Prayers Please for my friend Sam


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2009
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South Carolina
Hello all,

My best friend Samantha is 25 weeks pregnant with a little boy (her and hubby are keeping the baby's name a secret until birth.)

Sam called me at midnight last night to say she had started bleeding and was going to the hospital. (She is epileptic and had a seizure a week or so ago and we are not sure if this has anything to do with it.)
Today she called to say they admitted her and she is in a labor & delivery room "just in case" though they are doing everything they can to keep little boy bean in as long as possible.
The good news is that he is measuring ahead of schedule, he's bigger than he should be and this will be to his benefit if he were to be born early, however, you all know the extreme challenges for children born prematurely.

Specific things to pray for:
baby boy to develop quickly in case of early delivery.
cause of bleed to be determined quickly by doctors and kept under control or even better, stopped.
delivery to be postponed as much as possibly, praying for baby to make it full term (miracles do happen).
comfort for his mommy and peace for her worried heart.
peace for daddy's heart too, (this is his first child, Sam has 2 from previous marriage).
pray for grandparents who have taken responsibilities for Sam's 2 older children (ages 4 and 5) as I'm sure they have their hands full as well as their own worries for this new baby.

Thank you so much for your prayers! They work and we appreciate them so much!
Praying for God to watch over and keep everything going safely and well for all.
Thank you all for prayers! keep praying! I just talked to Sam- they just now finished up an ultrasound and waiting for doctor to look at it. They have not determined a cause for the bleed yet, but she is still bleeding, so hopefully soon they will know after the doctor views the ultrasound.
Baby's heart rate is still good and he is a stinker as he is kicking and moving around too fast and knocking the monitors off LOL.... when we finally have him here and home someday, he's totally grounded for stressin' his momma out!
I will keep you all posted as I learn more.
Dayslady, I just found this.

I'll be adding your friend and family to my prayers.
Thanks again. so far still no baby (thank goodness), but still in labor room "just in case" as the bleeding has not yet stopped, nor has she told me if they determined a cause. I will contact her soon in hopes they at least know why she is bleeding. even "measuring big", my heart fears for the baby if he were to be born this early. I will be going there to visit tonight after I drop my daughter off at Girl Scouts. I will keep you all posted! keep praying, it's working!
Soooo I visited Sam today and we FINALLY have an update!
The doctors believe that Tuesday's exam had disturbed a polyp that was found on her cervix. They are still keeping her overnight to monitor, and depending on how things go tomorrow, she might get to go home! :) Thank you so much for the prayers!!! They WORKED!!! :) I talked to her belly, too, and told lil stinker to stay put! :)
great news. keep us updated.
Let us pray that our Heavenly Father holds this little bundle of energy in the healing palms of His hands, and that the "stinker" just calms down so the sensors can stay on the designated spots. We are so fortunate to have a loving and gracious Heavenly Father, and that we can go to Him with all our cares, and questions. Thank You Father, and through Your Son Jesus Christ, and we ask that You keep the wee "stinker" with those loving healing hands of Yours, around this adorable bundle of joy. Thanks Dear Father. Amen, and Amen..
Thank you so much for your prayers for my friend! Sam is home now and is on strict bed rest - only allowed out of bed to go potty or shower. We bring everything to her! "Lil stinker" is still as active as can be, Goodness knows that baby must never sleep, her belly is constantly feeling kicks! :) it's good to see how strong he is for such a small baby. The ultrasound shows him weighing 1 lb 12 oz right now. They are hopeful to "keep him in" to 30 weeks, then after that they will set a new goal "keep him in until 32 weeks", and monitor him weekly after that-- most likely baby will be born early, but everyone is doing everything we can to "keep stinker in!" there's even a sign over her bedroom door that says "keep baby in!" haha! please continue to pray for my friend, she is slightly depressed being confined to a bed and unable to play with or hold her other two children...and she's only been home on bed rest for a day! gonna be a long few months for her. I'll be trying to keep her company and I will keep you all posted on her progress!
Prayers for everyone....
my son, Ric was born 7 weeks early.....4lb 10 oz *& 18 inches long,
Born feet first. Was in the hospital 2 weeks before I could bring him home.
He definately does not weigh that now at 40 years old!
Adorable then, Handsome now and no I am not partial!!!