Pamela VanDamme & the ISA


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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So the Director of the ISA wants Steve Johnson dead. And want him dead so badly, they threaten another former ISA agent with harm to his family, if he doesn't do the deed. John was chosen because of being good friend & partner of Steve's, and no one would suspect.

In the past, when Ava Vitali died and Steve took the rap for his son, on the day of the trial, Pamela came in, Steve did not have to go to jail.

Just Samantha found the summary for that it for yourself.

So why does the ISA want Steve dead? Does it have to do with the Vitali gangster family? And why slowly? Why not just use their own hitmen, instant, etc. Why make it appear he just got sick and then died. (no, not dead yet, but that is the intention)
Why is the mystery but seriously they think we want more Vitale gangster stories?!:rolleyes:
Is it possible that this unnamed-guy who is giving John orders is lying, and this has nothing to do with the ISA or Pamela VanDamme?

And I agree with Noel - if I wanted crummy gangster stories, I'd watch General Hospital.
If this Pamela van Damme and the ISA are really blackmailing John into killing Steve with repeated doses of poison, they should never again be portrayed in a positive light on Days. As of now, this bunch makes that criminal with a badge, the late Bo Brady, look like a choir boy. Murder and blackmail are major felonies and anyone involved in such a plot rates a long prison sentence. In fact, it might make for a good plot if Rafe finally got to make a spectacular arrest by nabbing Pamela and her little helpers when they arrive in Salem to strong-arm John. D.A. Trask could then finally get high-profile convictions and the homicidal van Damme could be shipped off to share a cell with Hattie Adams. (Years of listening to Hattie rant about "Alfie" would be a fate worse than death.)