Prayer request

the look of love

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2007
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Please pray for our neighbor, Bob . while working with cattle a bull pinned him and he has 6 broken ribs punctured lung and 3or4 crushed vertibrea. He is in surgury this am.
His wife also is going through a lot because her Mother is having heart problems and is not doing well.
Bob came through surguy ok they had to repair the ribs that were broken into 2or3 pieces total of 6 ribs.
Thank you for your prayers God bless
Goodness! Glad to hear he made it through the surgery just fine. Prayers for a speedy recovery and for his family during this stressful time.
I am sorry I haven't updated you guys Bob is doing some better he is joking with the family and friends about pinching the nurses as a form of strenghting his pincer grasp. ( Physcal therapy wants him to make the OK sign with thumb and forefinger)
He has a long way to go, so thank you all for lifting him up in prayer.
Let's pray for his speedy and 100% recovery. Keep joking with him. Humor is heeling!
God Bless Bob & Family & you and your family the look... for being so caring.