
Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
Reaction score
A couple of years ago, The Spectator got shut down because of overload. Too much on the site or something. Whatever happened, Wayne & I spent a few hours deleting old threads in order to "make room". We deleted hundreds/thousands. And the board was back up and operating fine since then.

However, this resulted in post counts going down, some of you noticed, some paid no mind. Since then, every so often, I go backstage, and delete some old threads. Maybe 20 or 40 or so. I have done it in Just for Laffs, Fun & Games, places not used all that much. Also, old threads in Crystal Ball, Daily Days, Front Page.
And yes, this results in post count going down a bit for some. But.....interestingly, not the thanks. Ha.
Just want you all to know, it is me probably, but we also have new software, which has needed a bit of tinkering here and there. Thank goodness for our webhamster, Wayne.
So, hope this explains any change in the numbers of your post counts.
Actually, the thanks ARE going down, I just noticed last week when I deleted some old threads. Doesn't seem by much, but...well, just trying to avoid any "board down" things.