Olympics opening ceremony discussion


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
Reaction score
Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Four years ago, some of us got together on the board to "watch" the opening ceremony from China together.
I thought it would be fun to do that again tonight. Bring food or a beverage to share. Get comfy on your favorite couch /chair or make a nest of pillows on the floor.

I have nachos, sweet ice tea, red wine, wine coolers, and Miller Lite.
I'll have to leave you a case of Yuengling beer and a big bag of pretzels for the evening. I'll be at the Indy raceway catchin' some drag races. ...but I'm sure that there will be a repeat of the ceremonies like last time. Have fun kids! :)
NBC has had filler for the last 15 minutes. :( I cheated, and sneaked a peek at BBC still pictures from the opening. I resisted clicking on the videos for now. If they keep up this stuff, I may end up doing it.
Just read an 'EXPLANATION" for the various segments that England is doing, the reasons behind them, etc. Something about nurses, which are a big thing in England ever since WW2, and the Mary Poppins, Harry Potter, Peter Pan creations. There is a huge bell, made by the makers of Big Ben....and other stuff, and the site took the "explanation off" already so I can't go back and even give you an url.
amazzing, so far
rew, you missed James Bond picking up the real queen at the palace, and getting in the royal helicopter. Then he and the "queen" parachuted into the stadium. In a few minutes, the real queen then entered the royal box.
I'm back. The only tv getting a signal is in my bedroom. :( Livingroom and kitchen tv's are all pixalated.

I missed most of the June stuff. :(

They didn't have a TARDUS, did they???? I'd be really bummed out if I missed Dr Who.