Prague sets


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2015
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Brooklyn, NY
Did anyone notice that the blue-walls hotel room is the same hotel room set used when John and Hope were in Alamania a few years ago?

And it was pretty funny the Prague police station was the same one that is in Salem. They just had a few signs and maps of Prague on the wall.

I miss the days when we saw the cast travel to other places like New Orleans or Mexico.
Sadly, with Days' budget, we're lucky they can travel across town on a bus.

The Bold and the Beautiful still must have a hefty budget because they still do foreign location shots. They've been in Italy, France, Monaco, to name a few, in the past couple of years.
Given their budget limitations, they did about as well as could be expected. And, remarkably, some research was done. The large wall map of Prague was the real deal; at a distance, the patches worn by the policemen looked like ones I found online; and the sign with the multi-pointed star and the words "Policie Cesky Republiky" was accurate. What has bothered me about the episodes (other than the Stefano is alive nonsense) are Anna being quickly released after firing shots in a public place (if she's going off-screen, why have her in a Czech prison?) and Princess Hag being able to directly represent her in a Czech court. The writers could just as easily have shown her using her contacts to get Anna (and her urn) a top-notch Czech lawyer. And if they'd wanted to inject some humor, they could have shown Rafe and Carrie sitting at a table in the "Cafe Dvorak," when a little old lady says to them in Czech, "Please can you help me find my lost cat." (Of course, because she lives in Zurich and is now an international sophisticate, Carrie can speak French, German, Czech, Polish, Hungarian, etc.)
Did anyone notice that the blue-walls hotel room is the same hotel room set used when John and Hope were in Alamania a few years ago?

And it was pretty funny the Prague police station was the same one that is in Salem. They just had a few signs and maps of Prague on the wall.

I miss the days when we saw the cast travel to other places like New Orleans or Mexico.

And the Salem Alley is the Prague Alley. And the exterior of Club TBD was used for the café where they saw Stefano. And Kate's foyer was used as the Prague Hotel Lobby (someone on another board thought they even saw the same flowers from Kate's foyer on the Prague set). Not much budget = not many new sets.
I guess we are supposed to just look at the actors and not the surroundings. My son and husband gripe at me because I notice everything in a scene and all they hear is the dialogue!
I thought they did a good job today. I was pleasantly surprised to see an actual bank safe room. Have we seen that before?

Since so many characters were on, they also rotated on different sets. Simple things like that make a difference. When JJ opened the door to the communal blue office aka Eduardo's office, the hallway had wallpaper that matched TBD. Nice touch.
That bank safe room, yes, we saw it a couple of times. Chad's birth certificate was in a safety box, found after his mother died.

And Alice's IOU or whatever with Stefano was in one. I believe that box could only be opened if both Alice and Stefano were present......but she was dead. I think Hope was there instead.