Ramirez & Schofield

ShaunP(not ShawnD!)

Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 1969
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Looking at the thread of family trees had my brain going back a good ways and some random names were popping into my head. Bits and pieces of storylines are coming to me, but I’m remembering a brother and sister duo of Emilio and April Ramirez.

I think Emilio was killed and there was something with Jennifer. She dated him or was accused of the murder or something?

And I think April was involved with Mike Horton (who was played by the guy with the beard before the most recent actor). All I remember about that is them being stuck in the hospital elevator and singing to each other to pass the time.

Then the last name Schofield popped into my head. I think there were brothers…Brian and Tanner? One of them had something to do with the Spectator and the other one I remember having one of those breathy raspy voices like John sometimes does.

One more. A doctor named Marcus? And some ISA mission with a girl named….Faith maybe?

Lots of random pieces coming back to me from the late 80s/early 90s. Feel free to fill in the blanks!
Scofield worked with Roman and John/Roman and maybe even Bo at the station
Yes, Days has had random characters on for a while, then gone......Marcus died. Brian Schofield (I can still see his face) is gone.
Emilio was first involved with Adrienne, who was married to Justin at the time , eventually was ironed out. Then he got together with Jennifer for a while, that storyline ended with him falling thru a window to his death. April was involved with Mike Horton, (played by Michael Weiss at the time)
Jo Johnson was a favorite character of mine and the first actress to portray her, Joy Garrett, was stupendous in the role. Loved her interactions with jack and Steve, her crush on Neil, and so much more.

Marcus was a friend of Steve’s - they grew up together if I remember correctly. He was best man at the wedding between Steve & Kayla.

I also believe there was a younger Ramirez (Julio?!) who was with Carrie for a bit.

April was involved with the storyline with Eve and Nick also…in some way that I can’t exactly remember.
Oh, Nick…Corelli? He was that mobster guy that owned or managed Wings, the club that was the original Doug’s right? But why am I also remembering the name Johnny. Was that his real name or something? Like he changed it to not be found by the mob? All the random pieces that just sort of flash from growing up watching the show.
Looking at the thread of family trees had my brain going back a good ways and some random names were popping into my head. Bits and pieces of storylines are coming to me, but I’m remembering a brother and sister duo of Emilio and April Ramirez.

I think Emilio was killed and there was something with Jennifer. She dated him or was accused of the murder or something?

And I think April was involved with Mike Horton (who was played by the guy with the beard before the most recent actor). All I remember about that is them being stuck in the hospital elevator and singing to each other to pass the time.

Then the last name Schofield popped into my head. I think there were brothers…Brian and Tanner? One of them had something to do with the Spectator and the other one I remember having one of those breathy raspy voices like John sometimes does.

One more. A doctor named Marcus? And some ISA mission with a girl named….Faith maybe?

Lots of random pieces coming back to me from the late 80s/early 90s. Feel free to fill in the blanks!

Dustin's archive has a lot of storyline details about the specific characters. Here you go!

Ramirez Family: https://web.archive.org/web/20040611185341/http://www.soapoperafan.com/days/characters/ramirez.html

Scofield Family: https://web.archive.org/web/20040611192307/http://www.soapoperafan.com/days/characters/scofield.html

Taylor Family: https://web.archive.org/web/20040611193938/http://www.soapoperafan.com/days/characters/taylors.html

Marcus Hunter: https://web.archive.org/web/20040611201339/http://www.soapoperafan.com/days/characters/hunter.html

Corelli Family: https://web.archive.org/web/20040611160855/http://www.soapoperafan.com/days/characters/corellis.html
The character of Faith was involved with Tanner Scofield. Faith’s character was involved in some drama related to a cult-like pastor figure.

In real life, she was John Clarke’s daughter, Melinda, who later played a character on the Fox show, “The O.C.”