Monday, October 15th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Monday, October 15, 2007

Episode # 10,676 Taped 9/25 Director – Roger Inman

Oh, please have tissues handy today. A moving, emotion filled show, and more of the same will be sure to come all week. Let’s get the silly stuff out of the way first. The sorority house is all abuzz with all the supposed co-eds trying to decide what color nail polish Morgan should wear for her date with Max. A scream is heard, and Cordy comes out having a fit cuz she looks like a hooker, she says, only needing hot pants and 6” heels. She figures Ford will run the other way. Her sisterhood rallies round to fix her, getting cold cream and “the hottest dress in the house”. The guys arrive, Steponme stalls them a bit. She asks Max where he is taking Morgan, naming a few fancy places, but he intends to take her down to the racing pit. LOL. Something different. Cordy comes out, looking beautiful, Ford is impressed. They leave, and Max & Morgan soon leave, too. And there is Steponme, green eyed and peering out the window after them. Chelsea is all excited, saying that was so much fun (getting Cordy dolled up), but Steph is preoccupied with what is doing.

Marlena is talking to an unconscious and bloody John on the street, telling him to hang on, as Belle comes rushing out with blankets. Both are in tears, Marlena relives John being hit by the car, landing in the street. An ambulance and squad car arrives, & John is taken away. Sami & Lucas arrive. Earlier, at the Pub, Sami is horrified by the news that John was struck down, blaming herself for tearing up the annulment papers. EJ is making a secret call to Stefano, to talk of John Black. Sami tells EJ she can do the math, she knows John was hit by a DiMera. EJ claims to have had nothing to do with it, but Lucas reminds him of all the DiMera soldiers he has bragged about. Sami & Lucas leave. Back on the street, Sami is blaming herself again, but both Belle & Marlena assure her it is not her fault. They all go to the hospital.

Tony & Anna come into the room where Stefano is sitting in his wheel chair. A few pleasantries, Tony asks where is Andre, and learns he is dead, murdered by Old Man Shawn. Tony asks if he has been arrested, Stefano laughs no, but soon will be. Tony says he is glad Andre is gone, Stefano has a fit, you should be mourning his death. After all he did to me, sez Tony. He took 20 years of my life, left me on a Godforsaken island all alone. Stefano reminds him he has some companionship, the two lovely ladies. Stefano tells Tony he should not let his life be ruled by the past (huh? There is the pot calling the kettle black) & he now tells Tony he has to be at his side, taking over the DiMera empire. Tony is taken aback, asking just what that means. More murder and mayhem, kidnapping, perhaps, the lovely Marlena, putting someone in chains??? No thanks, he will not be part of that. Anna tries to smooth things over, but Tony leaves the room, and she follows. He hopes she was not trying to invite Stefano to move in with them. No, of course not.
And now John is wheeled in, with Marlena, Belle, Sami & Lucas all following, and Tony learns of John’s accident. Dr. Berman says they are taking John upstairs to surgery, as they have to determine the extent of his injuries. Everyone is frantic, crying. Lucas finds out Shawn was released, and offers to go get him for Belle. Sami thanks him, telling him he is her rock. Tony tells Anna that John is his brother, but he hardly knows him. They go up to Marlena, saying they will leave so Marlena and her family can be together. Marlena tells him he IS John’s family. Tony & Anna are going to check at police station to see if any more info on driver of the car that hit John.

EJ slips into the room with Stefano, telling him the hit on John was brilliant, much better than Sami’s son or sister. She will get the message and will probably agree to marry him. Stefano claims to have no idea what he is talking about. EJ asks about Andre, learning he is dead, and is told that Pop Shawn is responsible. About 2 seconds to get over that, and EJ is on again about Sami. Stefano tells him that Benjy and Andre are both dead, his greatest creation, John, is severely injured and all he can talk about is a woman! Stefano muses over John being his personal mercenary, his Pawn. EJ asks why Stefano never got Marlena….and Stefano says it was because of John. As hard as he tried, John & Marlena had this connection, and it was impossible to overcome it.

Out in the hall, Marlena, Belle & Sami are comforting each other. (Have to give kudos big time to Diedre Hall, who will just break your heart). John is wheeled out, and Dr. Berman comes out, to answer questions from an anxious Marlena. Will he be all right. And Dr. Berman goes into this huge litany of injuries, I cannot remember them all. His back is broken in two places, collar bone broken as are 3 ribs. His liver is crushed, other organs are damaged. His organs are shutting down, and Dr. Berman does not expect him to live through the night. Marlena rushes into the room with John, as does Belle. They talk to John, telling him to hang in there, he is strong, he can do it. Marlena looks at the machine, remembering again John being hit by the car, as Dr. Berman is going on about the different injuries.

