SPOILER !! Returning actor (Joseph Mascolo/Stefano)

I can only speak for the lines, but he didn't memorize his lines for the last few years. They brought back cue cards so he could just look at them and read them.

Completely understand this, too. I have a bit of a "personal monkey wrench" as I worked in the medical field before retiring and a friend whose father passed from Alzheimer's. The issue wouldn't be reading the lines. It would be Joe Mascolo (Stefano) remembering he was an actor, what he was doing, the expressive part of the performance, and so on.

When you consider that patients nearing the end-stages of the disease and especially when that progresses toward end-of-life, those patients don't remember loved ones, don't even remember their own pasts, sometimes not even their own names. On top of that, trying to then imagine that patient understanding the complexities of being an actor and pulling off a performance, even with cue cards, especially a character like Stefano DiMera who had more layers than most, is unfathomable.

That's what makes me think that, knowing what was coming, Days went beyond their "usual" and filmed this at least a year ago. To reiterate, I am glad we'll get to see him again - it won't be the same without him.
Yes, have seen it myself. Several friends' husbands....right now, a gal I bowled with for several years, same team. My one friend, her husband failed very slowly, my other friend...first her dad, then her mom, and it really shocked her that it happened to them both....maybe a few years apart, but it did happen......and currently her husband is in beginning stages. Joe Mascolo's wife, as JS noted, said he deteriorated rapidly the last few months. That might possible be Sept, Oct., Nov.

Heck, he got forgetful, so they had cue cards. I have seen outtakes, from Days and other shows, where the actors say 2 or 3 lines, then say something rather silly as they all break up, having forgot a word...Frances Reid (Alice) had me hysterical in one I saw.
My boss' mom died from Alzeimers years ago. It wasn't until the last few weeks that she significantly deteriorated and ultimately died.

I also don't think these scenes were filmed more than 6 months ago because this wasn't part of the initial plan for the storyline. If Josh Griffith were still there, I'm betting Stefano would have stayed dead.
In Salem, it probably happens more than we'd think!

I remember when Jan Spears ran around the hospital "in disguise" wearing a surgical mask for what felt like a month (back in 2004).
I also remember her and I think, Nicole going to drop the radio or something electrical in Victor's bath. The act of actually doing it seem to take about a month as well. Probably not that long but it did drag out a long time.
Like I said last night I was really looking forward to today's show but as I live in CT, we are being hit by a near blizzard today and the local stations are planning all day coverage meaning no Days for me. My only hope is if the New York City affiliate shows it.