Monday, February 19, 2007

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Nov 23, 2006
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Monday, February 19, 2007

Episode #: 10509
Tape Date: 1/24/07
Air Date: 02/19/07
Director: Albert Alarr

Summary: Nick beats himself up over what he did to Chelsea…as Chelsea pouts…Meanwhile, Abby and Billie play both sides and try to make peace…Kayla tries to convince Steve to seek help…and EJ has a special patient transferred to Salem (can you guess who?...hint: there is a huge phoenix on the wall ;-)

At the Garage…
Abby is back there working on a car when Nick comes in. He tells her that he has a leak in his brain…and asks if she can fix that. They talk about Chelsea and how he hurt her. He asks why she is there and she explains that Max is backed up and she is helping him (well…then why isn’t HE there?) Nick warns her about spending so much time around Max, that she will get hurt. But she informs him that they have talked and she learned that Max likes her as well…but he is with Mimi. They were honest with each other and it all worked out okay. He wishes he had been as honest with Chelsea. He wants to know what he can do to make it up to her and Abby thinks he should just lay low for a while and let her calm down. But Nick wants to do something big for her…maybe even buy her a car. He thinks that Abby and Max have connections and can help with that. She tells him that she is “Switzerland” she is absolutely neutral in all this. He says he will just have to figure something out to make it up to her. Abby gets an idea and says that she does know that Chelsea needs money, so maybe he can help get her that job at the hospital…but Nick thinks she is crazy. Abby gets a call from Chelsea to come over so she heads out. On her way, she tells Nick to think about calling his boss.

At Billie’s…Chelsea is moping around, listening to the numerous messages from Nick, begging for her to pick up the phone. She tells Billie she wishes he would stop calling. He lied to her and hurt her, now she never wants to see him again. Billie tells her that all the things he wrote to her…they were from him…from his heart. Chelsea just wishes he had told her how he felt, instead of what he did. Billie asks, and what would you have done? would only have made fun of him. Billie thinks it’s kind of romantic and talks about Cyro de Bergerac and Roxanne. Chelsea puffs up, asking WHY does Billie always defend him. Billie tells her yes, Nick made a mistake, but it wasn’t malicious…like most of the mistakes Chelsea has made. Billie thinks she should treat Nick the way she would like to be treated…he has been a friend to her.

At Chez Rouge…
Nick is there guzzling beer when Billie arrives (he had called her). She is upset to see him drinking but he explains he has only had 2 and is stopping at 3 (his personal record, lol). He tells her he feels so bad…like a scum-sucking bum. He beats himself up as she assures him that she knows how he feels…she has been there herself and understands. She has done many things she regrets…including sleeping with her daughter’s best friend. He says he feels like his life is a bad country song and the needle is stuck on the part where he loses everything he loves. She takes his beer away and says that isn’t what he needs and orders him an espresso. He asks how Chelsea is doing and she tells him that right now, he is #1 on her hit list, it will take time for her to forgive him. He downs his espresso in one gulp, burning his mouth, then gulps water. He says that he doesn’t care what it takes, he is going to make it up to her. He tells her about Abby’s idea and Billie says it may work, but it could go either way…she could forgive him…or end up hating him more. But Nick says he has to do something to prove how he feels and that he is sorry. He says he is going to call Dr. Reibert tomorrow.

Back at Billie’s…Abby is there now as Chelsea whines about what happened with Nick and also about Bo tossing her out. She says she HATES Nick and goes on about how she embarrassed herself at the hospital. Abby tells her that Nick feels so bad and tries to explain that she tried to convince Nick to come clean with her. Well, now Chelsea is *bleep* to find out that Abby knew the truth all along and didn’t tell her. Abby says she has no excuse…and she is on no one’s side…she loves both of them. She was only hoping that Nick would do the right thing and tell her the truth. Chelsea asks who all knew…Maggie?…Stephanie?...Max?...was it a joke to everyone? Abby assures her it was only her and Nick. Chelsea says that she has been a horrible person for so long…maybe this is just payback. Chelsea gets a call from (guess who) Dr. Reibert, asking if she remembers him. (well, duh, lol). He informs her that the job hasn’t been filled yet and he was just looking over her application…is she still interested? He asks when can she come in for an interview and she says she will be right over. She gets off the phone and tells Abby she wants that job…that way she can be in Nick’s face, rubbing it in, and besides the good doctor was hot. She says she can use him to make Nick jealous. Abby asks why would she want to make Nick jealous and Chelsea says to hurt him. She takes off as Abby whips out her phone and calls Nick to congratulate him on putting his plan into motion. He tells her that he never called Dr. Reibert. He is upset, saying he is screwed, and rushes off.

