Roberts, Kate


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Nov 23, 2006
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Kate Roberts
(Also known as Kate Kiriakis, Kate Brown, Katherine Elizabeth Roberts, Kate DiMera)

The role of Kate Roberts was orginated by Deborah Adair but was recast two years with Lauren Koslow. Kate is the mother of Lucas Horton, Philip Kiriakis, Austin Reed, Billie Reed, twins Cassie and Rex Brady.
In the beginning, Kate was married to Curtis Reed (Brown) who was very abusive towards her and their two children. While married to Curtis, Kate had an affair with Bill Horton. Their relationship resulted in Kate becoming pregnant. After learning of Kate’s affair, Curtis abducted their children and staged a car accident to make Kate believe they were dead. Kate was befriended by Marlena, and after giving birth to her son, moved to New York. Her son, Lucas, was raised to believe his father was dead.

In New York, she became an “escort”, was befriended by Stefano DiMera, who helped her successfully enter the corporate world. Eventually she returned to Salem and was brought in as the ‘whiz kid’ to head up Titan Publishing by crime lord, Victor Kiriakis. In time, Victor and Kate decided to marry. Curtis Reed returned to Salem but was mysteriously murdered. Billie Reed, Curtis's daughter, became the prime suspect. During the trial, Kate learned Billie and Austin Reed were the children she had presumed were dead, and that her marriage to Victor was invalid because Curtis had never divorced her. Billie hated Kate and wanted nothing to do with her while Austin was more open to the new relationship.

Kate, in order to insure her place in the Kiriakis legacy, wanted to give Victor another child, so they decided on in vitro. Vivian Alamain stole Victor and Kate's embryo, managing to have it implanted in her. 9 months later she gave birth to a baby boy, Philip Kiriakis. While pregnant with Philip, Vivian tried to interfere with Kate and Victor’s relationship. Vivian tricked Victor into marrying her and maliciously revealed Kate’s affair with Bill Horton and that he was the father of her son, Lucas Roberts. Vivian then sabotaged the plane Kate was on, causing it to crash somewhere over the ocean.

Somehow, Kate survivied, rescued by a fishing trawler, where she spent her time gutting fish. Approximately one year after the plane crash, Kate managed to find her way back to Salem, determined to gain custody of her son, Philip. After learning Vivian and Victor were together, Kate sought revenge. When Kate vowed to take Titan and Philip from Victor, he suffered a stroke, and Vivian was subsequently arrested for her schemes. Kate was then left in charge of the Kiriakis empire.

During this time, Kate framed Sami Brady for the murder of Franco Kelly, who she had hired to break up Bo and Hope so that Billie could be happy with Bo. Eventually, it was found out that Lucas actually shot Franco (who was about to murder Kate) and Sami was freed, after nearly being put to death. Kate was still battling with Vivian for control over Titan.

Eventually, Kate attempted to weasel her way back into Victor's good graces. She blew her chance when she was caught in the act with mob boss Vincent Moroni, with whom she was conspiring to kill Victor. At Princess Greta’s coronation in Europe, the plan went awry, accidentally killing Vincent's daughter Angela, which caused Vincent to commit suicide. Victor, realizing Kate's plan, fled for his life and faked his death. He revealed himself to her the night she set fire to the Kiriakis mansion, and attempted to kill him. Victor escaped, but Lucas was severely burned. Victor kicked Kate out of the house, but did not tell Philip about his mothers murder attempts. Kate was out on the streets, ending in a homeless shelter, but met up with Fay Walker, who allowed her to move in with her, and got her a job at the same diner where Fay was employed. Philip pleaded with Victor to provide Kate with a small allowance. Kate eventually got a job at Basic Black and began dating Roman Brady. Things turned rough and they broke up but eventually found their way back to one another. Roman asked Kate to marry him, and she agreed. They had a beautiful wedding, but the reception was short-lived when Kate found Roman's dead body. She mourned him deeply, but it didn't stop her from destroying his daughter Sami's relationship with her son Lucas. During the Salem Stalker storyline Kate and Roman found out that they are the biological parents of twins Rex and Cassie Brady that were carried by a surrogate, Marlena Evans.

After Roman was murdered by the Salem Stalker, & Marlena shot by the Salem police, Kate began a relationship with John Black. However, their plans to marry were short lived, as both their spouses returned to Salem alive. Roman ended things with Kate for good, and she invited John to live with her after Marlena kicked him out of the penthouse.

Kate, still trying to destroy her son Lucas’s relationship with Sami Brady, eventually asked EJ DiMera to seduce Sami away from Lucas, but Sami and Lucas began their life together despite Kate's interference. In retaliation, Lucas turned Kate and EJ into the FTC for their questionable financial records dealing with their business, Mystic. Kate was broke. She turned to Stefano DiMera, who provided her with enough money to start her own business, Hearth and Home. But eventually, Kate no longer had to worry about Lucas and Sami, as Sami divorced Lucas in order to marry EJ which she was told would end the bitter fued between the DiMera’s and Brady’s.

Chelsea, Kate’s granddaughter via Billie and Bo Brady, was recovering from a major surgery., which was going well. She began dating her surgeon, Dr. Daniel Jonas. It soon tbecame evident that Kate and Daniel had previously had an affair. Kate begged Daniel not to ever let Chelsea know. Eventually Chelsea found a text message from Kate to Daniel learned their secret. She broke up with Daniel and was furious with Kate. She left town to care for her mother, Billie, who had been in a bad auto accident in London.

In November 2008, Kate was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and received a bone marrow transplant from Chloe Lane. As Kate recovered, she couldn’t help but notice the tension between Daniel and Chloe. But it was not long before Lucas began a relationship with Chloe, with both sneaking off to Vegas to get married. Kate eventually learned that Chloe cheated on Lucas with Daniel, and was set on revenge. Her attempts to poison Chloe finally worked, and Chloe ended up in a coma. Kate planted the bottle of poison in Daniel’s apartment so he would be the prime suspect. Daniel was adamant that he loved Chloe and would never hurt her, but he was arrested for attempted murder anyway.

Daniel eventually goaded Kate into a confession by promising to start up their relationship again. He taped her confession and promised to use it against her. Kate later knocked Daniel out and tied him to a bed in a hotel room. He managed to escape and Kate, frightened that Daniel would be able to incriminate her, struck a deal with Stefano DiMera. He arranged to cleaned up all the evidence and assured her she would not go to jail, but he had stored all the incriminating evidence. In return Kate married Stefano.

Recently, Kate and Stefano have been going through a rocky patch when Kate discovered that Chad Peterson Woods was actually Stefano’s son. . Kate didn’t tell Stefano about this, instead sending his original birth certificate to Chad anonymously. Since Stefano was named the father, the proof was undeniable. When Stefano later found out, he was hurt and angry because Kate didn’t tell him herself.

Kate has recently found out that Chloe and Daniel’s newborn baby, Parker, is actually her grandson from a one night stand between Chloe and Philip. Daniel has since left Chloe and she is suffering from severe post partum depression. Kate is attempting to do whatever she can to get that baby away from Chloe, to be raised by Philip and his estranged wife, Melanie Layton.
Portrayed by:
Deborah Adair 1993 – 1995
Lauren Koslow – 1996 – Present

Contributed by missvicki