SPOILER !! November sweeps..


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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November Sweeps


Chad/Abigail/Stefan: Abigail pulled this big move and married Stefan and now no one can get to her; Chad is determined to get her away from Stefan and get her the help she needs; He starts to develop a plan to have her kidnapped; As much as he believes Abigail needs help, he's forced to look at what he's doing, that he kidnapped this woman against her will; Just as Chad is about to let her go, she goes into labor;

While Sami is getting her answers about whether this is really EJ, Susan is starting to realize there is something that everyone, especially Sami is keeping from her; We don't know exactly how Susan is going to react when she finds out that EJ may be alive; Sami does find out whether he is or not;

John/Marlena: We did sort of rob the audience of that one moment of them actually tying the knot again; I always knew down the line that they would actually finally get married; They're able to finish the ceremony in a smaller way, but surrounded by their loved ones;

Brady/Eve/Jennifer: After Nicole's death, a down and out Brady heads to Eve's; Brady offers up an apology for judging Eve so harshly before he left town and they make love; ;Eve thinks they can heal and find their way back to each other; That is, until Brady tells what went down between him and Kristen. It is a game changer for Eve, she dumps Brady, packs her stuff and tells Brady that the hotel is paid up to the end of the week and she leaves to go to New York; Eve happens upon Jennifer at Horton square on her way out of town; She blames Jennifer for everything and tells Jennifer that she will get her back;

Eric/Holly/Sarah: Having lost Nicole again leaves Eric in a place so dark that even lashing out at Brady won't help; Look for the former priest to find a friend in Sarah, who has an intriguing suggestion about how he can do right by Nicole's daughter, Holly;

Paul/Will/Sonny: We'd written the accident, and that was a dynamic that we set up where Will was going to stay with Paul; When we found out Christopher Sean (Paul) was going to leave, we had Paul get onto the truth much quicker than we originally thought, and for Will to be honest and tell Paul that he was in love with Sonny; The trick was to have it not be a downer, because having known that he was leaving, I may have not paralyzed him; I didn't want Paul to have an unhappy ending; His mother urges him to come to San Francisco to get treatment, and then you'll see there's a little hope for Paul's romantic future right before he leaves town, which I also thought was something nice; As for Sonny and Will, Paul is no longer really the obstacle between the two of them getting together; We have this momentary respite where we give a little bit of romantic payoff for Will and Sonny, but something that they thought they had over come turns out not to be so dead and buried;

Ted/Rafe/Hope: Ted Laurent reappears; He has escaped from his captivity and he turns to Hope as the police commissioner; He basically says, " You gotta help me; Stefan DiMera is gonna kill me, you have to hide me." Hope would probably love to nail Stefan, but at the same time she's trying to play this by the book; Of course she feels that she should confide in Rafe, which Ted is urging her not to do; So she says I'll hide and protect you from Stefan DiMera if you help me get the goods on Ben Weston so this little alliance forms between Hope and Ted;

Abe/Valarie/Lani/Sheila/Eli: Eli is trying to help Sheila get a job and it turns out, it's in Abe office; At the same time, Valarie gets this job offer that would be a really great opportunity for her and it's outside of Salem; While Abe and Valarie are trying to work out what to do, Sheila kind of finds herself again in the middle of Lani's personal life, and she's also smack in the middle of Val and Abe;

Ciara//Ben/Tripp/Claire: The audience finds out that it was Tripp that set up Ben, that he truly believed Ben was guilty and he was framing a guilty man; When it finally comes to light that Tripp was the one behind it, a big argument occurs between Ciara and Tripp, and their relationship implodes; She's forced to really admit that she's been harboring feelings for Ben the entire time, and Ben and Ciara share a kiss; It leaves a heartbroken Tripp with Claire ready to swoop in;

but at the same time she's trying to play this by the book
Since when?
I'll hide and protect you from Stefan DiMera if you help me get the goods on Ben Weston so this little alliance forms between Hope and Ted;
Wasn't he Ben's lawyer? Isn't this several types of illegal?

Ugh, once again Claire is treated like a pair of mouldy old socks.
Interesting that no Chloe, Mimi, Bonnie, Lucas.......but that could possibly be because the "Baby Bonnie" story is resolved before November???
Am only guessing, too, that perhaps Belle & Shawn have returned to Hong Kong. But then, there is nothing about Rex, Maggie, Victor, Kayla, Roman, Kate, JJ.....So there is other stuff going on, however, these folks are not in anything major, what some call A or B stories.
Am disappointed that Hope is still on her same mission, but I liked Ted, so will be interesting.
And it shows how far ahead scripts are done, way ahead of filming, in the Will/Paul/Sonny tale, as Days would NOT have had Paul paralyzed if they had known he was leaving.........and yet the news he was leaving has been known for quite some time.
No mention of Jack?! Heather you may be right but why the JR initials on a door at Rolf's laire? If Eve knew he was alive all this time she is one piece of work.
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I think the only thing that intrigues me and that I am looking forward to is Kate Mansi returning in the role of Abigail.

I don't care about all of these dead people returning to life. Once in a while it can make for a good storyline but Days is turning more into science fiction than drama. The impact of a character's death no longer sticks other than that it might suck that they're off the show but everyone eventually returns back to Days. I wouldn't be surprised if Louise Sorel (Vivian) returned for yet another botched storyline that she hated and vowed to never return..........for the 50th time. LOL!

Oh yeah and the actual reason I came to post was I'm still disappointed in the fact that they are going to pair Ciara and Ben together. As much as I like Ben and the actor that portrays him and as much as I like Ciara and the actress that portrays her, this is still the wrong message that Days is sending out to young women in the unrealistic expectation that they can change a man, will do things that she normally wouldn't do for a man. Days portrays women horribly, in my opinion and are still stuck in the a man's world do everything for a man.

UGH.........I'll stop now.
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Abigail pulled this big move and married Stefan

wait..... doesn't she have to divorce Chad first???? this is the most disgusting of stories....

Days portrays women horribly, in my opinion and are still stuck in the a man's world do everything for a man.


hard to believe I worked for the equal rights amendment and for basic women's right and nothing changed.....to quote our president "Sad"
Maybe when she was declared dead it nulled the marriage? Or maybe I missed them getting remarried after she came back to town.
Chad/Abigail/Stefan: [Just when you think this truly awful plot couldn't get any worse, it does.]

[What they should realize is that nobody cares about "EJ" and send him back to the turnip farm.]

John/Marlena: [Good move. Big Salem weddings are an invitation to disaster.]

Brady/Eve/Jennifer: [Eve blames Jenny and promises revenge? How depressingly and typically Salem]

Eric/Holly/Sarah: [The professional sourpuss should rejoin the priesthood and bury himself in the Vatican archives where he'd only have to deal with dusty documents.]

Ted/Rafe/Hope: [Good news -- Ted is back. Salem could use an effective lawyer. The bad news is that corrupt Hope wants him to violate attorney-client privilege. (By the way, any information Hope gets that violates this privilege would be useless.)]

Ciara//Ben/Tripp/Claire: [Kudos to those of us who predicted that the guilty party was devious Little Trippy.]