Steve and Kayla…
Steve is working out when Kayla comes in checking on him. He says he can’t sleep and asks if she is disappointed in him. She wishes he would have stayed in the hospital and says if he has a better plan, to let her know…and it’s time for him to step up to the plate. She pleads with him to get help, but he breaks down crying, saying he only needs her. He says he can’t believe all he has put her through…any other woman would have bolted. He says he can’t take losing her again…she is his life. She assures him that she isn’t going anywhere and asks him not to take the cowards way out. She says it is up to him…if he wants to leave, then pack his bag and leave…but don’t expect her to pack it for him or hold the door. She has never given up on him and she isn’t going to start now. She says he needs to decide how he wants to live his life…as a wounded soldier…or meet it head on. She says he can’t fight it on his own…he has tried and it didn’t work. If they don’t fix this now, it will only get worse. She says she will be in that bed every night and she wants him there…right next to her. She loves the man he is. He cries and admits that he is scared as they hug. She pleads with him to attack this and assures him that he is the victim in this…it is not his fault. He has survived so much and he can beat this as well. Later, they are going to bed and he talks about how lucky he is. He tells her that someday when he stands before the “big dude” and is asked what is the greatest thing he ever did, he will say that he let a girl named Kayla love him. He doesn’t know if that will get him into Heaven or not…but for him, THIS is Heaven right now. He tells her he knows she is upset with him for leaving the hospital but he couldn’t stand to be drugged and locked up. But he has made a decision…he is going to talk to Marlena and Kayla thanks him. Later, as they sleep, Steve dreams of being tortured (and EJ is there, telling him he is one of them). He wakes up and stares at Kayla.

At Some Warehouse…EJ meets some guy who tells him that “HE” is in back of the truck. EJ tells him to put him in the warehouse. They set up a makeshift hospital room in the warehouse as EJ pays the guy and warns him to tell no one. The nurses stabilize the patient as EJ sits by the bed and tells him that he has bought the best equipment and hired the best doctors and nurses in the world…”nothing is too good for you…Father”. He turns on some opera music, noting he knows how he loves it. He notes how he has eluded death before and will this time as well. He says he has a plan to save him and has located several potential donors. He talks about how he almost never met him and says he should have heard the awful things “mother” said about him. He says he doesn’t know who he would have become without him…he gave him the best of everything…he gave him the world. Now it is time to give something back. He says he is going to save his life…and if that means that others will die… (freeze frame on EJ) as the previews show…

Nick (to Chelsea): If I hadn’t pretended to be someone else, you would never have let me see who you really are…(Chelsea): You still don’t get it…(Nick): No, YOU don’t get it…I love you…

Celeste (to Sami): I know you were with EJ the night John was shot…

Lucas (to Kate): What?...are you on drugs or something?...(Kate): Sami didn’t save your life…EJ did…

Steve chokes Kayla as he hears evil laughter…as Kayla screams “STEVE!!!”...

And the credits roll…
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Episode #10,511
Tape date 1/26/07
Director - Phil Sogard

Steve leaves Kayla, despite her best efforts to stop him, Shawn figures out a way to escape, while Lucas tries his best to shore up a distraught Sami.(Is this really Sweeps month? Yawwnnnnn)

In their apt., Lucas and Sami kiss as he keeps telling her things are going to be fine, nothing is going to happen, all is well. He shows her a gift he bought for their baby, a little necklace for their baby girl, who is going to know from her lst breath, that Lucas is her daddy. What if it is a boy. Well, he will jazz it up with a football or something. They both proclaim their love for each other a few times, and then knock, knock. Of course it is the eternally pesky neighbor from across the hall, EJ. He has come to offer his congratulations, Kate gave him the good news, and he is so happy for them, yada, yada. He asks for the date, so he can mark his calendar (Oh, puleeze, this is sooooo forced!). Both Sami & Lucas are not saying much, and EJ finally comments that he is talking about their upcoming wedding. It is all Kate can talk about. Sami leaves the room for a minute, as EJ then tells Lucas he has talked to Kate and asked her to lay off. Lucas admits working with his old lady is not something he is happy about. Sami returns, and now EJ is offering Lucas a month off, with pay for the honeymoon, plus his private jet to take them anywhere. Lucas says, no thanks, but EJ is rather insistent. Sami is silent. He finally leaves, grabbing her bag of trash by the door (awful small bag, if you ask me). Sami protests, but EJ says no trouble, he will be glad to take it out. In the hall, he looks into the bag, talking of a treasure hunt to learn Sami’s secrets. (Is this stupid or what?)

