Monday March 21, 2011

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Sami/Rafe2 at the Police Station
Replay of Sami telling Rafe2 she invited Dario to move in.Rafe2 jumps up and explodes at Sami. Who does she think that she is? What is wrong with her? McCarthy announces she is going to leave. Sami stands up and says now he is throwing things? He tells her that he is never going to be the guy that she wants him to be, so why doesn't she just face it? All she did was invite Dario to stay with him. None of this is working out he tells her. But Dario just got her and....this has nothing to do with Dario he shouts at her. Does she not get that? It is about him and her. They are not working? In case she doesn't remember he worked his *** off for her. Of course she remembers. She is very grateful. Then why does she keep undermining him? She didn't think it was undermining him to invite Dario to stay with them. He yells through clenched teeth saying did it ever occur to her that there is a reason he doesn't talk to him? She thought this would help mend fences. Great. His first day back on the job and he has to deal with his two bit brother and now she invites him into her house? Does she have any idea how much pressure she is putting on him? Dario is his brother she exclaims. He has been worthless since the day he was born and not even Sami can fix that. She is sorry. Sorry just isn't going to cut it. If she keeps undermining him like this then they are not going to work out. Does she hear what he is saying? Loud and clear. He cannot take this anymore. That makes two of them because this sure as hell isn't working for her neither! She cannot do this anymore. What he asks? What does that mean? She loves him and she would do anything for him but guess what? He is not himself anymore. He is the same person he always was. How can he even say that? She has never once been afraid of him until now. Allie told her that Rafe2 was mean to her and she didn't believe her. She thought she was exaggerating. But she doesn't think that anymore. She cannot believe she is saying this but she has children to think about. He tries to stop her. He wants a second. He is sorry that he freaked out like that. He has a headache. It's real bad. Why didn't he mention this sooner? For how long? A few hours now. He collapses on the ground and Sami yells for someone to call 911 as McCarthy tries to help her.

Melanie/Dario at the Loft
That's how he answers the door? Shirtless? He was working out. What does she want? She walks in and shouts to Rafe2. He is not there. He doesn't know when he will be back. Is she there to make sure Rafe2 locks him up? No, she is here to make sure that Rafe2 stays impartial. But she thinks she is a little late for that. Who is she to judge him? She doesn't even know him. That is where he is wrong she tells him. What does she know about him? She tells him to put a shirt on and that he is just one of those guys. What guys? He stole her necklace, that's fine, but then if she has a problem with it or wants to see him pay for it, then she becomes a judgmental *****, right? He laughs. That is what she thought and since she is judging, she tells him that he sucks. It should prove to her that he is not a pro. So that is how he pays for what he did? She said she was the same, did she ever pay? Yeah, she did. Her life is none of his business. She is not turning away.
Why? Cause she likes what she is looking at? She goes to push him and he grabs her arm. He laughs and she looks unimpressed. She tells him to let go of her hand. Is she going to swing at him again? She might. She doesn't know who she is up against. He pours a bottle of water over her head. That should cool her off for a minute. Someone had to make her chill. She comes in. He gave her the crummy necklace back what does she want from him? She has had so many things taken from her in the last few months. Things that meant a lot to her and when he took her necklace that her mom gave her it was the last straw. So now he is supposed to pay for what some other dude did to her? When Rafe2 gets there he will tell him to throw the book at him but for now he is going to take a shower and when he is done he doesn't want her to be there. Got it? He walks out and she takes off her coat to stay. He thought he told her to be out of there when he came back. He dumped a bottle of water on her hair so she needs a blow dryer. Why is he so full of attitude? Does she mean why isn't he more like Rafe? Yeah, or like Arianna who was probably the best person she knew. Leave Arianna out of this he tells her. He had a good reason to do what he did. He needed the money for something important. He needed it fast. HE thinks he is Robin Hood? Or a low life druggie waiting to score? Does he have tracks mark? Is he sweating? Is he shaking? Fine, he said he needed the money for something important. Doesn't she get to know what it is? It is personal he tells her. Fine, have fun with the Judge she tells him and gets ready to leave. He turns around and says he needed it for his sister. To pay Gabi back for the earring he stole from her? No Gabi. Arianna he tells her. How could he need money for Arianna? She is dead. She was still his sister and that ******* just ran her over and kept on driving. Left her laying there bleeding. Salem Police don't care. Gave up the case. So did Rafe. But he cares and that PI he hired was charging him $500.00 a day plus expenses. Mel had no idea. She forgot about it? Was all into her self? No, Arianna was her best friend. Best friend? Friends don't let people kill their friends and get away with it. She should be ashamed of herself

