Orpheus History


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Found this......thought perhaps newer viewers might find the article of some help....

Not a new viewer. Not that new, but it was a good read and if the writing was better, Victor would have more teeth. Not nasty mean, but a lot more BITE. But my thoughts always goes back to Carl Hutchins on Another World. Even when they made him soft, he was still razor dangerous and always thinking.
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Thanks for this. Orpheus was new to me and the reasons for his rabid hatred of John seemed fuzzy. Since he is an unmitigated nut case, his prospects don't seem good. After all, Yo-Daddy was also completely off his rocker and he came to a quick, unpleasant end despite being aided by his fearsome Phantom Army. Orpheus is also further proof that the vaunted ISA is not all that careful about whom it hires. John would have done himself and everyone around him a big favor if he'd steered clear of that incompetent and corrupt organization.
Ok so to clarify, who shot Mrs Orpheus? Real Roman (Wayne Northrop) or Pawn Roman (Drake Hogestyn)? Is this confusion why Current Roman (Josh Taylor) isn't central to the current story?

Did we actually SEE the shooting go down on air, or in flashbacks, or just referred to?
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Original Roman (Wayne Northrop version) shot Orpheus' wife (accidentally - he thought she was a KGB agent), but we never saw it happen. We were told about it during the Stockholm/Treasury Bonds storyline.

In the flashbacks within that storyline, it was Drake Hogestyn's Roman who pulled the trigger. Since they shared the same memories, thanks to Stefano, they both believed they were the one that did it, but Orpheus isn't bothered with details like the face of the man that killed his wife, only that he wants revenge on John for having a happy life and on Marlena for, however she got into Stefano's hands which they didn't explain that either.

This explanation literally helps nothing and now my head hurts from typing this.
Thank you for the info.

I'm going to go to the twitter account and start watching the scenes on my computer
I still want to know the backstory on Orpheus with Steve/Kayla and Bo/Hope. All the info posted thus far has been from John/Marlena fans. I feel like I'm up to date on this aspect but not the rest.

And why doesn't Hope seem the least bit concerned about Orpheus being in Salem? Shouldn't she?!

This really was a very bad reintroduction. Very random. They've done a good job showing flashbacks of Clyde and Xander but the one they've showed so far of Orpheus doesn't even scratch the surface. And I find it hard to believe John's kids and Orpheus aren't aware of one another. Belle really should have been part of this as Orpheus' prime target.