Inside, Sami comments that she thought at first EJ was talking about her pregnancy. Lucas wonders why she is so adamant about no one knowing, especially EJ. She says it is not a secret, just something private between two people. Lucas rightly replies that her dad, his mom, Will and Billie all know. And that the way his mom and Billie both yap, it is going to get out. He asks her what the doctor said at her last checkup…..(ahh, so she HAS seen a doctor, GOOD!) and Sami tells him that her blood pressure is a bit high, so they will be keeping an eye on that. And she should avoid stress. Lucas wants to tell everyone, but Sami does not. They argue about it. Lucas agrees to keep mum for now, and they kiss.

On board the ship, Belle is worried about losing Claire, as Shawn repeats his promise that no one will take Claire from them. The ship docks tomorrow at dawn in Australia, so they do not have much time. He had found a raft, and there is a group of islands not far off. (oh, for cryin out loud, are we going back to Temptation Island?) Belle takes Claire (wearing that infernal headband again) to change her, then calls Shawn to tell him there is a loose air vent cover in the bathroom. Shawn checks it out, figures there is enough space for him to crawl thru, and he will be back in an hour. He tells Belle to pack some clothes, food, water and diapers, and leaves. As she is packing, Chief Officer Stratton knocks at the door. She hides the luggage, throws on a robe, turns on the shower, and tells him to come in. He wants to talk to them both, but she explains Shawn is in the shower. He will wait. Finally he tells her of a newpaper article the Canadian authorities faxed to them, accusing Shawn & Belle of being kidnappers. Belle protests, saying she is the child’s mother, and that court order is no good outside the U.S. Stratton tells her he intends to throw Shawn in the brig until they dock. Belle now says she has to personally feed Claire, and needs some privacy. He leaves, promising to return in a few minutes.
Meanwhile, Philip is at the rail, looking out to sea, as Willow saunters out in her brand new dress, fresh from the gaming tables, and bragging how much money she had won from those “mid-life crisis” men who are only too eager to get away from their wives and lose their money to her. Philip tells her to remember the only reason they are on the ship is to get his daughter back. She asks him, and then what. Take her to Belgium among strangers. She will have me, Philip retorts, and I will give her everything she needs. Oh, yeah, she says, and be raised by foreigners. She offers to help him out, and be the nanny. Now they argue, with Willow reminding him she can go to the judge, tell him how Victor paid her 10 grand to lie on the stand, and his court order will disappear. Philip grabs her, and dangles her over the railing, (shades of Michael Jackson!) with her screaming to let her go. He finally puts her back on the deck, she goes back to the tables and he leaves. And just 2 seconds later, out comes Shawn from the vent. He manages somehow to find a ship’s officer uniform, keys to the cabins, and even a child’s life vest. He returns to the cabin, just as Stratton is leaving and hides. He then enters with his key. Belle tells him about Stratton wanting to put him in the brig. They are about ready to leave when they hear Philip in the passageway.

In their room, Kayla is trying to stop Steve packing. Nope, he is going. They argue continually, as Kayla attempts to reason with him. He has to, look at the marks on her neck, DiMera has done something to him, and he has no control over it. He will not put her in danger. She pulls his clothes out of the bag, throwing them around the room, refusing to let him go. She pleads with him, to no avail. Steve has to leave in order to protect her. Kayla will have none of that. She tells him to strangle her right now, as she does not want to live without him. He tries packing again, but she will not let him, and keeps pulling his clothes out of the bag. Finally, he grabs his jacket, leaving without his luggage. Kayla runs after him, knocking him to the ground, and straddles him, as she cries, and flails at him with her fists. He cannot leave her. What happened to their vows…:”for better or worse, in sickness and in health”. Steve leaves.

EJ arrives at the warehouse sick room, with Sami’s bag of trash, telling the patient how they will now embark on a treasure hunt. He rummages around in the bag, and finds a letter from Dr. David Lieberman, Obstectric and Gynecology (Sami needs to get a shredder!). He smiles, telling his father that he just might have been successful in planting the DiMera seed. The hand closes into a fist, sort of like the victory clench. Now EJ says how grateful he is to his father for how he raised him to be the man he now has become, and that he will do everything possible to make his father well. The hand reaches out for EJ’s hand and squeezes it.

We hear the sliding door, and lookee here. It is Steve! Now how did he know where EJ was? He tells EJ that he has won, that he will do whatever he wants, but not to hurt Kayla. EJ turns around, Steve grabs EJ around the throat, whips out a knife,holding it to EJ’s throat. Alas, EJ just pulls out that ol tarot card and Steve sinks to his knees, defeated before EJ even gets a scratch. Too bad. He asks what he is supposed to do, and EJ tells him that he is "one of us" and it is something easy.... bring John Black to him. Just that. Bring John Black. Steve repeats…bring John Black.
Kayla walks around the room, picking up their wedding picture. She clasps it to her, sits down on the bed, and picks up the cell phone. She punches in a number, and when the person answers, just says “It’s me. I need you right away. It’s a matter of life and death.”
And the previews roll.

