Monday, February 4th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Monday, February 4, 2008

Episode #10,754 Taped 1/16 Director – Noel Maxam

EJ attempts to comfort a crying Allie, and goes to answer the door, and their stands Lexie, the newly appointed Chief of Staff, making house calls. (so much for the :”safe house”. She checks over Allie (no, there is no live baby here, just the doll blanket) and says she has the croup, to keep giving her ibuprophen, and steam. Run the bathroom shower and hold her in there. Use a cold air vaporizer at night. EJ talks of how much he loves this baby girl, as much as Johnny. Lexie knows Sami has gone to visit Lucas, tells EJ that those two love each other and he has to accept that. He realizes she won’t love him like that, but Allie will need a father, Lucas will be going to prison, and Sami is going to need him, she cannot raise those children alone. (Hey, EJ, lots of women have had to do just that, give Sami a little credit). Lexie just does not want him to get hurt. They talk of their father, he is gone now, and whether either have had second thoughts. Nope, they did the right thing. EJ goes to start the hot shower in the bathroom, Lexie gets a call from the hospital, something about additional blood tests for someone who is out of the country. When EJ returns, she tells him she just got some unbelievable news, Kayla is pregnant. (so much for patient confidentiality…..and such a short time on the job, too. LOL)

Sami has arrived at the jail to see Lucas. No, she did not bring Allie, she is sick, and left her with EJ. Lucas does not want EJ caring for his daughter, but Sami assures him she called Lexie, who is on her way over. She insists Lucas is not going to prison, his lawyers will get him off, the evidence is strictly circumstantial. No, Lucas informs her he pled guilty and will be going away. Sami tells him to retract his plea, but he refuses, is tired of it all. He is sorry that Sami appointed herself savior of her entire family, sorry he did not trust her, and has hurt her, but even sorrier he was not a better shot. LOLOL He says he will probably get from 10-20 years, it is not like he did not pay a few parking tickets, so he does not expect her to wait for him. He just wanted her to come so he could say good-bye, to hold her in his arms one more time, (both rise here, and embrace) and tell her how much he loves her, will always love her. He is holding her, she is crying, as he tells her he hopes she loves him. Sami tells him he is her love, her only love, and she could never love anyone else. They kiss, he tells her to be sure and tell Allie how much he loves her, that he thinks of her all the time, loves her with all his heart, then says Sami had better go. She leaves, and we hear her sobbing in the other room.

In New Ross, Ireland, Philip & Chloe are taking a stroll outside, talking of Colleen, then Brady. Chloe thought for sure Colleen had him, too, and now is very worried. Philip promises to keep the men he had looking for Claire on retainer, and have them looking for Brady now. He knows also how upset his father is, and how he has been sparing no expense in trying to find Brady. Chloe asks him if his makeup session on the plane with Shawn was just a farce, and does he still intend to pursue Belle. No, Philip is done making a fool of himself, he knows they will work things out, and he is moving on. Shawn, Belle & Claire come out, ready to go for a walk. Philip & Chloe ask them about joining together for dinner, but Shawn & Belle will let them know later.

