballistic, then storms out the door. He calls "whoever" and tells them that the wedding is off and that they must devise a new plan. He tells them that Liz has no idea of what was really going on or who he is working with. He tells them they have gone too far for it all to come undone.
The Wedding that Wasn't
Belle, Philip, PopShawn and Caroline are all in the chapel waiting and chatting, wondering where everyone is. As Belle and Philip talk about Shawn and Chloe (respectively) Will wants to go and see his mommy, so Shawn takes him. But before leaving, he makes a crack to Caroline about this wedding being on April Fool's Day. (ROFLMAO!!!)
We get a replay of Sami and Lucas going at it, with Austin overhearing. Sami asks how long he has been there and he replies "long enough". He asks Lucas to step out of the room as Sami tries to spin her lies. Austin says NO, not this time. In the hall, Belle and Philip walk up and talk to Lucas. Then Will and Shawn arrive, all wondering where Sami is. Lucas tells them that she will be "finished" soon. (LOL! Ain't that the truth). Shawn needs to go and buy more film and Lucas offers to watch Will. Belle and Philip want to check on Sami, but Lucas stops them, telling them that Austin is in there with her. Will asks if that is bad luck as they try to explain to him. Belle and Philip leave to return to the chapel and Will stays with Lucas. Will and Lucas hug as he tells his son that it’s the two of them together…forever. Shawn returns to the chapel with the film and Caroline sends him to get Will and to tell Sami to get a move on. Belle and Philip return too…only to talk some more about Shawn and Chloe (yawn). Lucas starts feeling his pockets, looking worried. Will asks him what he is looking for and Lucas replies his insurance policy. He has flashbacks and we see that he had a small tape recorder in his pocket. Shawn comes back and gets Will and Lucas has flashbacks of fighting with Sami and figures that the recorder must've fallen out of his pocket. Then there is a shot of it sticking out from under the sofa in the room. Back in the chapel, Shawn tells Caroline that he thinks something strange is going on with Lucas. Will tells them that his daddy lost his insurance policy. Confused, alll wonder where Sami could be.
Well, she is in the bridal room, getting reamed out, that's where she is! Austin is furious with her as she begins trying to cover up with lies. But he has her number this time! She tries to say she was protecting Will from Lucas, but he tells her that Will needed to be protected from HER and that she should be in jail. She keeps trying to explain, but he is furious with her, saying that she betrayed him and he will never trust her again. She turns on the waterworks and cries to cry her way out of it, but he just stares at her. He demands to know the truth about her blackmailing Victor, but she lies again, saying that she just wanted to get them away from Kate and Lucas. By this time he is really angry with her and tells her that her sick game is over and that she has lost…both of them have. He calls himself a naïve idiot (no comment) and her a sick liar. She pleads and begs but he tells her it is over and his feelings for her are dead as she boo-hoos harder. He pulls out his vows and tears them up. She begs him to forgive her, but he tells her that she needs help. She apologizes through tears and begs him to marry her. NO, he yells at her…he is NOT going to be her husband…boyfriend…friend…pen pals…etc. We are THROUGH, he says, get it through your thick head. (LOL). He says he is through with her FOREVER and not to make a scene. As he goes to leave, she falls to the floor, latching onto his leg, crying and begging him not to leave her…and the credits roll.
I so remember that episode! I loved watching Sami begging Austin...too funny. I only wish I had it on video because now I have a hankerin' to see it again:)
Thanks for digging this out, took me back to better Days!
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