

Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
So it seems many of us were underwhelmed and NOT happy with Nicole's exit.

So how would YOU have written her off? (Let's assume that we have to write her least for a little bit.)

Maybe because I'm in a mood over Sami's return, but I'd have written her last scene answering a call from an Unknown Number. "Ms Walker," a refined voice says, "I'm here to escort you out of Salem. My limo is at the edge of the Square."

She looks around and sees the limo. "I see it," she says. She walks over, the door opens, and she and Holly get inside. The limo is dark, and she can't see the driver. She wonders (in thinks) who sent this for me, is Brady setting me up for something - I did everything he asked! It's too fancy, Eric couldn't have afforded something like this. What does it matter? If I can't have Eric, I can't be happy, and this is at least a nice ride out of town (shades of early Nicole).

Holly has fallen asleep just as the car comes to a stop. Nicole thinks, this is the private airfield the DiMeras and the Kiriakis used to use as the doors open. Nicole exits and the gloves of the driver are seen removing Holly. There's a small plane on the runway. Nicole starts to protest and then sees a figure atop the stairs enter the plane. The driver has started up the stairs. "Where are you taking my baby!?!" Nicole protests, and follows him up.

Inside the luxuriously-appointed plane, a dark-haired figure faces away from the camera at the bar. Nicole enters slowly and sees Holly sleeping peacefully in a fancy stroller. She notices the figure, and says, "No - how could you afford this, Eric?" The figure turns around, and it's EJ. Nicole gasps. EJ says, "I could never have let the love of my life slink out of Salem. I know all about Brady, and Eric. They were never enough for you. Come away with me, let's start our family over again." Nicole protests, then hears a child's voice behind her. She looks and EJ says, "Nicole, this is our son, whom you wanted to name Daniel Rafael. I found him in South America - Stefano hid him there to keep us apart. But now we're together. Come away with me...we'll be a family, you, me, our son, and darling Holly."

Outside, we see an exterior shot of the plane as it starts its departure run. END.
Very clever Jason. As I am just home from work, I cannot think clearly enough to come up with one single idea. Time for me to go to bed and see if that helps my creative processes. Looking forward to our creative members replies to your query.
Director's Commentary: I don't like EJ either, but he loved power and loved showering women with his power. I purposefully had Nicole mostly silent. She never affirms their relationship. She never says she'll go. She's at least whimpering out of town with one of her lost babies and in style.

Were I the showrunner, I'd have Nicole come back in about 8 months with a surprise for Eric. We'd never need to explain EJ, since nobody else in Salem knew he was alive. (Though I would absolutely include a flashback scene of him manhandling her, and him getting the Royal Lawrence Alamain treatment from Nicole when she had a small baby bump.)
I guess the writers wanted to have Nik saying adios to various Salemites, but I would not have done that. I did not mind the walk thru the square with Holly at the end, but I think I would have had Nicole on a call to Brandon in Chicago, saying she needed a place to stay for a few days, til she collected herself, and could make plans, and then she just walks off.

She could even make the remark about coming back.
@KL....Yes, the actress herself has been on twitter, thanking her fans, commenting about Nicole leaving Salem.
I would have had Nicole saying goodbye to various people such as Maggie, Holly's only grandmother (!), and those people telling Nicole how proud they were of the woman she had grown to be.

Painful teary good byes, people running to get to someone but being one second too late, are a huge part of soaps. Days missed a huge opportunity when they had Nicole leave town as if she was a short term barely known character.

They should've had Brady coming to his senses and running to find his best friend Nik, to tell her not to go and that he was sorry. Him bursting through the airport, yelling "Nicole wait stop" but she doesn't hear him. We see Brady crying, watching the plane take off, and saying "I was a jerk and I was hurt." He turns around and Chloe is standing there and they hug with both crying.

That could of redeemed Brady!
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Not for me.........Brady would have to do a lot more than run after a plane taking off to be redeemed for me. He was cruel, vindictive, mean, nasty, really out of control, only thinking of himself. That is sad. He cared nothing for Holly, Tate, Eric, or anyone else, & actually seemed to enjoy making Nik pay for what Theresa did to him. Nope, He absolutely has more to do than chase after a plane. Just my opinion. And we all have our own.
I was disappointed she didn't say goodbye to Pookie. I thought since
the cemetery was set up she would've gone there.

I hope Maggie got to say goodbye to Holly even though we didn't see it.
She should never have been put in a relationship with Brady or Eric. She and Brady should have remained great friends, helping her get custody of Holly (a storyline without a romance can be done). She could have slowly forgiven Eric but not fallen in love with him (again). I would have preferred her to leave Salem and stay with Brandon for a little while. I would have liked an end scene with Maggie, Nicole, and Holly as well.

She loved Daniel and should have left the show to raise his daughter as a woman that has been through hell but is finding her way back to happiness and a sense of contentment after such great loss. It would leave the door open for her return yet also provide a somewhat happy ending for Nicole. This just made Nicole weak, Brady a jerk, and Eric even gloomier. God help us watch those two men the next couple of months. :sick:
Not for me.........Brady would have to do a lot more than run after a plane taking off to be redeemed for me. He was cruel, vindictive, mean, nasty, really out of control, only thinking of himself. That is sad. He cared nothing for Holly, Tate, Eric, or anyone else, & actually seemed to enjoy making Nik pay for what Theresa did to him. Nope, He absolutely has more to do than chase after a plane. Just my opinion. And we all have our own.

I honestly never thought I'd actually ever see Brady to be written so nasty and he has had past moments. But Nicole has always been his lover and best friend for years, that's like the worst person Brady can ever really hurt. To force Nicole into a loveless relationship with him was selfish. But I am also glad Brady mentioned how much he got tired of being played by women. I think "Breaking Brady" makes sense LOL he is at his breaking point. I just hope the writers really restore him to get some serious help. Eve or Chloe could help.
Whatever happened with Brady & other women had nothing to do with Nicole, but he took it out on her. That was horrible. Plus, he accused both Eric & Nik of having an affair when they were not, but his imagination, and determination to find fault would not let him believe they were innocent.

So, he got carried away, and insisted that Eric fire Nicole, which led to what happened between them. Brady has no one to blame but himself. Of course, he won't do that, everyone else is to blame, naturally.
I hate the way they wrote Nicole off. So if we can't have a rewrite, can we at least have Maggie who was in a wheelchair due to Deimos, find out how Brady forced Nicole into leaving with her grandchild? I want to see Maggie slap the crap out of Brady and tell him that Nicole deserves a medal for doing in Deimos and that she will never forgive him for making her lose her grandchild after her son's tragic death that saved his sorry butt.