Earlier, Steve & Kayla arrived with Grampa Shawn. He is glad to be back in his homeland, and now learns they have a surprise for him, but he will not hear a word til later. First he has to go rest for an hour. Shawn helps him upstairs. In their room, Bo is complaining how his back hurts, must be that old bed, Hope agrees as hers does, too. They are surprised Steve & Kayla are not there yet with Pop. And over in THEIR room, John is finishing dressing, putting that knife in his boot, Marlena is sleeping. He is about to walk out the door, but Marlena asks where he thinks he is going. Down for breakfast. Cue someone to arrive with a breakfast tray. Ha, Marlena thought of everything. They eat, exchange a few pleasantries, or unpleasantries, as the case may be. He comments she does not trust him, she agrees, but he claims he is not going to kill anyone, especially that old woman.
Now the same gal who brought the breakfast tray arrives saying Colleen would like everyone to come to her room now. And next we see her standing, as Steve, Kayla, & Bo bring Pop in to face his “long dead” sister. (yes, have a few tissues handy). Colleen calls out to her Shawny, and he is overwhelmed, as they hug, and look at each other, she is sorry, he cannot believe it. Everyone is touched, except John. She apologizes for taking Claire, but she had to keep her safe. She knew Stefano would stop at nothing, once he found out she was still alive. Bo introduces his sister Kayla and her husband, Steve, mentioning another sister plus a brother at home. Colleen knows, yes, Roman & Kimberly. Colleen sits, and talks of trying to keep an eye on the Bradys (this is very different from the other day) and protect them. Sometimes she was successful, but sometimes not…..and she looks pointedly at John. Marlena notes that they all are not Bradys, and Colleen replies, but you are connected to the Bradys. Now she asks John how he is, if all is all right, has life been good. None of your business, he snaps at her. She just says she hopes he finds his son.

Everyone begins to leave, promising to bring Pop Shawn back after a bit. John & Marlena hang back, as Marlena tells Colleen they have a couple of questions for her. John wants to see Colleen alone, but Marlena will not do that.
Downstairs, Steve is looking for something to eat, wondering why the place is so empty, Hope thinks it is really closed, since Colleen was using it to hide out. Kayla asks Hope to go up and check on Pop Shawn, this has all been a lot of excitement for him. She leaves, and now Steve & Kayla sit Bo down for serious conversation. They have something to tell him, and wanted to do so without Hope there, and he can tell her later. What is it? Kayla just beats around the bush, Steve blurts out that it is bad, really bad.

Upstairs, John asks Marlena to have a word with him alone. Colleen thinks it is o.k. for her to stay, but Marlena agrees, she turns towards the door, and John shoves her head into it, knocking her unconscious. Marlena crumples to the floor, Colleen gasps…… as John pulls out his knife and comes towards her. Make one sound, and anyone coming thru that door dies with you. WHY are you doing this, cries Colleen.

Okay...........confused again. How could Chloe have thought Colleen had Brady, too when noone even knew about Colleen? Even if she did think the same people that had Claire had Brady, they didn't know that they weren't in danger!!?? NOW, ALL OF A SUDDEN, she is worried about Brady?????:duh:
conversations were a bit confusing to me, too. As some did not seem to jibe with previous ones.
I wondered that too, unless it was in that short time after Colleen revealed that she had Claire - maybe that's when Chloe became hopeful....

and geez - does HIPAA not exist in Salem??????????????
Sounds like an amazing episode & I may just have to record it to watch even though I allready know what happens. Little worried about the whole Bo illness & lying to Hope again!!
I wondered that too, unless it was in that short time after Colleen revealed that she had Claire - maybe that's when Chloe became hopeful....

and geez - does HIPAA not exist in Salem??????????????

You are so funny. If the hospital reinstates someone for ethics violations and immediate deems them fit to be Chief of Staff, why would they care about HIPAA? Perhaps the writers need a little HIPAA 101 course. lol

Sounds like an amazing episode & I may just have to record it to watch even though I allready know what happens. Little worried about the whole Bo illness & lying to Hope again!!

technically hes not lying to hope, not yet. but i know what u mean. I would feel horrible if i found out my husband was keeping something like that from me.

lol definitely no confidentiality when it comes to Lexie

I am sick sick sick to my stomach to think that Kayla is actually pregnant. that is one storyline i wouldn't mind if they just forgot about.

i hope bo is okay. first they scare me with john, now its a bo scare. :P

Methinks Chloe knows more than what shes tellin about Brady!!! just by the way she acts.
Upstairs, John asks Marlena to have a word with him alone. Colleen thinks it is o.k. for her to stay, but Marlena agrees, she turns towards the door, and John shoves her head into it, knocking her unconscious. Marlena crumples to the floor, Colleen gasps…… as John pulls out his knife and comes towards her. Make one sound, and anyone coming thru that door dies with you. WHY are you doing this, cries Colleen.

