Question about ads


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Is anyone else getting political ads (local for your area) at the top? It just started for me, I really resent it. Mine are for Wisconsin, are mud slinging.....and I don't care who or which party.

The varied ads don''t bother me, some make me laugh, some get my curiosity up. I always get a kick when I go searching for something and ads for it then pop up. (I confess, I finally went to the ZuLily site to see exactly what it was, as never heard of it. Bad news.....won't let you look until you give an e-mail addy. Further bad news, site has a lousy layout, in my opinion. And further bad news, they say they will send an e-mail to you every day at the addy. Fortunately I have a yahoo one, so it won't bother my regular one, but I do intend to try and "cancel" if I can.
ZuLilly is apparently a discount women's clothing outlet. Had never heard of it, but ads appeared here, and on Facebook as well, Bah, humbug.

We have state elections, and I am getting these state political ads, and am really ticked about it.
I have seen ZuLily ads here and there. I guess I didn't notice what
it was for. So many ads pop up, I just forget about them.

We're having a big election for US senator in my state.
Well, I seem to have solved the problem for me. There was a tiny little place in the upper right hand corner of an ad, and when I clicked on it, it opened up a box saying that I was seeing this content because of my "interests" via something called Double click (I have never ever clicked on or gone to a political site!!!) and to check here if I wanted to opt out. So I did, and the ads are gone. I honestly cannot imagine why I was getting all of those, though I am betting that maybe via Facebook, they know the state I live in??? Gad, talk about losing privacy.
I think Double click is an ad generating program. I don't usually pay attention to the ads, but I know if I have shopped for something recently, I get ads for that product. Guess those are the ones that catch my eye and why these ad companies use this cookie tracking stuff. I don't like it!
Yep, that is what always happened with me. LOL. I have gone to Zappos looking at shoes/boots and bingo, I have zappo ads, same for JCPenny, Kohls, or looking up something on google. LOL But those mud slinging, negative political ads were a shock, were annoying, and they were all I was getting. I honestly have never gone to a political site, or looked up anything to do with politics in my state, so no idea how or why those began to appear.
I placed an order on a web site two weeks ago and ever since then
ads appear on my home page almost everyday.

I know the internet connects people, but I didn't realize it
connected other stuff too
I haven't had political ads either. Like most of you, I get ads for things I've looked up. Other than that, I pretty much tune them out, just as I do tv commercials--unless they are cute or funny.
I usually get ads for things either Hubby or I have looked up, some for local businesses. I went to check what ads popped up in various places here and stumbled across a Hobby Lobby ad. I have NOT searched for Hobby Lobby, but I did go to that store today! Creepy!

But I have had one generic political ad about a poll, a 5 question survey about Obama and Congress. But nothing local yet.
Not yet lol Ads are super annoying for example I ordered my nephew a gift for his birthday this month and it keeps popping up showing on various pages... If I "window" shop online or even look at something I used to own (reminiscing) boom there it is .

Mud slinging on my tv is on full force :rolleyes: oy
You're right kt, no one's information is private anymore.
That's how certain ads pop up on computers.

If you watch "Person of Interest", then you understand
someone is always watching :)
I can look up my house and can see the street view, plus the next door neighbors who have a fabric shop. It looked like several things were blurred out, people, maybe car tags, etc. Something was blurred in my yard, but I never figured out what it could be. Maybe my house number next to the door???
How weird? I have no idea what you all are talking about. Never saw a Google map car in my life, and have never seen an actual picture of a house or street location for google maps.
I've never seen anyone drive by my house wither. I was surprised to see the front of my house
on Google maps. it was done at winter time.

Poirot, when you zoom in close to address, picture should pop up if one was taken.