Chelsea to Dr. Rebert as Nick overhears: I’m really anxious to show you what I can do. I promise to make you happy.

Mimi: My mom’s hiding something.
Max: What?
Mimi: We have to figure it out before it is too late

Willow: Are you looking for Shawn, Belle & Claire? Cuz they all just left
Philip: Why didn’t you stop them? What the hell is wrong with you?

Shawn to Belle, holding Claire: We’ve got to jump

Friday, February 24, 2007

Episode #: 10513
Tape Date: 1/29/07
Air Date: 02/23/07
Director: Herb Stein

At Chez Rouge…
Chelsea is on her date with Dr. Reibert. She tries to talk about calculus but he has other things on his mind and goes on and on about wine, coming on strong. She looks over and sees Nick loitering in the bar area (and to make him jealous) plays along with Reibert and yucks it up. Maggie finds Nick crying (but he claims it’s his allergies). He comes clean with Maggie and tells her that he feels that Reibert is up to something and he is worried about Chelsea. Maggie reminds him that Chelsea does not want him around and seems to be getting annoyed…and when Chelsea gets annoyed, it isn’t pretty. But Nick doesn’t care and insists that she is making a huge mistake. Maggie asks what is he going to do…rush over and save her? She reminds him that Chelsea isn’t all sugar and spice…she’s more like beef jerky (LOL). Nick says she isn’t as tough as everyone thinks, but Maggie thinks that Chelsea has it all under control, but Nick refuses to leave. Reibert rambles on about his love life, etc. then starts making fun of Nick, suggesting they take up a collection at work to buy him a life. Reibert asks how long he has had a crush on her and she says it seems like forever. They talk about others at work (this guy is so sickening) and he talks about past loves and stuff (sorry, I just tuned him out). Nick orders a beer and then points out to Maggie that Reibert is giving Chelsea wine…AND she is underage. Well, that gets Maggie’s attention as she storms over there and takes it away from Chelsea. Reibert asks just WHO she thinks she is and she informs him that she is the owner and the wife of lawyer Mickey Horton…AND that Chelsea is underage. Reibert tells Chelsea they can go back to his place and he can fix them a steak. Maggie tells him that most kids her age prefer Happy Meals (ROFLMAO…Go Maggie). She goes back over to the bar as she and Nick high-five each other. As a PO’d Reibert goes for the car, Chelsea walks over and calls Nick an immature loser and a spiteful jerk. She also calls him a stalker and rants at both of them. Maggie warns her to calm down. Nick and Chelsea argue and she tells him that actually likes Reibert because he is NOT Nick. Nick claims he didn’t follow her because he was jealous, but he is only trying to protect her, but she says she doesn’t want or need his help. Reibert returns for her and she goes on ahead…as Reibert makes his intentions for her clear to Nick. Nick goes after him and he punches Nick in the gut, doubling him over. Maggie also realizes that Reibert skipped out on his check and threatens to call Mickey when she sees he hurt Nick. But Nick tells her to let it go…Chelsea doesn’t want him. Maggie urges him to fight for her, so with renewed spirit, Nick slams down his drink and heads out. In the car, Chelsea asks Reibert to take her home, but he says no. She tells him that she isn’t hungry any more, but he says he is, as he reaches over and grabs her leg.

On the Ship…

Philip is frantic searching for Claire, but Stratton tells him they are not on the ship anymore. There is a missing life raft and they fear they are gone. Philip warns him if they don’t find his daughter, he will use all available resources to bring down the entire cruise line. After Stratton leaves, Willow comes and asks if there is any news. He is furious with her and blames her for this happening, for looking the other way. They argue and he goes to toss her aside, but she catches him with her knee in the family jewels, warning him that if he wants to play rough…so can she, calling him rude and insulting. After he calms down, she tells him that they can work together…it’s his choice. But he says he doesn’t need a street walker as a partner. She reminds him that he promised to help her and the baby, but he tells her she and Shawn’s baby can both rot in the gutter for all he cares. Stratton comes back and tells them they found the life raft, but it was ripped in half…probably by sharks. Philip demands that they search the entire area, but Stratton says no. Philip is sure that she is alive and he will find her. Later, Philip is up on deck with binoculars as Willow comes to apologize for helping Shawn and Belle but he rants at her, telling her to get out of his face. Stratton returns, this time with the captain, and they tell Philip that the search has been called off and that rescue is no longer viable. Philip refuses to believe that she may be dead…he KNOWS that Claire is alive. The captain tells him they recovered the raft and that there was blood on it. They are going to have it tested to see if it was Claire’s. After they leave, Willow tells him if he wants to make Shawn pay…she will help. Philip doesn’t want her help, but she tells him she owes him and she always repays her debts.