Carly/Vivian at Java Cafe
Carly walks into Java and spies Vivian sitting at a table. She immediately has a flashback of being buried alive. She walks over to get her coffee and it shows Vivian having a flashback of herself in the sarcophagus. She comes to and says maybe if she could read tea leaves then life would have worked out better for her. Carly overhears and says C'mon, if the tea leaves read something she didn't like she would have dumped them out and done as she pleased. Vivian tells her she is probably right. Did she just hear her correctly? Vivian says when people were saying that she left Salem. She wasn't really gone. She was being kept prisoner. Really, where? In a crypt. Victor's private mausoleum. Carly was there. In Isabella's new mausoleum. Victor put her in a crypt? Yes, and if it weren't got Gus she would still be in there. She laughs and says WOW! She thinks that Carly should tell Bo what his father did. But of course, she can't word on the street is that Bo left her for Hope. Yet again. Carly knew she wasn't trying to make amends. She was just trying to build her up so that she could stick it to her about Bo. Oh, it is not her fault. Maybe Hope is a little more exciting to him now that she served time in prison. Carly tells her that she misses Bo terribly but he did love her and she will never forget about the lengths he went to protect her from Vivian. He sure likes to play superhero. Carly tells her that she doesn't need tea leaves. Because this is her future. Sitting there all alone. Drinking alone. Sleeping alone. No one in this world cares enough about her to save her from herself. Vivian laughs and Carly leaves as Maggie walks in.

Maggie/Vivian at Java Cafe
Vivian jumps to say hello and Maggie says she just realized that she doesn't even need her coffee and goes to leave. Vivian has something she wants to share with her. Make it fast. Congratulations. You win Vivian says. What did she win? Victor of course. Vivian tells her that she had to trick Victor into marrying her. Maggie did nothing, but she was there. She was suffering the loss of her husband and was so beautiful and unattainable. Vivian must have looked very desperate in comparison. How many times does Maggie have to tell her there isn't and wasn't any competition. There is to Vivian. Maggie figured that when she locked her in the coffin. Vivian tells her she is out of the picture so she is free to be with Victor. There is no her and Victor. That is in Maggie's head. She is very much alive whether she wants to admit it or not Victor is the one who got her through the last year. Vivian did love him. He didn't want to be with her. HE wanted to be the person he was with Maggie. Not all of the time Maggie tells her. What does she know Vivian says and rushes out.
Carly/Sami/Rafe2 at the Hospital
Carly is examining Rafe2. His pupils are equal and reactive. She orders a CT scan to rule out something more serious. Rafe2 stirs as Carly is telling her the possibilities. Sami? Where is he? The hospital. Hospital? He is going to be fine. Carly says hey there stranger. IT is about time that he woke up. Who the hell are you he asks? He doesn't remember her? Is he supposed to? Yeah, she rescued him from drowning. Saved his life. Right. It's coming back to him now. She also assisted in Johnny's surgery. He is sorry. His memory is not what it used to be. Don't worry about it. Does he remember anything about blacking out? He was at the PD. Dario was there. Cuffed. After that he got nothing. It's OK. Any weakness on either side? No. Carly goes to check the last MRI and will be back. Sami thanks her. Sami tells Rafe2 she was really worried. Was she there? Yeah and she is pretty sure it was her fault. Did she clock him in the head or something he asks? No, she invited Dario to stay with them without checking with him. Ahhh, he gets a nasty headache again and Sami runs for help. Everything looks fine. He is stable. The headache was so bad he says. Sami says she will be right back. Rafe2 grabs the phone soon as she leaves and calls Stefano. Tells him he is at the hospital and tells him to get down there. He will explain then. He is on his way. Rafe2 tells himself that Sami said she would be right back. Oh man. What if he did blow it this time?

Carly/Sami at the Nurses Station
Carly and Sami are talking at the Nurses Station. She tells him that something is not adding up. She has gone over everything. What is not adding up? When he was brought in for the accident his blood pressure was fine and a scan showed that he had a concussion. Now, his blood pressure is up and his follow up MRI is completely normal. Plus he didn't recognize her. So she agrees that something is wrong? Something is off. They need to figure out what is going on (Stefano appears in the background) because the man in there is NOT Rafe!

Vivian/Kate at the Pier
Vivian runs into Kate at the Pier. This air is not fresh. She is going to take another route. If you want rancid air, try being locked in a coffin for weeks. Is she trying to threaten her? She laughed at her and made jokes while she could have died. But she didn't die. She never does. She asks about her and Stefano. Great. Vivian hopes nothing disturbs their bliss. Kate tells Vivian that she doesn't scare her. Vivian tells her that her arrogance is her fatal flaw. Vivian's habit is making enemies with the wrong people. Kate could threaten to harm the people that love her, but wait, there are no such people. She will just have to directly focus on Vivian. Ohhh, Vivian is scared. Unlike hers, Kate's world is full of people that she loves. Kate says that she cannot touch Stefano. No one can and she is not going to come between the two of them. Her children are all across the world except for Philip, who Vivian is never going to hurt. Maybe she should just go back to Lawrenceland or go back to the Sarcophagus. Just disappear. Kate leaves and Vivian says Stefano is up to something big and needs to find out what it is immediately cause he is going to pay with Kate's life.

