Prayers please


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2012
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Almost two years ago, my grandma's boyfriend Bob had a stroke. He recovered well after that, but today he had another, minor one. He's in the hospital and talking, but please, if you can, say a prayer for him. It's especially hard on my grandma because she's still recovering from her surgery and still a bit out of it from her pain medication.
Our Father In Heaven knows that your Grandma is extremely fragile, and because Bob had even a slight stroke, the Care Giver always has (usually)her tail feathers dragging, and becoming even more tired. I think Bob is one lucky man to have her, (your grandma) and is giving her some respite time to rest and regain some of her strength. She is such a caring and loving person, and Bob will be taken care of by a fine crew of knowing individuals. May God bless him and also your Grandma, and you all the rest of the family... God's loving Hand of knowing, and Caring will be with you all. Bless you all.

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Love Candle for His Eternal Watchful Eye
Bob is now home, walking around and talking like normal. Turns out that it was a seizure. The doctors gave him some seizure meds, and they also said his blood pressure is too high. My grandma says they're both going to go on the Eat to Live diet after the New Year to help with that.

Also, my grandma is having surgery again on Tuesday--one of the plates they put in started to slip or something, so she's going back to get it fixed.
The two of them, your Grandma, as well as Bob, is at the top of my prayer list. I shall also ask our Lord and Savior to give you all, the rest of the family, the strength, and the patience to work with these two fragile elderly youngsters, and because you all are the strength behind the family, and holds the rest together, You will be right up there, for God to protect, and to guide you all on the loving care you evidently give them. I am proud of all of you, and now that Grandma is going in to undergo another opening, and face the trauma again, she is now the one who will be very fragile, and kind of under the weather, until she heals sufficiently to care for herself. I pray for all of you DD, and stay strong in the Lord... Keep us informed.

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