EJ comes out of Stefano’s room and Sami confronts him. She is spitting tacks, as she tells him she knows why John was hit. She tore up those papers, told EJ she would not marry him, and bingo. She can do the math, got the message. She hands him the signed annulment papers, telling him thru clenched teeth she will do it, she will marry him, but tell his father, this vendetta ends tonight.

Stefano is alone in the room, when a messenger arrives with an envelope. Stefano tells him to sign for it himself, and the guy leaves. The large brown envelope is addressed to Stefano, and has a big stamp on it, saying Confidential. He opens it, to pull out a smaller envelope. On it is “Samantha Brady Roberts” – DNA results. He opens it, reads the paper inside, and says, Ahhh, just as I thought.

Belle sobs to her mom, what are we going to do. Marlena holds her as she cries, telling Belle they will call Bo, Hope, Kayla & Steve, Roman, everyone who loves John, so they can come and say goodbye.

Oh my God... Could the babies be Ej's???? Why would Stefano have gotten DNA papers on Sami??? Everything is getting so exciting...
Stefano getting DNA results on Sami? I wonder why there weren't spoilers on this? Seems like Days knows how to keep a secret when they want to.

Sounds like a great episode! I can't wait for all this drama and craziness.
But it does sound like the Dimeras had nothing to do with it...and shame on EJ for being happy there was a hit out on John Black. What is the matter with that boy?!?!?
So if the Dimera's didn't do it who did? ... perhaps John was up to solving something and he was just to close and someone got rid of him now that is the mystery - I think that Marlena will blame Stefano at first and then she will go to him for help to find out "who killed John" ...

As far as the DNA - well we all saw that coming ... EJ is the father of at least one baby ... it will be One for EJ and one for Lucas.... Oh the Drama!
It is so odd, but I got this quirky thought that the DNA results could be on Samantha herself......not on the twins????? No idea why this thought kept nagging at me. Unless........

Rolf had run his own tests on the twins and nothing matched with EJ back then.
I hope those of you who have not been watching the show, will be tuning in. While I think it is a mistake on the part of Days to kill off John Black, the emotion and performances are just heartbreaking. The actors are pulling out all the stops.
OK...has any thought about Days bring out the "old evil twin" storyline again involving EJ? The guy switches for nice to evil just like Tony did. And how did he change his clothing and get from Stefano's side to outside the bar to stalk Belle before others could finish their sentences...oh wait this is a soap...I remember many years ago seeing Drake in person and when asked if he would ever leave a soap..his response was No, acting jobs are not that easy to obtain and he was not stupid. Can we start a write in campaingn to keep him or does he really want to leave? Or could this be all of a plot for the next bizarre story can only hope.....
Oh give me a danm break... I am so sick and tired of Elvis crying the blues about Samanther as he says it.

First of all if those babies are EJ's I might stop watching for awhile, cus I am really sick of him, I'm hoping those papers find that Lucas is really a DiMera. That would be really funny and EJ would have to eat crow.

I am really upset that John is DEAD, damn it, I can't believe they would end his life, what a crock.

If this story does not break soon, I may not have any hair left from pulling it all out.
Poirot wrote:
It is so odd, but I got this quirky thought that the DNA results could be on Samantha herself......not on the twins????? No idea why this thought kept nagging at me. Unless........

Rolf had run his own tests on the twins and nothing matched with EJ back then.

It was never apparent that Rolf ran his own test! excited about the envelope Stefano received. Love the mystery. Don't worry Poirot, I will be watching for the performances this week. I have the DVR set up!
Inregards to Itchy's comments,-- I have always had a feeling that there could be a twin of EJ's... I kind of feel the EJ with the unshaven face was another person / "twin". And could could be why the 'good' EJ denied raping Sami... EJ's personailty is either good and a loving person or bad/ evil...

I love how the story is going now, hopefully it will speed up even more.. Lets get things resolved.. and new storys going.
cjknick2 wrote:
Poirot wrote:
It is so odd, but I got this quirky thought that the DNA results could be on Samantha herself......not on the twins????? No idea why this thought kept nagging at me. Unless........

Rolf had run his own tests on the twins and nothing matched with EJ back then.

It was never apparent that Rolf ran his own test!
Well, we did not SEE him do it, as we do not SEE any of the DNA testing. However, Rolf did come forth on the plane, all ready to harvest the stem cells, but was looking at the results of the tests HE ran, and, no, this will not work. And plainly said that EJ could not be the father.