Belle and Shawn…

Wash up on the shore of an island. Belle, who is hysterical, is trying to wake him up. As he comes to, he asks where Claire is and she is crying that she lost her in the riptide. They rush around frantically looking for her as Belle sobs uncontrollably and Shawn assures her they will find her. Shawn is in the jungle and she hears him calling that he found her and comes out with a wet Claire. He says he found her sitting in the sand and seems to be fine. She is crying so Shawn digs through the bag for food and Belle notices that she is bleeding. Shawn thinks she may have gotten cut on his knife. They bandage it up but Belle notices that she is cold. Claire cries as Shawn works building a fire and they pray that they can survive. (Claire may have gotten cut, but on the upside...looks like she lost the damned headband!)

Outside Kayla’s Place…

Marlena is on the phone talking to someone about whether they have heard from Belle or Shawn (probably Hope). She goes inside as Kayla explains about Steve’s latest episode and trying to choke her. Marlena is shocked and Kayla asks her for help to find him, but Marlena says no and suggests she call Roman. But Kayla refuses to betray Steve and that she is going to find him herself. She says she can undo whatever EJ has done, but Marlena says it is too dangerous. Kayla reminds her that she and Marlena aren’t that different…she knows she can reach Steve but Marlena says she can’t let her go after him and tries to talk her out of it. Meanwhile we see Steve in the hospital elevator as he hears EJ’s words to go and bring John Black to him. He heads toward John’s room and sees him lying in his bed and then rushes back out the door. He continues to hear EJ’s words as he tries to fight it and goes to a supply closet…as we hear Marlena’s voice-over, telling Kayla that Steve belongs to the DiMeras now…sometimes he knows what he is doing…but most of the time he is under their control and will do whatever they want him to. We then see him don a set of surgeon’s scrubs. Kayla tells Marlena she must stop him, but Marlena says wherever he is, he has one mission…to follow orders. Kayla cries that she can’t lose him again, but Marlena warns her she can’t save him either.

Kayla insists she can do this but Marlena begs her to call Roman…”John said…” but stops. Kayla demands to know what John said. Finally she tells her about the dream she had where John tried to tell her something about Steve being programmed and dangerous. She tells Kayla it was more than a dream and she believes it. She tells Kayla she can’t think of him as Steve Johnson anymore…he is gone. She says he is now a man who tried to kill her…but it is Steve who will be blamed if anyone is hurt. Steve stands over John’s bed now and removes his tubes and monitors. Kayla refuses to call the cops, saying that they will arrest him, but Marlena warns her that he may kill someone…they can’t wait until there is a victim. Marlena reminds her that she herself has been controlled and tortured by the DiMeras and tries to assure Kayla that this is NOT a betrayal on her part. Steve loads John onto a gurney,covers him up then trips the fire alarm. Kayla beats herself up and only wishes there was another way. Steve wheels John’s gurney into the lobby as he hears the banging and has flashbacks of being tortured with EJ telling him he is one of them now. The nurses go to John’s room and discover he is missing. Marlena assures Kayla that Steve is in there somewhere & needs help. She gets a call from the hospital, learning that John is missing and rushes off, with Kayla right on her heels. Meanwhile, we see Steve now in the elevator with John

Thanks for posting this. The February 2007 episodes portrayed one of the most remarkable voyages in seafaring history -- a cruise ship leaving Toronto in mid-winter and somehow making it to the South Pacific in a only few days (Christopher Columbus would be jealous). Shawn's physical feats were no less remarkable -- launching a stolen life raft from a large moving ship and then at a later date surviving a jump from an airplane into stormy seas before successfully swimming to the vessel that Philip was using to try to reach Australia (why, with all his Kiriakis money Philip was trying to cross the open ocean in something better suited to an inland lake is a whole other topic). As for Willow Stark, she should have stayed in Australia. Turning tricks in Sydney would have been preferable to her ultimate fate on the Salem beach.
LOL, I remember at the time, there was these shocked posts from our Canadian friends, at them boarding this big SHIP in Toronto, for the Pacific. As hard as everyone tried, we just could not find that SHORTCUT route. LOL.
Whoever wrote that....definitely a candidate for Leno's man on the street segments. LOL
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