Nathan/Stephanie at the Nurses Station
Nathan is still on the phone. He thanks the man on the line and hangs up. Stephanie was at the Nurses Station and overheard. So Johns Hopkins? It was about him leaving he tells her. He is trying to get the job now? She assumes that he is going to another hospital because it is so awkward to be around her. This has nothing to do with her she tells him. How does Melanie feel about this move? Melanie doesn't know about it. He can't just drop that on her Steph tells him. Considering she is the one who thinks it is too late for them he doubts that she will mind. So this is her fault she says. How? If she hadn't been so desperate to hold on to him then him and Melanie would have been together this whole time. If there is anyone to blame it was him. He should have fought for Melanie instead of...instead of trying to convince himself that he was in love with her. Stephanie is near tears and says at least he can admit it. That wasn't fair to anyone. Especially her. Anyway, all that being said, it is a great time for a big change. So he really is leaving? It's not for sure. He is hopeful. Good luck she tells him. She probably won't believe this but he thinks that she is a great girl despite everything. He wishes the best for her because she deserves a great guy who loves her too. She chokes back tears and they hug.

Marco/Stefano/Kate at the DiMera Mansion
Marco better be there to tell Stefano that their friend is on the way to his final destination. He sure is. He will advise him when he is there. Security problems? No. Stefano tells him not to underestimate Rafael Hernandez under any circumstances. If he starts to remember anything at all he is to call Stefano immediately. Marco leaves and Kate walks in. What is bothering him? Nothing. This is Kate and she knows that look. How can she help him? He thanks her for saying that but there is nothing she can do. It is all up to him. No pressure, but it might help to tell her. She is worried about him. he is distraught. Nothing he can't handle. One of his adversaries is making trouble. He dealt with it. By altering his life. Well, she doesn't know what that means but he did what needed to be done and still he is doubtful. It's not like him. Totally out of character. To tell her the truth, he doesn't think that he made the right move. Not this time. It is hard to assure him he did the right thing if he doesn't tell her. When Elvis came back into his life they disagreed on a lot. Somehow they understood each other. Now, he finds he has another son and Chad is very much like his mother. Kate agrees. Kate thinks that he is finding Chad interesting and doesn't want to alienate him and things are heating up with his old adversary and that he is worried Chad will find out and turn against him. He tells her she is right. Kate tells him that Lexie knows that he is no saint and she still hangs around. True. The thing is her kids hate so many of the things that she has done but they know that she loves them and would die to protect them. His kids know the same. He doesn't think that Chad knows that. It will happen she tells him. Then Chad will be his forever, just like she is. Does he feel better? Yes. Chad is a challenge and Stefano never backs down from a challenge. He was very moved. Chad is not family in every sense of the word. Stefano needs his loyalty otherwise he becomes a liability. That is fine, just don't change who he is. It is a little late for that. He will solve this problem. Is she sure? Absolutely. It was very boring while they were separated. He has to be able to trust her. He can she tells him. She means a lot to him he says. He is a man who has everything but without her in his life he felt like a pauper. She tells him she loves him. They kiss.

Maggie/Nathan at the Horton House
Maggie is in the living room at the Horton House when Nathan walks in. She is happy to see him. She is leaving Jennifer a note. Why is he there in the middle of the day? He got off early and has things to think about. Is he OK? No he tells her. He called Johns Hopkins today and told them he wanted the position if it was still available. HE doesn't know what is going to happen but a big change seems good right now. Was Melanie part of the decision? She wants a big change too as she doesn't want him to be a part of her new life. Maggie is so sorry. He is a good catch. He deserves to be with someone who loves him and only him. He says he just wants that someone to be Melanie. Does his mom know about his plans? She knows about everything except the Melanie part. Will Maggie be OK? She is going to miss him. He feels a lot better about going if she wasn't going to be alone. Who's alone ? She has Jennifer and Abby. All of her friends. Doug and Julie are nearby. Don't worry about her. If he gets this job, he needs to go for it. Opportunities like this don't come along everyday. She is OK. He has to leave. Maggie hugs him and tells him he will be just fine. He tells her to be just fine. He leaves. We see Maggie crying.