Now, Days has rewritten a lot....and nothing to stop them from rewriting their own stuff. LOL But Rolf did say that.
Poirot! Thanks a MILLION for this! Your the greatest! I love your 'pot calling the kettle black' I laughed so hard I nearly fell off my chair! :rotfl:
Maybe Rolf is an idiot and only tested one baby's DNA. Fraternal twins are in two amniotic sacks. Maybe he tested EJ's baby's DNA but not Lucas'.

This also shows that Lucas can't be a Dimera. If EJ and Lucas were both Dimeras, then either baby's DNA would have been compatible.
Maybe the DNA results were on Sami - - and maybe she is Stefano's child? That would make Eric a Dimera too! (I have to say - I don't know of the history of when Eric and Sami were born - - but seems like Stefano had kidnapped Marlena alot!)
Okay - the DNA of the babies is just a bit of overkill of a story isn't it? Let's see - it was fixed...EJ was the father (thanks to Kate)...then Nick feeling guilty had them done legit - and Lucas is the father -

Now we are to believe that was wrong and EJ IS the father..

Okay - I am about done with this...

AND if I hear the word VENDETTA used once more..I will scream.
If Sami is Stefano's child, then the babies would FOR SURE both be a match for Stefano and Rolf's test results showed the babies (or at least one baby) DNA didn't match Stefano. Sami can't be his daughter.
Besides, why would Sami look just like Colleen if her father is Stefano and her mother is Marlena. She couldn't look just like a Brady ancestor and not be a Brady herself, even Days won't make that blunder!!
bostonyooper wrote:
Okay - the DNA of the babies is just a bit of overkill of a story isn't it? Let's see - it was fixed...EJ was the father (thanks to Kate)...then Nick feeling guilty had them done legit - and Lucas is the father -

Now we are to believe that was wrong and EJ IS the father..

Okay - I am about done with this...

AND if I hear the word VENDETTA used once more..I will scream.

My guess based on spoilers...

My guess is that EJ had the test results altered to make everyone think that the babies were Lucas' in order to protect Sami and the babies ... and Stefano after talking with EJ at the TV station was suspicious when EJ said it matter not that they were not of his blood - he would raise them as true Dimera's - so when Sami was at hospital getting checked out yet again after the whole gas thing ... Stefano paid someone to get a new sample and had the test run over again.... and just as he thought he has been betrayed by his own son, a son who would let him die because of a love of a women "A Brady Women" - Elvis is more like his father than even he knew!
Poirot wrote:
cjknick2 wrote:
Poirot wrote:
It is so odd, but I got this quirky thought that the DNA results could be on Samantha herself......not on the twins????? No idea why this thought kept nagging at me. Unless........

Rolf had run his own tests on the twins and nothing matched with EJ back then.

It was never apparent that Rolf ran his own test!
Well, we did not SEE him do it, as we do not SEE any of the DNA testing. However, Rolf did come forth on the plane, all ready to harvest the stem cells, but was looking at the results of the tests HE ran, and, no, this will not work. And plainly said that EJ could not be the father.

Now, Days has rewritten a lot....and nothing to stop them from rewriting their own stuff. LOL But Rolf did say that.

I believe your mistaken darling. It was Bart that ran the tests and came out telling Rolf to stop the DNA doesn't match. Rolf just nodded his head and said yes this appears to be true. And remember when Stefano asks what Bart was doing running the tests in the first place Rolf said he had to give Bart something to do to keep him busy and out of his hair. And last, there was that super funny comment from Bart about deserving a raise for all the stuff he does for the Dimeras eventhough hee's a known screw up most of the time. Hope this jogs so memories.

But I can't beelieve STEFANO, of all people, is getting DNA results on Sami!!!!!???!??? And I hope that EJ really is just EJ, the complex mix of evil battling good. Otherwise if EJ did have a twin and the babies were his, the babies would actually belong to the EVIL TWIN :rotfl: solving absolutely nothing for those who are still enraged about the extortion of sex scene. Not to mention I think the evil twin thing is rather lame. Imo, evil Tony aka andre is more intersting that good Tony.
Liz wrote:
Inregards to Itchy's comments,-- I have always had a feeling that there could be a twin of EJ's... I kind of feel the EJ with the unshaven face was another person / "twin". And could could be why the 'good' EJ denied raping Sami... EJ's personailty is either good and a loving person or bad/ evil...

I love how the story is going now, hopefully it will speed up even more.. Lets get things resolved.. and new storys going.

Oh, please...not another evil twin! Give EJ multiple personality disorder...then good EJ can be completely in the dark about what bad EJ has been doing.