Prayer warriors, I need you


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2009
Reaction score
South Carolina
Hello my spectator friends!
Some of you remember a year ago, I lost a baby at 13 weeks along.
I just found out last week that I'm pregnant again and my doctor appointment isn't until Monday, July 26th and I was told "don't stress". Easier said than done. I want this baby (or babies...chances of twins are very high).... I want him/her/them to be healthy, and growing. Specific prayer request: pray that my hcg levels are sky rocketing! last years baby was lost due to my levels being too low, and baby couldn't thrive.
The good news is I've taken 3 tests that show what's called a "dye stealer", which is supposed to mean my hcg levels are super super high. Great news for baby! Also... possible sign that it is indeed a multiples pregnancy... Needless to say, I'm anxious. my kids and hubby are super excited. I just need my prayer warriors to pray for the best possible outcome for this pregnancy.

Thank you so much in advance! I'll update here after my appointment on Monday. Grow baby(ies), grow!
My hubby is praying for boys. He is feeling quite out numbered! lol
Hey, you got them, every day. God Bless.
Update: I got to see little "bean" on the ultrasound!!!! Baby is healthy, with a heartbeat of 155. All seems to be going normal this time, prayers for continued health in my pregnancy, please. I cried when I saw that little heart beating. I'm in love already! Later this week, genetic testing and they will be able to tell the gender. My official due date is 3.11.22
Just got the DNA results from the genetic testing I had done....

Baby does not have any of the markers that indicate down syndrome, or any of the other syndromes they checked for. Seems baby is healthy and practically perfect in every way...... AND A GIRL! :love::love:

We have had a boy name that we've held onto for years...but seeing as sweet thing is highly likely our last baby, we're giving it to her as a middle name. and hubby (after processing that he is having his 3rd daughter)...asked if we could name her Ember Creed.

I really like it, though I'm not embroidering anything yet, just in case I change my mind LOL.....

But anyways.... Baby girl is doing great. that said- keep the prayers coming. I've been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I am certain I will be ok, but it's definitely going to be an interesting pregnancy. I so appreciate all the prayers!
Congrats on a healthy girl.

I can tell you being a three girl mama is the best.
Fantastic news, so glad for you. Just an aside, but hubby's one brother has 4 girls, his other brother had 4 boys! Happy families. What is impt. is they are healthy. And hey, they may all be raised the same, but all are different.