I can't believe John would hurt Marlena!!!!
I wondered that too, unless it was in that short time after Colleen revealed that she had Claire - maybe that's when Chloe became hopeful....

and geez - does HIPAA not exist in Salem??????????????

ummmmmmmmm, not wanting to sound uneducated, but, could someone fill me in as to what HIPAA is? i am not familiar with that acronym. is it similar to JCAHO?
ummmmmmmmm, not wanting to sound uneducated, but, could someone fill me in as to what HIPAA is? i am not familiar with that acronym. is it similar to JCAHO?

HIPAA. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Among other things, it prohibits the disclosure of medical information to anyone other than the patient without the patient's express authorization.

Lexie is definitely a repeat offender.

HIPAA. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Among other things, it prohibits the disclosure of medical information to anyone other than the patient without the patient's express authorization.

Lexie is definitely a repeat offender.

thanks muchly. yeah....i worked in a medical center for a long time, and the one thing that is constantly drilled into your brain is to NOT talk about your patients TO ANYONE! that lexie, haha, she just cannot keep her big mouth shut!
Her telling EJ of all people that Kayla was pregnant was abominable. He is not related, he is the man who tortured Kayla's husband....and....well.never mind about that..
Neither Kayla or Steve know....and she is blabbing to EJ.
Little worried about the whole Bo illness & lying to Hope again!!

What illness?? I know something is wrong with one of them and after reading today's spoiler, I can assume it is him. But, have there been ramblings elsewhere on the www about what is coming down the pipes?
ummmmmmmmm, not wanting to sound uneducated, but, could someone fill me in as to what HIPAA is? i am not familiar with that acronym. is it similar to JCAHO?
Sunshine--I also want to know what HIPAA is--I'm not dumb, BUT, in Salem anything is possible--i.e--Lexie as Chief of Staff and Kayla PG, excuse me !! Not to forget the "cop shop"--!! Glad I'm up to my neck in snow, not in Salem !!!
Sounds like a great show although I wish they would have gotten more of the story from Colleen. Plus I would have loved to see the conversation between Victor and Crawford Decker play out since they didn't show it on Friday's show. Who knows....maybe tomorrow.

This whole Chloe storyline has been weird from the beginning. Hopefully they will end the where's Brady? saga soon. If they are not going to bring the old Brady back then I don't care.

ummmmmmmmm, not wanting to sound uneducated, but, could someone fill me in as to what HIPAA is? i am not familiar with that acronym. is it similar to JCAHO?

HIPAA is a privacy act that is used by schools, dentists, doctors, etc. that ensure the patient's privacy. basically everything in a person's file is confidential and can only be discussed with that person and that person only, unless they give written permission for someone else.

Lexie surely broke that HIPAA code!!! lol
Lexie didn't seem to learn a thing from her most recent "experience." When she got Bo's test results, she (off-camera) told Roman who told Steve who told Kayla. Then they jumped a plane to Ireland to tell Bo. Why didn't Lexie just call Bo? There was no reason for Steve and Kayla to go there just as it is ludicrous that Colleen had Claire kidnapped to "protect" her.

Am I the only one who thinks this is so silly?
I do believe Chloe believed that whoever kidnapped Claire and attempted to kidnap Belle might also have Brady. She did not know it was Colleen.
Are they going down the Alex North confused/muddled/revisionist history/dropped storyline road again? Big surprise! I just love Shirley Jones - in anything. Looks like John does kill her. Maybe she has a heart attack? Lexie needs to quit medicine and just take care of Theo - he is a DiMera heir that Stefano no longer cares about, probably because Lexie didn't marry a Brady - ??? But if the Bradys become the heirs to the DiMera fortune, it would make sense that Stefano wanted EJ to marry Sami. Gotta wonder - wouldn't it have been easier for Stefano to tell his family what he wanted instead of murdering, keeping secrets, kidnapping kids etc.?! (I know - we would have no story if that happened - sigh)