Putting up the "Help Wanted" sign


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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As most of you know, we seem to have lost our signal for the day ahead feed, my tape is blank, so either the show has been moved to a different sattelite, perhaps a different time, we have no way of knowing. Prevuze is experiencing the same problem, we have been corresponding.....and thought perhaps we might get our Canadian readers to perhaps help us out, if they could. Now I was going to write a big long thing...but Prevuze already has the word up.......so......with permission.....here is the plea.

Maybe the satellite will pop back in Monday morning and we can keep being a day ahead, but I'm just a bit pessimistic about that.

When the satellite has been out before, I've had Canadian readers who have sent me videos of the show after it has aired in Canada. While this isn't a perfect solution, it's a whole lot better than what we have now. Unfortunately, the two women who provided those videos were die-hard followers of specific couples who are no longer on the scene, and so they stopped recording the show.

So here's my pitch. Prevuze******* has tons of Canadian readers. We have additional readers who live in border cities like Detroit, Buffalo and Salem (well, Salem's everywhere, isn't it) who can receive Canadian channels, and along with them, the day-ahead DOOL broadcasts. Out of that multitude of readers, Surely there are a couple of kind-hearted people to step forward who will record and post the show to a private site (can't distribute it publicly or we might incur the wrath of the nasties at NBC, Global, Corday Productions or The Borg).

Before you jump up and volunteer (I know every one of you is just champing at the bit to do it), let me just say it would be helpful, very helpful, if you already have some video experience with your computer. Or perhaps your husband, wife, partner, kid or otherwise good for nothing ex knows something about it and can help.

If you can do this, you won't have to edit the video in any way, which will save you a lot of work. All I want is for you to record the show and post it — commercials and all.

If you think you might want to volunteer, contact me "back channel" at my email address: prevuze@gmail.com and we'll talk about what equipment and software is required as well as how and where to upload.

And that's it. That's how YOU can help keep this blog a day-ahead (OK, half day-ahead in the US). Do it. Do it for your fellow DOOL watchers, regardless of race, creed, color, lifestyle or, most importantly, couple affiliation. Do it. YOU can help Prevuze get it's mojo back.


Remember back in kindergarten when you had that line on your report card that said, "Plays well with others." Yeah, well, I always flunked that big-time. To me, playing well with others is about as pleasant as walking through a mine field with Philip Kiriakis.

But on occasion, working together pays off. And this is one of those times. As I mentioned, everyone seems to have lost this satellite signal, including Barb at the popular Salem Spectator day-ahead blog So as an added bonus, Prevuze and the Salem Spectator blog have joined forces and will share this precious video. In other words, your efforts will help the readers of both blogs.


In fact, we'll share your video with anyone else who is doing a day-ahead blog. Barb at the Spectator and I aren't too familiar with other day-ahead bloggers, but if there is a need, they can have a copy, too. Heck, start your own blog.

So that's it. I need help... The Salem Spectator needs help... maybe other blogs need help too. Please let us know if you think you can assist.

The ball is in your court. Thanks.

Perhaps you might like to read the entire thing, as it starts with sort of a tribute to Shakespeare....LOLOL

You can PM me, or write - Poirot@salemspectator.com
Dang, it makes me want to move to Canada just to help out...no, wait, I lived almost in Canada and I didn't like it much....never mind.....
Good luck...!!
I do hope someone or some two will be able to help out.

P.S. Just for the record.......I need to SEE the show a day ahead to write a summary. I honestly do not need to READ about it elsewhere. I don't plagiarize or violate copyrights.
I've been wondering if this has anythng to do with Days going HD. I know, if you want HD you have to have a special box on cable.
But they are not going HD until November. However, that is something to look into.
around here when we were told "everything's going HD on such and such date".... some areas got it sooner, and some got it later....

the channel that days comes on around here went "fully hd" about a year or 2 ago. :) and those that had HD tv's were fine...but anybody with an old antennae tv... needed to buy an HD Converter box to be able to view the channels.
Bump.............................Hey, we still need help. We need to know what happened to the feed, different time? Channel? Can you tape and download?
Yesterday I posted a link to another day ahead site but it was deleted.
I must of breached a rule on this site that I'm not aware of. Sorry it I did as I'm new here and still learning the rules