Next on Days:
Melanie tells Dario that Arianna didn't want anyone to know that she had a judgmental, sick, son of a ***** brother and pushes him.
Sami tells Carly she is not going to stop until she gets her Rafe back.
Stefano asks Rafe2 what has he done now?
thanks so much for the write up. melanie and dario are so getting together.
OH, wow, great write up, missvickie.
Wonder why Dario is barely living at Sami's for 5 minutes, and is "working out". LOL Am guessing Rafe 2 faked the headache and fainting.....but am betting not the yelling spree.
So he now has not recognized Carly, almost got caught not recognizing Dario, and even Gabi. Didn't Stefano have pictures???
Hope & pray Sami gets a light bulb moment, and figures out Stefano may have had a hand in this change in Rafe's behavior, along with EJ, too, of course.
No problem! Happy to help! :)

He absolutely faked that headache and collapsing! I am just ready for this storyline to be over. Although, I think I may slightly miss Rafe2 because, don't get me wrong, I don't overly like him as a person, I just think that he brings more fun to Rafe then the Rafe1. Galen has done an amazing, amazing job being able to differentiate (spelling?) between the two characters!

These scenes with Dario were more tolerable then anything that I have seen from him since starting, however, I still do not like him. Mel's face when he dumped the water was priceless. He just makes her so darn angry. LOL
I liked his scenes when they were actually talking about Arianna, until he got mad at Melanie and told her she let Ari down. Blech. Why do we have to bring in a character that no one likes and have him talk about a character that no one ever liked either. It just keeps getting worse!

Vivian and Kate's scenes were fun. I enjoy watching them together! I also wish that Carly and Vivian had talked a little more about Vivian being in the coffin. I don't know why but that was what I was hoping for out of the conversation. Otherwise it just feels a little wasted. I don't know.
What a treat, missvicki! Thank you. Since the President interrupted my show yesterday and I didn't get to see Rafe 2 have his fit, I'm glad they are showing it again. It sounds like a lot of different things going on during this episode.

I wonder if this is Nathan's exit or does he still have air time to go. It sounded like he was saying goodbye to Maggie, and to Stephanie. Who'd have thunk he and Stephanie would end up being friends after all?
Maybe we won't see him during the week, until he appears, bags in hand, on the 28th, to say adios????

It seems perhaps Melanie is going to soften a bit towards Dario because of his need to get so much money for that private eye. LOL, cause the lst thing he should have done would have been to go to the police station, ask where the investigation into the hit and run is now, any leads, etc., before he decided to steal to make money for a shifty private eye.
I wish they would acknowledge that it was NOT Victor that put her in the coffin, it was Brady. Victor had no idea that Brady had done that for weeks. If I remember correctly, Victor tried to get her out but the lid was stuck so he went to the house to get help. Then he saw Brady and found out why he put Viv in there and left her.
Love the Storyline Breakdown

Miss Vicky,
Thanks for making the story spoilers easy to locate! The ratio of trauma/drama to ANYTHING romantic, loving, and positive is so skewed that I quickly FF to the couple of characters I still have interest in following.
Bo can do NO wrong!
I haven't seen the show yet, but could it be he wasn't faking the headache and fainting? Carly said his blood pressure was up.
He was totally faking and when he wakes up in the hospital it is very obvious as well.
LOL, thanks, missvicki. I know you already mentioned it, figured the jerk was just trying to weasel out of another of his harebrained mistimed outbursts.
Did anyone notice in today's show when Rafe threw the cup at the file cabinets and continued his threatening language at Sami there were three other Police Officers in the room who did nothing when it was obvious Rafe was become abusive to Sami. "Officer Blondie" ducked her head and said she was leaving the room and the other two male officers just kept flipping through their paperwork with out even glancing Rafe's way. They reminded me of 'See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil'...blinded to their surroundings. Oh yeah I forgot, that's just the Salem PD doing their job!

Nathan's goodbye to both Stephanie and Maggie today was heart felt and sad. I think this is the first time I've ever heard him be honest with Stephanie. Just think in a couple of years when Nathan returns to Salem just maybe so will Stephanie carrying their child. Just speculating about the future.

Stefano and Kate's scene was great there is a strong connection between these two, how sad Vivian is going to try to destroy this relationship. But then what else does she have to do! Did Viv give up on punishing Carly for killing Lawrence?

Now Dario and Melanie...definitely there is chemistry there. It was so cute when he dumped the water over her head. I think she will lighten up on Dario especially after he told her he was in Salem to find out who ran over Arianna. Actually since the writers have used Ari's hit and run to introduce Dario to Days it will be interesting to see if they turn the hit and run into a murder. Then we'll all be talking about 'who done it'.
I was there, Steffee, and I saw a big bus full of rowdy women go by about that time. I could have sworn one woman was hanging out of the window wearing a helmet and brandishing a water hose.